Detonator Essays

  • Explosive Essay

    1424 Words  | 3 Pages

    An explosion is a type of spontaneous chemical reaction that once it is initiated it will be driven by both a large exothermic change and a large positive entropy change in going from reactants to products, thereby constituting a thermodynamically process in which it propagates very rapidly, but in some cases the rate decreases thereby resulting in a slower depleting form of the explosive. Throughout past to modern time we are constantly hearing about different explosives being used to cause destruction

  • R.D.X.

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    R.D.X. R.D.X. can be produced by the method given below. It is much easier to make in the home than all other high explosives, with the possible exception of ammonium nitrate. MATERIALS hexamine or methenamine 1000 ml beaker ice bath glass stirring rod thermometer funnel filter paper distilled water ammonium nitrate nitric acid (550 ml) blue litmus paper small ice bath 1) Place the beaker in the ice bath, (see page 15) and carefully pour 550 ml of concentrated nitric acid into the beaker.

  • The Market Mix and Thorpe Park

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Market Mix and Thorpe Park Thorpe Park is very good at marketing and getting the results it wants. This is because they follow the 4 P's, otherwise known as the Marketing Mix. The 4 P's for the park are: · Place - The location of the park · Product - The rides and other products in the park · Price - the pricing strategies the park uses · Promotion - Sales promotions, promotional campaigns, offers, and third party promotions. The park is located in a very good spot. It is

  • The Suspense Created in the Elevator Scene in the Film Speed

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    enables the audience to see the fear and anxiety of their faces. We also have close ups of Harry and Jack showing them sweating to help convey the sense of urgency. Camera Techniques We see the finger of the bomber pushing a button on the detonator. The figure is anonymous. Unlike the eye level shots of the passengers that we are invited to identify with, this technique leaves the bomber as a dislocated figure, removed from view and leaves the audience with no means of identifying with

  • The Joker's Use Of Game Theory In The Joker-Dark Knight

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    in this movie by a rational theoretical perspective. Examples, of this are when the Joker attaches explosives to two ferries. Each ferry has a detonator that is very capable of blowing up the other ferry traveling with citizens. Now the citizens on both ferries are told the only way they can survive is to be the first on either ferry to press the detonator. The Jokers fate is never revealed in The Dark Knight or the The Dark Knight Rises. However in the movie it does mention his whereabouts in the

  • Idealistic and Realistic View of Justice

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Throughout human existence, there has always been a struggle between the idealistic views and the realistic views of justice. The idealistic person believes that everyone deserves justice; however, there have been times when people have been wrongfully convicted for a crime and spent years in prison. In the movie, The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne understands the corruption of the justice system in Gotham City and creates a vigilante persona to bring justice to Gotham City. The Joker, the

  • Broken Arrow: Broken Arrow

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    the impact. Some of the explosive material was scattered and burned in the gasoline fire that resulted from the impact. The bomb cas... ... middle of paper ... material, and detonators. As a result, the bomb casing was destroyed; most of the explosive material burned up, but a case of four spare detonators and the nuclear capsule were recovered undamaged. Since the components were separated, it was impossible for a nuclear detonation to occur. Had these safety measures not been put in

  • Personal Narrative: My First Trip Into The Motel Room

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jenn let herself into the motel room. The room was small, and dark with dingy wood paneling and matted beige shag carpeting. The circa 1970's furniture did nothing to add to the charm of the place. What did it matter? It was base of operations, nothing more. This wasn't about comfort it was about settling a score. In her time as an agent she'd certainly stayed in worse places. Her first trip into field in Riyadh with Ryder came to mind. One summer they spent two days crammed into an ancient rust

  • madden

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    chipsets are officially supported ------------------------------------------------------- - nVidia GeForce2 GTS, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX series, GeForce4 Ti series, GeForce FX series Win98 driver ver: Detonator 44.30 WinME driver ver: Detonator 44.30 WinXP driver ver: Detonator 44.30 Win2k driver ver: Detonator 44.30 **NOTE**: Madden NFL 2004 does not officially support the GeForce 2 MX series. - ATI Radeon 8500, Radeon 9200, Radeon 9600, Radeon 9700, and Radeon 9800 Win98 driver

  • Greatest Generation Of Women Research Paper

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Greatest Generation of Women The WWII generation of women is well-known as the greatest generation. World War II was a major turning point for American women. They gained courage and bravery during the war and contributed in many ways. Women are recognized and perceived as mothers or caretakers who care for families. However, during WWII women elevated their roles and began to serve the military, help the homefront, join the army, and enter the workforce. Therefore, the WWII generation has pushed

