Collegiality Essays

  • Wheelan's Creating Effective Team

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    Summary: In making compelling groups an aide for individuals and pioneers, Wheelan endeavors to give the reader a manual that helps with building successful groups. Wheelan, a world-known creator, speaker, and expert, utilizes her insight and experience to offer exhortation on the viable arrangement of groups. The creator underlines the adequacy a gathering can achieve when cooperating as a group. She talks about the change of a work gathering to a group. Wheelan states that this book of methodologies

  • Leadership Self-Discipline

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    When considering the practical approach to authentic leadership and emotional intelligence, self-discipline plays a significant part. (We could also consider this self-monitoring.) Wherein one must have the emotional intelligence to contain one’s base emotions when dealing with oneself before others. When under duress, a leader must remain “cool, calm and consistent” (Northouse, 2015, p. 200). It is not always easy to not fell prey to the emotional contagions of those surrounding us. One scenario

  • Teacher Professional Development: Collaborative Culture, Contrived Collegiality?

    3157 Words  | 7 Pages

    Teacher professional development: Collaborative Culture, Contrived Collegiality, and the case of Peer Observation of Teaching Introduction School-based teacher collaboration and collegiality has become one of the commonplaces of modern educational research (Datnow, 2011; Hargreavas, 1994; Hargreavas & Dawe, 1990; Lavie, 2006; Little, 1990; Wallace, 1998). Among various continuous collegial interaction, Little (1985) shed light on the usefulness of peer observation of teaching (POT) as it focuses

  • Combating Incivility in Nursing Education: A Strategy Overview

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    Faculty must model collegiality not only with the students, but with other faculty as well (Shanta & Eliason, 2017). Autonomy, the third component of the empowerment model, occurs when nursing faculty create an environment where students can begin to act in accordance to the

  • Virtue Ethics

    942 Words  | 2 Pages

    typically made available to the customer or client to aid in understanding the risk associated with the final avionics system overall. The final test coverage report is perhaps the highest culmination of diligence, technical competence, integrity, and collegiality for a test engineer, especially when testing flight critical systems. The engineer must have the technical competence to understand the drawbacks of their custom testing systems, the diligence to correctly adhere to all communicated testing requirements

  • The Effective School Model

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Culture Systems and structures provide the organizational foundation, but it is the human capital that really provides for the success or failure of any organization. In order for real change to happen, the staff needs to fully embrace the vision and the systems of change. This can only be accomplished if they feel respected, valued and involved in all parts of the change process. It is important to authentically embrace this group and treat them as colleagues in the process. This is the group

  • Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, Virtue Ethics As A Morally Good

    916 Words  | 2 Pages

    A virtue is a trait believed to be morally good, and a vice is a trait believed to be morally wrong. Eventually, a person will make a decision and take action based on their virtues and vices. Therefore, it is virtues that help engineers reach their purpose and evaluate ethical behavior. This paper will attempt to generate a list of virtues that an engineer must possess in order to be regarded as virtuous. Before doing this, Aristotle’s virtue ethics, virtues of thought, and virtues of character

  • Argumentative Essay On Female Senators

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    A rebuke to the male-centric culture created by Mikulski, the ‘dean’ of women in the Senate, was the emergence of the regular dinners among the female Senators. The aim of these dinners is to build collegiality and camaraderie among the women and to enjoy some time off from the pressures and stresses of their demanding jobs. The cross-section of female Senators is diverse in terms of age, background, interests, and political beliefs. However, this bipartisan ritual has persisted for over two

  • Understanding and Implementing Professionalism in Nursing

    1149 Words  | 3 Pages

    Professionalism in Nursing There are many careers in which professionalism is important and nursing is one of those careers. There are many components that make up professionalism and there are different ways to display it in nursing. Values, both personal and career, define what is expected in the nursing occupation. It is important to understand the definition of professionalism and how to apply it to the workplace. To understand professionalism it is important to know and understand the definition

  • Social Constructivist Theory

    1719 Words  | 4 Pages

    This meta-synthesis research analyzed 17 primary data sets to investigate the impact of a VCoP on the professional development of online instructors. The findings unveiled an interesting discernment of the faculty experiences and how learning through social constructivism can occur within a VCoP. Based on the research findings and 10 emergent themes, five overarching dimensions were compiled to synthesize and discuss the results further. These are (1) social nature of online learning; (2) faculty

