City of the Caesars Essays

  • Little Caesar: Gangster Life in New York City

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    technologically advanced major motion pictures. While Hollywood was still in an adolescent stage, a certain genre caught the eye of a United States eager for trendy entertainment: the “gangster” film. No film better defined the genre than Mervyn LeRoy’s Little Caesar. The movie was released in 1930 and largely due to the industries technological advancements the silent film had started a slide down the slippery slope to extinction as “talkies” were becoming all the rage. Although gangster films existed previous

  • How Was Caesar A Tyrant

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    Caesar was a Hero Was Caesar a hero or a tyrant? Caesar did many things that show he was a hero, and a tyrant, but which was he really. Did Caesar deserved to be praised like he was, or assassinated? “A law authored by Caesar had been found, but not yet introduced, which would proclaim Caesar a living god.” Caesar did seem the type of person to be a tyrant, but what he actually did while he was in power was good for Rome. Caesar was a good leader because he created a better Rome. Caesar conquered

  • Analysis of Marcus Brutus in Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare

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    Julius Caesar, the protagonist, Brutus, conspires against and successfully kills Caesar; to only find the city he loves in chaos and mutiny from his actions. Brutus in the eyes of many people was a noble and honorable man who loved and adored the city of Rome, and no person thought more of this than Caesar. To Caesar, Brutus was the son he never had, and his love of Brutus was known, therefore the thought of Brutus betraying him was absurd. However, imagine if not only Brutus did not love Caesar, but

  • Julius Caesar Corrupt

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    foremost, in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespear, most might believe that Julius Caesar was the one in power, but in reality, it was Brutus. Brutus claims that he killed Caesar because he loved Rome more than to let it suffer from slavery and dictatorship. He claims that Caesar was too ambitious, therefore, it leads him to make every Roman his slave. If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar’s, to him I say that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his. If then

  • Ideal Society Essay

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    interest of the country itself. I could see where the society could be better. But there is always a struggle for power or land. There has always been this fight going on through the ages. Just look at Julius Caesar, he was killed for his power as well as someone having different ideas for the city of Athens. This is why there is and cannot be a perfect or ideal society. If the leaders of the so called “Ideal society” break or obstruct the laws for the good of the country it has turned into a dictatorship

  • Analysis Of Edward Jones's 'Young Lions'

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    unaccustomed to large cities, such as New York City, and felt excited to experience the bustle I expected. While in the city, a woman informed me about methods to avoid the crime so intertwined with life in the city and introduced me to the concept that, just as New York City held many attractions for tourists, it also held some dangers as well. This idea takes pride of place in Edward Jones’ short story, “Young Lions” and its discussion of Caesar Matthews. As I learned a few years ago, the city truly contains

  • Brutus's Reasoning in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

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    Julius Caesar, the protagonist, Brutus, conspires against and successfully kills Caesar; to only find the city he loves in chaos and mutiny from his actions. Brutus in the eyes of many people was a noble and honorable man who loved and adored the city of Rome, and no person thought more of this than Caesar. To Caesar, Brutus was the son he never had, and his love of Brutus was known, therefore the thought of Brutus betraying him was absurd. However, imagine if not only Brutus did not love Caesar, but

  • Was Julius Caesar A Tyrant Essay

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    Many ancient Romans considered Julius Caesar to be a hero. But there were also those who thought of him as a tyrant. Caesar may have seemed like a tyrant but those people failed to see the good he did for Rome. Caesar was more of a hero then he is a tyrant. For example in “Killing Caesar” by Jon Herman he was able to feed everyone including the homeless that the senators before him failed to help. He gained even more land for Rome to expand its empire. Also he took the jobs of the senators that were

  • The Gallic Wars Chapter Summaries

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    The Gallic Wars - Book 7 Once Caesar arrived in Italy he hears that the senate called a draft. Caesar enrolls Cisalpine Gaul soldiers. Meanwhile natives are able to spread rumors in order to spark a rebellion against the Romans. The native chiefs have a meeting to organize the rebellion. Their main priority is to make sure that Caesar isn’t able to join his army. The Carnutes start the first initial attack and news of the rebellion spreads very fast. Many miles away some soldiers are gathered and

  • Does the End Justify the Means

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    “Does the end ever justify the means?” This question is posed after reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In this play, Brutus and the other conspirators murdered Julius Caesar because they thought he was a corrupt leader for the city of Rome. They thought that they were not doing anything wrong because they were doing it for the good of the people. Were their actions indeed for the good of the people, and if so, did that make the murder okay? The question “does the end ever justify the means

