The Nevada Constitution And The Nevada State Constitution

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First, the Nevada Constitution is longer and more detailed than the federal constitution, like most states. This is partly due to the fact that state constitutions contain many more policy-oriented provisions, built up over time, as well as provisions concerning the character, virtue and even morality of the state's people (Robert F. Williams, May 2010). For example the U.S. Constitution is only about 7,400 words while the Nevada Constitution contained about 16,500 words when it was ratified in 1864. . The Nevada Constitution goes into greater detail so as to clarify meaning (Nevada Constitution Summary, CSN). This tells us that Nevadans did not want state judges to have the ability to freely interpret the meaning of the constitution such as federal judges do. Also, state constitutions are usually longer because they were written after the U.S. Constitution and 35 other states and had the luxury of learning what needed to be a part of an effective constitution. In contrast to the U.S. Constitution, the Nevada Constitution is very long and detailed and has many more amendments. For example, the Nevada Constitution contains about 130 amendments just about five times as many as the U.S. Constitution. These amendments have created a lengthier more detailed constitution than our federal one. The greater length also means greater specificity, which leads to a government that is less flexible to a changing era. When the foundational document upon which government is based contains a lot of policy details, it takes nothing short of a constitutional amendment to change those details(

Secondly, the U.S. Constituion provides greater individual rights than the Nevada Constitution. Both the U...

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...e should remain on the bench. While this greatly reduces special interest money, critics call these systems undemocratic. Nevada has had some problems with the current system in the recent past. One judge was accused of sleeping on the bench and treating her staff like servants, while another admitted to various sexual improprieties. Because of this Nevada voted on moving to the Merit Plan in 2010 but it was rejected by voters by 57%. Nevada has also recently proposed an Intermediate Court of Appeals Amendment which may appear on the ballot in 2014. The measure would establish an intermediate court of appeals in the state. A similar measure was on the ballot in 2010, where it was rejected by voters. Those for the amendment say it would alleviate the backlog of the Supreme Court, those against it say it would increase cost on taxpayers and increase litigation costs.

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