Christian philosophy Essays

  • Personal Philosophy of a Christian Ministry

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    Philosophy of Ministry Philosophy of Ministry: God's desires come first, I must always live my ministry God's way. I must live as a Christian (1 Corinthians 9:27) I must have a proper relationship of surrender to the Leader. In my personal life or in the Church I must understand that Christ is Head and Chief Shepherd (Ephesians 1:22, Hebrews 13:20). The “management” of Church is about relationships with God and Man, not just maintaining a social organization. The church meeting is for worship and

  • Personal Narrative: My Personal Christian Philosophy

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    Existentialism. I see existentialism as a philosophy that gives a man an insight of what we identify exists. I definitely disagree with Thales, because he thought that the source of EVERYTHING in nature is water. Not everything created is from only water, as I said earlier that man was made out of dust. Therefore, it is not possible to have a human, an animal, a tree, or even the sun and the moon made out of water. I am glad that I wrote my own philosophy, and that I got the chance to express what

  • Philosophy of Christian Education

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    settings, purposes, and methodological changes. Philosophies of education have also changed through the years as various voices have seemed to grasp the purpose of educating the next generation, thus laying out objectives to reach those goals of teaching children. The statement “philosophy of Christian education” contains much information to be unwrapped. The term philosophy literally means, in the Greek, “love of wisdom.” In this case, the study of philosophy involves a “critical study of the basic principles

  • Philosophy Of Christian Education

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    definition is itself a show of the main focus of Christian philosophy of education; a scriptural worldview. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the apostles on the authenticity and value of Scripture, clarifies that "All Scripture is inspired by God and is valuable for correction, for educating, for training in righteousness, for reproof, so the godly man might be satisfactory, prepared for each great work." Philosophy is the manager of our

  • Philosophy Of Christian Nursing

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    To me, Christian nursing is established on the belief that good health is a gift from God. This gift should be protected by living within the guidelines given to us by the Lord. Nursing should focus on human healing of the entire body: physical, mental, and spiritual. A lot of people forget that caring for a person’s mental and spiritual well being is just as important, and often times more important, than just caring for the physical problems of an individual. To me, nursing is a calling from

  • Christian Education Philosophy

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    promotes people’s knowledge on real world application. It displays a person’s notional belief in a logical instruction that is being given. Without education, the world would lack knowledge on obtaining or fulfilling their purpose in life. As a Christian educator, I believe that every person on this earth holds value to the world. There embedded value, allows the world to move in the direction in which God plans it to do. I believe that God’s has placed us individually to fulfil individual things

  • Christian Philosophy Research Paper

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    Luciano Francisco Victor Instructure: Professor Simon Makuru APH 208 Christian Philosophy 28 March 2024 The Importance of Studying Christian Philosophy In today's world, most people are becoming faithless, unspiritual, and amoral, with religions dying and cultures and morals becoming worthless; many church buildings are being converted into bars; others are becoming personal or family businesses; and many church leaders are becoming more corrupt than politicians themselves. As a result, technology

  • Philosophy Of A Christian Educator

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    As a Christian educator, it is important and mandatory to build various professional relationships with colleagues, students, parents, and administrators. Being a teacher and Christian doesn’t come easy, but when it comes to having a relationship with my students I would want to uphold some sort of relationship where there is trust, respect, and being supportive. Students need to feel comfortable around their teacher, but also knows that I am serious about business. That doesn’t just go for my students

  • Christian Education Philosophy Paper

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    As Christian educators, our goal is to prepare students to listen and obey God’s voice. Our job revolves around applying principles and utilizing curriculum which enables us to do so. As an educator, I should know the content I teach and be dedicated to mastering all the skills and knowledge needed to connect the student with the subject matter. I need to have a strong biblical base. This paper discusses my beliefs of a Biblical philosophy of education and my personal application of this philosophy

  • Christian Leadership Philosophy Paper

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    Christian leadership is a life style not power Leadership in Gods’ perspective being servant, lead by example. From God perspective leadership is serving others, making disciples. My philosophy for leadership to serve and it is a good opportunity to serve My main purpose through everything I do to shine for Jesus. I want people to see Christ in me By my smile greeting them help them show them love and respect, my passion not to hurt instead Be encourager. My follower is a little kids which I