  • Julius Caesar Villain Essay

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    the play, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Roman ruler Julius Caesar is assassinated by a group of conspirators, with some of the main names of the group being Brutus and Cassius. Marc Antony turns Rome against the well received conspirators, and it ends with a war between the conspirators and Marc Antony, and the death of Cassius and Brutus. In this story, there are many characters who are very bad people who hurt others for their own gain. The true villains of Julius Caesar are Brutus, Cassius

  • Brutus Is No Villain In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar

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    In the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus is no villain. He may be portrayed by one to some characters, but his intentions are pure. The actions taken by Brutus may seem like the actions of a villain, but there is a different perspective that I have on his actions. I interpret Brutus as the mistaken hero who was trying to do what he thought was best, putting the city of Rome before himself. Brutus is no villain in my eyes. I consider him to be a hero. The mistaken man was judged for his

  • Summary Of Livy Book 2

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    Summary # 1: In Aristotle, Book VII, Chapter 2, Aristotle illustrates what are the characteristics of an ideal city. Aristotle starts by making a comparison between a city and human what they need to be happy. He states that for both they need internal virtue in order to have happiness. The man focus of Aristotle in this chapter is all about what is the most worthy way of life and which regime is the best. The dilemma starts off with the dispute between who assert that the policial or active life

  • How Is Julius Caesar A Tyrant

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    Was Julius Caeser a Tyrant or Nah? Julius Caesar was a man who had influence over the people of Rome. It is conflicting in history, most people see him as a tyrant and others see him as a hero. The actions and changes Julius Caesar made in his reign of Rome were very bold. Julius Ceaser is a hero, because all the choices that he was making were for the better of Rome. Caesar changed many things; not only for the empire of Rome, but also for the progress of

  • Biography of Julius Caesar

    2008 Words  | 5 Pages

    Biography of Julius Caesar Julius Caesar was a strong leader for the Romans who changed the course of the history of the Greco - Roman world decisively and irreversibly. With his courage and strength he created a strong empire. What happened during his early political career? How did he become such a strong dictator of the Roman Empire? What events led up to the making of the first triumvirate? How did he rise over the other two in the triumvirate and why did he choose to take over? What happened

  • Julius Caesar Title Analysis

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    Why would a title be a name of a fairly minor character? Yes Julius Caesar was a character of major power, but he was killed off in Act 3! The title should include Marcus Brutus, seeing as he is the actual main character. He was the one who was in the play a vast majority and made a very big impact on the plot! Julius Caesar was a powerful king. Too much power even. That’s what conspirators Cassius, Casca, Cinna and many others thought. They believed in another individual who would be a better leader;

  • Julius Caesar Flaws

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    A Tragic Flaw: Julius Caesar Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, once friends now foes. Throughout William Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, it is not certain who the correct tragic hero is. However, scholars continue to debate on whom the real tragic hero of the play truly could be, Julius Caesar or Marcus Brutus? Two friends pitted against each other, destined for an unimaginable outcome. Ambition, pride, love for one's country, and arrogance create a downward spiral of events that

  • How Is Julius Caesar Similar To Hitler

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    Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler Leading A Campaign Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler are separated by many centuries, stories of their rise to power through military achievements and vocal persuasion are well known. Although both men had great accomplishments, one stands out between the two. Julius Caesar's military career was much more successful than Hitler's military career, which was plagued by prideful decisions and stubbornness. Like Hitler, Julius Caesar thought he was a god among men, and

  • What Was Julius Caesar's Downfall

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    Julius Caesar is a well-known name in history with being one of the most successful leaders in ancient Rome History. He did many great thing and many not so great things. HE was a great leader in most of the eyes of Rome, which led to his rise as the leader. Many of his choices were not the best, so many people did not agree with him in the Senate of Rome. The major downfall for him, in my opinion, was when he went to Egypt to negotiate peace between the two cities and went behind his wife and Rome’s

  • Was Julius Caesar A Good Leader

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    Julius Caesar was a good leader for the Roman Empire. For starters, "Julius Caesar was a general, a statesman, a lawgiver, an orator, and a historian." (N.S. Gill). He was very powerful and established a popularity among the people of Rome. He reduced slavery, gave more land to people like peasants and soldiers, established roman colonies, and also established tax reforms. Leading him and his soldiers to many victories concluded with