Constitution Essays

  • Three Types Of The Constitution: The Constitution Of A Constitution

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    The Constitution of a country is the fundamental law of the land—the basis on which all other laws are made and enforced. It has been described as a “superior or supreme law” with “perhaps greater efficiency and authority”, and “higher sanctity”, and more permanence than ordinary legislation. Nevertheless, a suitable provision for amendment is considered to be a part of the very nature of the Constitution. A democratic Constitution has to be particularly responsive to changing conditions, since

  • Codified Constitution

    871 Words  | 2 Pages

    is whether or not the UK has a constitution. On the one hand, It can be said that the UK does not have a constitution because the current system put in place is 'idiosyncratic' (peculiar) in Europe. On the other hand , it can be argued that the UK has a complex and comprehensive system of Government , therefore it has a constitution. The issue then becomes whether or not a constitution has to be written before it can be said to be in existence. A codified constitution is a single document defining

  • Codified Constitution

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    state of the British constitution as unsatisfactory to an extent. I will aim to address this firstly by going over the fundamental principles of a constitution, and introducing some of the proposals that have been brought forward for a written constitution. Secondly, I will then argue that even though it is suggested that codifying the constitution would result in the balance of the power of the executive, give further stability, and greater accountability, the current constitution already holds these

  • The Constitution

    912 Words  | 2 Pages

    CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I Name This organization shall be named the Hippocratic Society ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of the Hippocratic Society, hereafter referred to as the Society, shall be to foster and broaden the intellectual perspectives of those with an interest in medicine; to facilitate this end, the club shall hold regular meetings, sponsor, when possible, academic and social pursuits such as guest speakers, attendances at state and national conventions of interest, and interaction

  • The importance of the constitution

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    from the constitutional democracy, as it does on practice. Any form of government together with electorate may establish a constitution. The bright example of that is totalitarian communism and its formal progressive constitution. There are many more other autocratic regimes around that match those criteria. In simple terms, even if such system applies the laws of constitution and follow all the prescribed rules with the support of the state apparatus and courts, it is only a rule-of-law state or

  • The Constitution Of The Constitution

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    The Constitution created a government of limited and expressed powers. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It was written to make good government and laws, and to provide freedom to all, thus creating a healthy nations. The Articles of the Constitution express the roles and duties each part of the government has. It also separates power between the federal and state governments.The founding fathers knew that as time changes, so do the needs of society and the government needs to address

  • The Constitution And The Constitution

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    “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” words of George Washington. In Philadelphia, on September 17, 1787, George Washington and the Delegates of the Constitutional Convention signed and agreed to The Constitution of the United States. The exploration of creating a new government with the United States Constitution, led to encounter other constitutions. This encounter affected how the government will run by the rights people have, the laws that were made, and the branches. Around

  • Constitution Of The Constitution

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    The United States Constitution is founded on the principles of natural law. This law governs and transcends any political activity is a state theory based on the idea of social contract, the people are the source and basis of the authority of the rulers. The Constitution defines the principles of a federation that recognizes both levels of government based on the separation and balance of powers and the division of responsibilities between the federal state (foreign policy, defense, foreign trade

  • The American Constitution: The Constitution Of The Constitution

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    Amending America The Constitution being a “living document” refers to the idea that the Constitution is open to interpretation outside of the intentions of the framers. The concept relates to the fact that society is constantly changing and therefore the principals of how the society is run must adapt to the ongoing changes. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia discouraged the idea of the living Constitution, declaring that the Constitution should only be understood in the terms of the people

  • Constitution: The Constitution Of The Constitution In India

    1963 Words  | 4 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Constitution can be described as the fundamental law of the land. It is the basis on which all other laws are made and enforced. We can all also that Constitution is mother of all other laws which draws their validity from it. It also sets the outline and authority and limitation for all laws farmed by the legislative body of any country. Making of Constitution is one thing and amending it another. Amendments are introduced as per the changing situations or as per will of the people

  • The Haudenosaunee Constitution Influence The Constitution

    1290 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Haudenosaunee Constitution and its influence of the US Constitution It has long been taught that the first constitution and the idea of a representative government first came into existence with the creation of the United States’ constitution. However, six hundred years prior to that creation, a group of native tribes came together and forged the America’s true first constitution. Through this creation, a powerful nation, known as the Haudenosaunee, or known to Europeans as the Iroquois Nation

  • Uncodified Constitution Of The UK

    1198 Words  | 3 Pages

    The constitution of the UK is very unique compared to the constitutions in other European countries. In this essay, I will talk about the features of the UK constitution, the sources of the constitution and the principles, which guide it. This essay will also include key points about the uncodified nature of the constitution, and the advantages and disadvantages that come along with it. A topic of discussion has been whether or not the uncodified nature of the constitution of the UK should remain