  • Personal Philosophy Of Christian Coaching

    1469 Words  | 3 Pages

    Personal Philosophy This course has enlightened my view as to what is meant to be a Christian Coach. Believing God has called me to shepherd his people, now require me to make modifications in the coaching methods I use to coach God people. McGervey and Cosby (2011) shared in their book Coaching Based Ministry that what we are accustomed to when it relates to coaching is what is seen in the field of sports. According to McGervey and Cosby, sport coaching focuses on the coach telling the athlete

  • Gristian Nursing: Personal Philosophy Of Christian Nursing

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    Philosophy of Christian Nursing Philosophy of nursing is a nurse’s personal belief system that includes your outlook and attitude. It involves the beliefs about nursing and also about people. One of the main aspects of my personal philosophy of nursing is caring. Caring is defined as displaying kindness and concern for others as well as being the work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves, especially sick and elderly people. Caring as a Christian nurse requires much

  • Philosophy: Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

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    The possibility that every person has the potential to become fully human is one of the characteristics that distinguishes this framework from that of Aristotle. Works Cited Kraut, Richard, "Aristotle's Ethics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition),EdwardN.Zalta(ed.),forthcomingURL. Ross, David (1925). Aristotle The Nicomachean Ethics: Translated with an Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-283407-X.. Re-issued 1980, revised by J. L. Ackrill and J

  • Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil

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    Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is, “Either we must say that God is not wholly good, and that he permits or is even the author of evil. Or we must say that God is not omnipotent, and although he is wholly good and would prevent evil if he could, he is powerless to stop it.” (Fitzgerald

  • Pascal and Hobbes'Theories on Behavior and Motivation

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    Throughout the course of the first half of the Semester, a main theme in each piece of writing that we have worked with is human’s natural behaviors and motivations. Although Pascal choses a more positive and religious perspective of human nature and Hobbes displays a more negative approach to human nature, both Pascal and Hobbes share similar beliefs in the wretchedness of man, the importance of one single supreme being or ruler, and the effects of being prideful. In his journal, Pensees, Pascal

  • St. Augustine and the Problem of Evil from a Christian Basis

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    St. Augustine and the Problem of Evil from a Christian Basis In his Confessions, St. Augustine writes about a large number of topics that continue to have relevance today. The text documents the development of Augustine’s faith and his Christian philosophy, and one thing of particular interest is his argument for the nature of evil. Christianity predicates several important ideas that Augustine builds upon in his philosophy, and within its context, he presents a thorough, compelling argument

  • Biblical Apologetics Methods, Definitions, and The Basic

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    have led to a response from believers who gave birth to Christian apologetics. The word " apologetics" is derived from the ancient Greek word apologia which generally means “defense ". The verb form is Apologoumai which means “doing a defense ". (Sproul, Gerstner dan Lindsley 20). So, Christian apologetics is primarily a defense of the doctrine and practice of the Christian life of the person who do not believe. As a defense of the Christian faith effort, apologetics is closely related to the

  • Christians And Non-christian Culture

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    everyone, both religious and the not religious, need to be aware of and recognize the lifestyles of each other. Non Christians should at least study the Philosophy of Christianity, as Christians should explore the philosophy of infidelity. Justin Martyr found discussion with Tryphno very stimulating because the two ended up sharing similar viewpoints on important religious philosophies. (Justin, Dialogue with Tryphno, Ch.1,2) First of all, as in any intelligent discussion or argument, each opponent

  • The Problem of Evil in the Judeo-Christian Tradition Depicted in Hicks' Philosophy of Religion

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    and depths of suffering in the world. It also stands that these “evils” of suffering call into question the existence of an omnibenevolent and omnipotent God of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The “greater good defense” tries to account for some of the issues presented, but still has flaws of its own. In the excerpt from Philosophy of Religion, John Hicks outlines the problem of evil as such: (a) If God were truly omnibenevolent, he would then wish to eliminate all evil; (b) If God is were truly

  • A Pentadic Analysis of Two Pleas for Christian Unity

    2707 Words  | 6 Pages

    A Pentadic Analysis of Two Pleas for Christian Unity Introduction The prayer for Christian unity began with Christ, himself (John 1:21), and continues today. This essay proposes to examine two pleas for Christian unity using the rhetorical theory of Kenneth Burke. According to Em Griffin, "Kenneth Burke was the foremost rhetorician of the twentieth century. Burke wrote about rhetoric; other rhetoricians write about Burke" (319). Burke's theory seems especially relevant to the study