Deduction Essays

  • Logic, Imagination and Deduction

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    Logic, Imagination and Deduction "Quit your day dreaming" "Mr. Gies, are you still with us?" "Hello!" These are some of the common inquisitions I heard while trying my best to pay attention during elementary school classes. It seems that I had some issues with staying on task. Perhaps it was a problem that I would outgrow, or at least be able to control, but as the years went on by I found that time did not change me. What a break! It turns out that using my imagination has helped me

  • Deduction and Induction Analysis of Cigarette Smoking

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    Deduction and Induction Analysis of Cigarette Smoking Smoking: Deduction Cigarette smoking causes cancer, which leads to death. Nicotine is one of the many chemicals found in the tobacco plant used in cigarettes. It reacts with the brain resulting in addiction. Nicotine enters the body and is transported to the brain; chemically, it stimulates the brain to produce more adrenaline, which in turn gives the body a surge of energy. One the effects of nicotine lessen, the brain functions are disrupted

  • An Interpretation of Kant’s Metaphysical Deduction of the Categories

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    of the understanding that pertain to objects a priori; this can never be accomplished by universal logic. A79, B105 This paragraph is purported to be the possible key to understanding the argument for the deduction of the categories, and is often referred to as the metaphysical deduction of the categories. Kant will attempt to use the forms of logical judgment to deduce the forms of cognitions in general. The passage contains two sentences, but is nearly unapproachable, even at the level of individual

  • Potential Tax Deductions

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    a tax deduction is to reduce the amount that the government requests during tax time. There are many tax deductions available to those who are interested in doing some research. Deductions are simple and will save the filer money. It is beneficial to better understand these deductions and what documentation is needed to prove these deductions. Potential Tax Deductions Self-Employment A self-employed person is both the employer and the employee, according to the IRS. Home office deductions are available

  • Sir Karl Popper's Falsifiability Claim

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    for science. Klemke states in his introduction to part one (p. 16) that defining science (or the scientific method) has traditionally consisted of utilizing seven criteria that must be met in a specific order. Criteria number (5) and (6) refer to deduction rather than induction, and will negate criterion (4) if not met. Specifically, if one is unable to "deduce other statements from these", or one is unable to "verify those statements by further observations", it is not science. Therefore, the difference

  • Kant’s Aesthetic Theory and the Problem of Particularity

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    property-based theories of earlier periods to a subject-based aesthetic, Kant did not intend to give up the idea that judgments of beauty are universalizable. Accordingly, the "Deduction of Judgments of Taste" (KU, § 38) aims to show how reflective aesthetic judgments can be "imputed" a priori to all human subjects. The Deduction is not successful: Kant manages only to justify the imputation of the same form of aesthetic experience to everyone; he does not show that this experience will universally occur

  • On Explanation: Aristotelean and Hempelean

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    Hempelean ABSTRACT: Given the great historical distance between scientific explanation as Aristotle and Hempel saw it, I examine and appraise important similarities and differences between the two approaches, especially the inclination to take deduction itself as the very model of scientific knowledge. I argue that we have good reasons to reject this inclination. In his recent studies showing Galileo's knowledge of and adherence to the deductive standards of explanation in science set forth by

  • The Heroes Curiosity in She and The Sign of Four

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

      However, without the obsessive curiosity and without the danger that follows that curiosity, there would be no heroes in the story and, therefore, no story. There is one immensely popular figure in Victorian literature that uses scientific deduction to solve criminal mysteries, and his curiosity to solve mysteries has become his obsession.  However, he is so cool and distant from his own emotions that he does not care if the obsession leads to his destruction, as long as he solves the mystery

  • A Comparison of Christians and Buddhists

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    idea was confirmed as a fact. Through life, Buddhists constantly prepare for death and the afterlife, while Christians, although concerned about that, focus on enjoying the present life as much as possible. Many factors have contributed to this deduction and all are based on the differences in the grieving process rituals between American Christians and Malaysian Buddhists. Until someone close to us passes away, we forget just how important every minute is that we have. Life is short, therefore

  • The Reality of Science

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    great oak tree that encompasses the pursuit of reality through the utilization of the five senses. This twisting, intertwining bough developed from the attempts by philosophers who sought to define reality through inspection, comparison, and logical deduction. Nothing is real but what can be felt, sensed, smelled, heard. This can be represented by the famed question "If a tree falls in the forest, but no one hears it, does it make a sound?" Philosophers in every school of thought continue to struggle

  • The Right To Privacy By Robert Bork.