  • The Constitution Of New Zealand

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    A constitution is vitally important in the successful functioning of a country. It is a comprised of body of principles by which a state is governed. Constitutions come in many different forms, New Zealand currently harbours an unwritten constitution that is not supreme law. The question that currently lingers in the air is would New Zealand benefit more by creating a new constitution that is both supreme and codified? In the even of this there would be certain upheavals in the current balance of

  • Essay On The Unwritten Constitution

    1948 Words  | 4 Pages

    different sources of the constitution. It also requires to reach a conclusion as to whether the UK unwritten constitution flexible and this flexibility create some fact limitations on the UK constitutions. It will explain by looking at the constitution making process and analysing each part of the process. The constitution is a set of rules and principles by which a state is governed. It is a basic principle and a significant part of any country's system of government. The constitution should define a

  • Japanese-Americans and the Constitution

    1941 Words  | 4 Pages

    Japanese-Americans and the Constitution A Review of the Smithsonian's "A More Perfect Union" Website Brief Description and Museum's Purpose "A More Perfect Union: ..." is organized as a chronology of events centering around one basic theme: the confinement of Japanese-Americans to "concentration camps" during WWII. I believe the message being conveyed to the public is one of a major apology to these Japanese-Americans and their descendants for the great injustices forced upon them. In addition

  • The Constitution And The Structure Of The Constitution

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Founding Fathers created the Constitution “in Order to form a more perfect Union”. As we are well aware, this concept of a more perfect Union can be challenged for a number of different reasons. While following some sort of guideline is necessary to run a country, we have to be aware of whether or not these regulations properly fit within the structure of society that is active during the present time. We should then begin to question the very structure of what we are being governed by, and realize

  • Constitution: Negative or Positive?

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although the system of checks and balances and the separation of powers are essential to the establishment of the government, it makes the constitution negative and positive. In order to secure the rights of everyone, the system of checks and balances is necessary. It is not only for protection from the oppression of society’s rulers but also the injustice of one fraction of society to another. If the governed suspects that the legislative has abused its authority, such as using its powers for personal

  • The Constitution And The Ratification Of The Constitution

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    addressed and resolved. As the leaders began to revise the Articles of Confederation, a better solution began to take shape: the Constitution. However,

  • The British Constitution: The Constitution Of The United Kingdom

    1317 Words  | 3 Pages

    A constitution is a set of laws defining the allocation, limitation, regulation of governmental power. This power, in most liberal democracies, is separated among the three branches of the state – the legislative, the judiciary and the executive. The importance of a constitution could not be overemphasized in every country, typically in liberal democracies. Its key functions include establishing the central structure of the state’s government, granting and controlling the governmental power, and

  • The Nevada Constitution And The Nevada State Constitution

    1611 Words  | 4 Pages

    First, the Nevada Constitution is longer and more detailed than the federal constitution, like most states. This is partly due to the fact that state constitutions contain many more policy-oriented provisions, built up over time, as well as provisions concerning the character, virtue and even morality of the state's people (Robert F. Williams, May 2010). For example the U.S. Constitution is only about 7,400 words while the Nevada Constitution contained about 16,500 words when it was ratified in 1864

  • Constitution

    The fundamental principles that define how a country or an organization should be governed by its leaders are termed as a constitution. A constitution lays out the laws of the land and differentiates what is legal from illegal activities. It underlines the rights of the citizens and creates measures to protect their rights. A constitution can be a single document or a set of legal documents. It comprises acts, articles, parts, amendments, and more.

    The Constitution of the United States

    One of the examples of a constitution is the U.S. constitution that was established in 1789. It originally comprised of seven articles. The first three articles allocated powers by separating them into the legislative (handled by Congress), executive (handled by the President), and judicial (handled by the Supreme Court and federal courts) branches. The other four articles define the concepts of federalism, duties of state governments, the relationship between state and federal governments, and the shared rights of making amendments to the constitution. Since its inception, the U.S. constitution has been amended 27 times. The first 10 acts of amendment offer special protections of liberty, freedom, and justice to the citizens by keeping the government’s interference under check. The other 17 acts are extensions of laws that protect civil rights. Off late, there have been heated debates over the Second Amendment, which protects the rights of citizens to carry firearms.

    Here are some interesting facts about the Constitutions around the world:

    • Connecticut is called the constitution state as the Colony of Connecticut formed the first constitution of North America in 1639 by adopting Fundamental Orders.
    • With 444 articles, 12 schedules, and 124 amendments, India has the longest written constitution in the world.
    • The Constitution of Monaco is the shortest written constitution, consisting of only 97 articles and 3805 words.

    Here is a comprehensive list of essays and research papers on constitutions across the globe: