Cuisine of the Western United States Essays

  • California Cuisine

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    largest agricultural powerhouse and farm income in the United States by providing for consumers over two hundred types of crops; and represents about 73% of the state's agricultural revenues collected from crops (Economy of California, 2009). The perception of Californian cuisine is based on the fact that California has lots of agricultural products from which a variety of fresh ingredients are made. The foundation of today’s Californian cuisine and how it has flourished in to its current style can

  • Panda Express Research Paper

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    Chinese cuisine is actually like. In comparison to restaurants and cuisine in China, entrees served at Panda Express are completely American and actually digress from Chinese culture. The recipes and ingredients used at Panda Express are distinguishably noticeable and highly dissimilar from authentic Chinese meals. Not only does Panda Express serve foods that adapt to American tastes, specific dishes are created to cater to the average American palate. Many people all over the United States identify

  • Impact Of Western Culture On Indian Culture

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    The food habits and culture of the western world has, to a great deal, affected the social demographics of India. In the colonial period, the British influenced us by introducing to the European cooking style. Today, urbanization, increasing incomes and foreign direct investments are the underlying forces behind the changing food culture in India.(citation 2) The Western pattern diet includes the American and European cuisines.

  • Chinatown: The Spread of Eastern Culture in a Western Society

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    was in 1594 in the Southeastern country of the Philippines, and soon spread to other Asian nations such as Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand (Chang). Chinatown soon spread to countries such as England as trade between Western nations and the Chinese became more evident. In the United States, which seems to have the largest number of Chinatowns within its borde... ... middle of paper ... ...d economies. Works Cited Chang, Yoonmee. Writing the Ghetto: Class, Authorship, and the Asian American Ethnic

  • Cool Japan Case Study

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    Case Study: Japan Both partially in and out of the western world, Japan has undertook an appealing gastronomic diplomacy. In fact, Japan has an ancient tradition with regards to the practice of both cooking and eating. In a ceremonial fashion, Japanese commensality traditions are often linked to the shintoist heritage of Japan as well as its buddhist aspect. As a matter of fact, shintoism is centered on ritualised practices that may be linked to gastronomic practices in Japan. The “tea ceremony”

  • Soul Food: African American Culture

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    compare and contrast to other culture’s food? One of the questions you might’ve thought of was, what is Soul Food. Soul Food is a cuisine that was made by African slaves in the Southern states in the U.S. “Today, the term ‘Soul Food’ came simply means African-American cuisine.” The term Soul

  • Inauthentic Chinese Food

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    Inauthentic Chinese Food in the United States During the 19th century, a large group of Chinese immigrants moved into the United States. At the same time, a lot of Chinese immigrants decided to start their own business, such as restaurants and laundry stores. Chinese immigrants wanted to serve original Chinese food due to various reasons including social, cultural and economic effects. Chinese foods became inauthentic. It means Chinese foods of the American style lack authenticity. Social, cultural

  • Western Influence on Japan

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    starting point for Japan’s isolation from foreign countries. During the end of Edo period, Matthew C. Perry came to Japan and established the Nichi-Bei Washin Joyaku, the Japan-US Treaty of Amity and Friendship, allowing Japan to be fully open to the United States of America. Soon after, foreign officials from other countries came to Japan to make similar friendship treaties, changing Japan to be one of the global nations. From the treaty, Foreigners started to build homes and live in one of the ports opened

  • Modern Sushi Essay

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    With the prevalence of Buddhism in Japan, the Japanese diet called for an abstinence from meats. As a result, the need for protein led the Japanese to turn to a dietary practice consisting of fish. Through the early nineteenth century, the Japanese cuisine was slowly changing, as was sushi. After the Azuchi-Momoyama period, which resulted in displacing the original fermentation process with rice vinegar, namanrina sushi cut the elongated sushi process in half, while also marinating the rice (Shinoda)

  • Fusion Cuisines in America

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    A mix of different regional culinary traditions on a plate, fusion cuisines are the innovative and approachable versions of traditional and regional dishes. Today, America has become a multitude of racial groups, where a fusion movement has emerged. The concept of fusion cooking became popularized in America during the 1970’s due to a steady influx of immigrants in the Progressive Era. Fusion food gained societal acceptance in America during World War II when overseas service introduced it to American

  • Irvine Chinese Food: A Demonstration Of Cultural Pluralism

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    Melting Pot; people from all over the world brought their culture, custom and cuisine, which changed over years and become something different. However, compare to other places in America, the City of Irvine is more vibrant and pluralistic; here people from different cultural groups preserve their own culture and custom. In Irvine, we can taste cuisines from different regions in the world, which include Chinese Cuisine. Nevertheless, Chinese food served in different restaurants in Irvine can diverge

  • Comparison of East and West African food and the influence they had in the U.S.?