  • Alfred Nobel: Alfred Bernhard Nobel

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    ALFRED BRNHARD NOBEL Alfred Bernhard Nobel is a scientist ,author, pacifist, and above all of that he is inventor of dynamite and the holder of 355 patents. He was born on October, 21, 1833, in Stockholm, Sweden and he is the fourth of Immanuel and Caroline Andriette Nobel’s eight children. He was raised in the capital of Russia where there were a wonderful mixture of different cultures and nationalities, and a great harmony between science and literature. Alfred was a weak child who always got

  • Compare And Contrast Batman And The Joker

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    In the very end of The Dark Night, The Joker puts two bombs on two different boats; one boat with average citizens and the other with criminals from prison. He then announces to both boats that each both contains their bomb detonator. If one of the boats press the detonator, they will be safe, but the other boat will explode. The Joker wants to reveal that humans can end each other and cause chaos by themselves. The Joker says “madness, as you know, is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little

  • Who Is Robert Jordan's Duty During The Spanish Civil War

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    prevent the scheduled attack. The dispatch is intercepted and the messenger held in captivity for a short time before his release, causing the delivery to be delayed until it is too late to stop the commencement of hostilities. Furthermore, the detonators for the dynamite were thrown in the river during Pablo’s defection forcing them to use grenades to trigger the explosions. As the Republicans begin their strike against the fascist forces, the group moves into action. The initial blast kills Ensalmo

  • Unwind Character Analysis

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    In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, unwind is defined as, “to undo or be undone (after winding or being wound).” Neal Shusterman, author of this novel, writes about how the world is changed forever after a war between pro life and pro choice activists. A new law was created allowing parents to rid themselves of their rogue children by “unwinding” them, a procedure that is so under the radar, no man knows what really happens until they are unwound themselves. The fate of the “Unwounds” lie in the hands

  • Come Fly with Me

    859 Words  | 2 Pages

    Come Fly With Me Prologue: No Gods, No Masters Thomas stood calmly as he waited for the Lucky 38’s elevator to arrive at the penthouse, bottle of whiskey in hand. He had a feeling this would happen. He was upset that it had happened so quickly, there were still so many steps he hadn’t gone through. He was prepared for the worst, wearing his Elite Riot Gear, a Sequoia held loosely in his other hand. “About damn time you came to your senses,” General Oliver Lee said as he stepped out of the elevator

  • Alfred Nobel

    1209 Words  | 3 Pages

    Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has honored men and women worldwide for his or her achievements whose work had been of the greatest benefit to mankind. It is a little known fact that the man who created the Nobel Peace Prize was the inventor of dynamite. Nobel’s dynamite was an extraordinary invention, with this invention we are now able to build roads, ports, bridges, mines, tunnels, and for the use of war. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm in the year 1833. When Nobel was five years old, his father

  • World War Two: The Bombing Of Nagasaki

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Bombing of Nagasaki There were many means of warfare during World War II. The Atomic bomb was by far one of the destructive of them all. The atomic bomb was capable of destroying an entire city. The bombing of nagasaki8 made the atomic bomb one of the most devastating weapons at that time. An August 9th The second nuclear weapon of all time was released upon the Japanese city of Nagasaki. The plane that dropped the nuclear weapon was a B-29 bomber. The name of the plane was called Bockscar

  • Women Nominized and Winners of the Nobel Prize

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    CONTENT: 1.ALFRED BERNHARDT NOBEL 2.HISTORY OF THE NOBEL PRIZES 3.CRITERIA FOR AWARDING THE PRIZE 4.WOMEN NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS 5.WOMEN NOMINAZED AT THE NOBEL PRIZES 6.CONCLUSIONS-HALL OF FAME OF THE NOBEL PRIZES AND THEIR ROLE 7.BIBLIOGRAPHY MOTTO: With most sincere appreciation and respect, I thank Mrs.Chira Carmen for the valuable advises she gave me in the process of this project’s elaboration. I also express my gratitude for the attention and support she has given

  • Apple’s Channel Strategy

    1176 Words  | 3 Pages

    Channel strategy An international marketing channel signifies an association of individuals and procedures that goods pass over to reach their final target. An operative international marketing channel permits organizations to influence its potential consumers at an economical price and within a rational extent of time. The distribution channel is the expression utilized to define the method in which goods or products are substantially distributed from the place they are produced to the location

  • July 20 Film Accuracy

    1542 Words  | 4 Pages

    Led by Claus von Stauffenberg, the July 20th plot in 1944 was the last of fifteen known attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler by German nationals. In Bryan Singer’s 2009 film, Valkyrie, the foreground, planning, execution, and aftermath of the plot are all shown with a significant attention to detail in order to give the audience a vivid portrayal of the famous plot. In this analysis, the accuracy of this film in relation to actual historical events and context will be discussed in its chronological