  • Importance Of Digital Humanities

    2732 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. Introduction Digital humanities are an area or work at the intersection of digital technology and humanities disciplines. It also can be defined as every act of moving humanistic material into digital formats that provides introductory materials to digital approaches relevant to a wide range of disciplines for research and teaching purpose. The combination of the methodologies from traditional humanities disciplines that focus on the arts, philosophy, theater, literature, dance and cultural studies

  • Mayo Clinic Case Study Summary

    2082 Words  | 5 Pages

    the terminal value of “The needs of the patient come first”. Until today, all physicians, scientists and other employees of Mayo Clinic continues to attain this outcome by encouraging instrumental values like paying extra attention on teamwork, collegiality, professionalism, mutual respect and a commitment to progress for the organization. Symbols are the most visible and shallowest perspective among all the layers. Culture is being manife... ... middle of paper ... ... of benefit is equal to

  • The Vannsimpco Leadership Survey: The School Culture Triage Survey

    1923 Words  | 4 Pages

    is a commonly used school climate and culture evaluation tool. It contains 17 Likert scale questions divided into the following three categories: Professional Collaboration (do teachers work together to solve professional issues), Afilliative Collegiality (do people enjoy working together, support one another and feel valued and included), and Self-determination/Efficacy (are people in the school because they want to be). The School Culture Triage Survey is scored in the following

  • Instructional Leader Personal Statement

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    knowledge. To create this positive learning environment requires educators to utilize high expectations for all, strong classroom management, effective communication, acceptance of change, academic rigor, parental involvement, collaboration and collegiality, and accountability. As an instructional leader, it is crucial for me to work with teachers and support staff members to align curriculum and instruction for all grades. Most importantly, as a leader, I must have faith in myself as a professional

  • Second Vatican Priesthood

    4906 Words  | 10 Pages

    Counter-Reformation theological principles and practices. The other group is represented by theologians who adopted a more progressive stand in terms of understanding the church from a more historical perspective with emphasis on local church, collegiality and dialogue with the modern world. When the Council ended, the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church reflected the views of these two groups of theologians. As stated above, the council fathers articulated the ecclesiological basis of

  • Nurse Reflective Essay

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    Regardless of the specialty, the main focus of a nurse includes assisting doctors in treating patients and providing clinical and emotional support to both patients and ancillary staff. With the role of administrative nursing supervisor comes additional responsibilities and administrative roles, such as staffing, organizing, prioritizing, and ultimately ensuring safe and quality patient care. My preceptor is an administrative nursing supervisor named Katie Smith, RN, BSN. An administrative

  • The Impact and Future Prospects of the Internet

    2090 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Impact and Future Prospects of the Internet The impact of the Internet, that is, the computer and its email and World Wide Web functions, have changed teaching, research, and collegiality. The Internet expands our horizons, our imaginations, and our capacities to find, store, organize, use, teach, and publish information. E-mail provides fast, almost instantaneous, communication with libraries, archives, and colleagues all across the globe, and with administrators at one's own university or

  • Hemodialysis Patient

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ms. Poulos is a Staff RN in the Hemodialysis Unit. She is currently the primary nurse for five of our chronic dialysis patients. Each of her primary patients has exceeded the quality benchmarks in the areas of adequacy, anemia management and access. As a member of the interdisciplinary team she attends monthly care plan meetings and has made suggestions that have led to positive outcomes such as: changes in dry weights, medication reviews with the nephrologist to facilitate warranted medication

  • Professional Counselor

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reading “What is a Licensed Mental Health or Professional Counselor” provides a series of roles and organizations that the beginning counselor can utilize in order to sustain a career in this field. In some ways, the confusion of the mental health profession is based on the wide variety of career paths a counselor can take, especially when engaging in such an ambiguous and subjective role when engaging clients and other professionals from differing disciplines: “To counsel commonly refers

  • The Definition Of Professional Code Of Ethics In Healthcare

    734 Words  | 2 Pages

    Professional Code of Ethics A code of ethics establishes how professionals theoretical approach problems based upon the ethical principles of the organizations core values and standards to which the professional will be held. Most organizations have some types of code of ethics. Personal ethics are quite different from professional ethics. Personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person may identify with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life, however professional