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    listed. African vegetables are just like anywhere else carrots, peas, and corns as well as exotic roots that are hard to find in the states like cassava, efo, and cola nut. African cuisine combines traditional fruits and vegetables, meats and fish from the oceans that surrounds the continent, and a marinade of cultures, colonies, trade routes, and history. Africa cuisine is as broad as the continent, from dry desert, to tropical wetlands, plains, and jungle. The media has given Westerners the wrong

  • The Importance Of Filipino Food

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    constant. In fact, that many Filipinos use "Kumainkana?" ("Have you eaten yet?") as a general greeting to each other (Rank, 2015). Filipino cuisine is distinguished

  • Fast Food Industry in Turkey

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    Fast Food Industry in Turkey Turkey has a fast growing $5.6 billion HRI food service sector, due to increased incomes,urbanization, more women working outside the home, and huge growth in tourism. Major changes in the life styles, incomes, and consumption patterns of Turks in the last decade means they are increasingly prone to eat meals and socialize over food outside of the home. The growing number of fast food chains and restaurants in newly astablished shopping centers and hypermarket complexes

  • Australia's Three Branches Of Government

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    Australia was created on January 1, 1901 (Federation Day) when the six British colonies, which are now Australia’s six states, formed a union. The Constitution lays out how their government acts. This Constitution set the rules for the three branches of government. The branches are legislative, executive and judicial, which are very similar to the United States three branches. The legislative branch contains parliament which makes the laws. The executive branch has the power to puts these laws into

  • Chinese Food Vs American Food Essay

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    A Pizza Piece on Fried Rice A defining trait of every country, whether it be Italy or India, is the type of cuisine that they serve. One of the best ways to gain an understanding of a country’s culture is through their food. While some people would deem other aspects of a culture as more important, it is a feature easiest to explain and relate to. A distinguishing fact is that food is both physical and mental in that its creation takes dedication and effort; food is able to create emotions given

  • Chick Fil A Essay

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    grown into the third largest fast food chain in the United States, generating almost $19B in revenue in 2023 (Taylor, 2020). A simple menu offering only chicken products and known for its famous slogans, “We didn’t invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich” and “Eat Mor Chicken,” Chick-fil-A boasts over 3,000 locations in the United States. Chick-fil-A has tremendous growth potential. While Chick-fil-A operates over 3,000 locations in the United

  • Essay On Belly Dancing

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    the style of dancing, as well as the costumes worn during the dance (Cooper 42). With Globalization, new styles have evolved in western and other nations of the world. Belly dancing is an important element of a number of Middle Eastern and Arabic cultures and has been used as an attraction in various jurisdictions to accompany Middle Eastern cuisine such as Turkish cuisine. During the Victorian era, the term “Dance Du Venter” was applied about the Ouled Nail dancers from Algeria. The French term translated

  • Globalization And Americanization

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    and knowledge (technology) across international borders that bring broader cultural dimensions. However, globalization is often associated with Americanization, which results of bringing a foreign country under the commercial influence of the United States, yet this can be dangerous because Americanization has the potential of infiltrating and marring another country’s culture such as it has in the Middle East. Americanization advocates might say that free trade and free

  • L. H. Hayward And Company Swot Analysis

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    H. Hayward and Company, LLC is a privately-held retailer of packaged dry beans, peas and lentils. It is the largest packager of red kidney beans in the United States and its customer base centers on surrounding states such as Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama and Tennessee. Its products are found in 12 states within the southern states. The company's trademark brand is the Camellia brand, and this has been in existence since 1947. L. H. Hayward & Co. was founded in 1923 and is located