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    Constitution.     Without this ability it would be doubtful if people today could claim a general right to privacy. The Griswald case involved a bizarre law that forbade the use of condoms in the hope that it would prevent adulterous affairs. This deduction is as absurd as banning all sales of chocolate in order to prevent obesity. Robert Bork admitted that this law did not make sense, especially in the ability of government officials to enforce the law. Yet, Bork disagreed with the method used by

  • Euclid’s Elements and the Axiomatic Method

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    considered to be the prime model of the axiomatic method. (Hartshorne 296). Euclid’s axiomatic method works by “starting from a small number of definitions and assumptions at the beginning, [so that] all the succeeding results are proved by logical deduction from what has gone before.” In essence it is no more than “a method of proving that results are correct.” Many of Euclid’s proofs are constructions, all of which can be done using no more than a ruler and a compass and rely only on the theorems

  • Holmes Is Made Possible By Watson.

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    your jacket is splattered with mud in no less than seven places. The marks are perfectly fresh. There is no vehicle save a dig-cart which throws up mud in that way and then only when you sit on the left-hand side of the driver.” Holmes makes a deduction from the fresh mud on her left arm that she had come in a dog-cart. This is achieved by Watson allowing Holmes to convey his method. Every time that Holmes explains something to Watson, another clue is revealed to the reader. He does this by

  • Determination of the Relative Atomic Mass of Calcium

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    Results Method 1 Mass of Calcium (g) Total volume of gas produced (cm3) 0.10 37 v Starting point of water in cylinder = 238cm3 v Ending point, after reaction complete, of water in cylinder= 201cm3 v (238 - 201 = 37) Deduction of 37cm3, therefore 37cm3 of hydrogen gas produced. 1 mol of gas occupies 24000 cm3 at room temperature and pressure. Ca (s) + 2H2O (l) à Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g) v Number of moles of hydrogen = volume of hydrogen / 24000 = 37/24000 = 0

  • Canadian Payroll Deductions

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    Calculating Canadian payroll deductions is no small task. What seems like it should be relatively straightforward can actually be a complicated process. It doesn’t need to be difficult, however, so long as you keep a few things in mind. Follow these simple steps for calculating Canadian payroll deductions. Know the Variables The first step in calculating Canadian payroll deductions is to know your variables. Different provinces in Canada have different rules when it comes to income taxes, Canadian

  • One King Four Detectives: A Short Story

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    One King, Four Detectives “Vivian Blackford and Palma Violet,” Watson reads, glancing up to see if Sherlock is actually paying any attention, “They seem interesting. Palma sounds just like you.” Watson says as he folds the newspaper and sets it on the coffee table beside his seat. “Who?” Sherlock asks, giving Watson his full attention now hearing that he said someone was like him. “Palma Violet. It says here she's a Forensic Psychologist. She just finished a case involving a string of supposed

  • Max Black and Humean Skepticism

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    Max Black and Humean Skepticism In this essay I will argue that the Humean problem of induction is only truly problematic when a strange, impossible definition is given to the term “reasonable”. I will begin by explaining what it is I understand Hume’s induction problem to be, and to try to flesh out the issues relevant to my case. I will then examine Max Black’s proposed solution to the problem, and show in what ways this solution is useful and why it is ultimately unconvincing. In this

  • A Humorous and Heartfelt Wedding Speech

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    A Humorous and Heartfelt Wedding Speech Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - I would like to start by thanking Frank on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind comments and echo the fact that they look wonderful and performed their role fantastically well, despite the inevitable and healthy rivalry that can sometimes occur. In fact, just before the service I overheard a furious sisterly argument about who was going to be first to dance with the best man. Understandable, I thought - until I got

  • Art And Mathematics:Escher And Tessellations

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    Art And Mathematics:Escher And Tessellations On first thought, mathematics and art seem to be totally opposite fields of study with absolutely no connections. However, after careful consideration, the great degree of relation between these two subjects is amazing. Mathematics is the central ingredient in many artworks. Through the exploration of many artists and their works, common mathematical themes can be discovered. For instance, the art of tessellations, or tilings, relies on geometry

  • Katharine Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort

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    Orlando (1961), Benner, Henderson, Nightingale, and Watson (1979), as well as Henderson and Paterson. Additionally, Murray (1938) was a non-nursing influence on Kolcaba's work. The theory was developed using induction (from practice and experience), deduction (through logic), and retroactive concepts (concepts from other theories). The basis of Kolcaba's theory is a taxonomic structure or grid that consists of 12 cells (Kolcaba, 1991; Kolcaba & Fisher, 1996). The grid has three types of comfort listed