Cholecystectomy Essays

  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Presentation

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    Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy -same day surgery -smaller incisions -less pain after surgery -quicker recovery Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the removal of the gallbladder. This is a less invasive way to remove the gallbladder. This surgery uses a laparoscope, which is a camera used to see the inside of the body and three other small incisions are made. With open surgery, incisions are made in the right upper part of abdomen in five to eight inch long incisions. Most laparoscopic cholecystectomies

  • Write An Essay About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholecystectomy

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    A cholecystectomy is a common surgical procedure for patients in the hospital as well as a surgical treatment for patients with calculus or acalculus cholecystitis. This surgery usually requires less than 24 hours of hospital stay postoperatively. Nurses’ postoperative care for the patients is frequently anesthetic recovery and analgesic management. Certain factors regarding care and treatment can improve the patient’s health outcomes. Two types of surgeries may be performed for a cholecystectomy

  • Cholecystitis and Perioperative Care

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    care can contribute to a successful outcome for the patient. Works Cited Baldwin, S. (2008). Gallbladder disease: imaging and treatment. Radiologic Technology, 80(2), 131. Graham, L. (2008). Care of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nursing Standard, 23(7), 41-48. What to do about gallstones. (2011). Harvard Women's Health Watch, 18(7), 6-7. Gaby, A. (2009). Nutritional approaches to prevention and treatment of gallstones. Alternative Medicine Review, 14(3), 258-267

  • Postoperative Care of the Patient with Complications: Ileus

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    Postoperative Care of the Patient with Complications: Ileus A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimally evasive procedure to remove the gallbladder or gallstones. The patient will be put under general anesthesia then the abdomen will be inflated with air. The gallbladder is then removed through a small incision near the umbilicus. There are fewer complications when using a laparoscopic approach, but it is not without its draw backs. Nurses and doctors must work together to treat the postoperative

  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Case Study

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    first laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) using keyhole approach was done by Professor Mouret of Lyon, France in 1987, when he was completing a gynecologic laparoscopy on a woman also suffering from symptomatic gall stones, he removed it laparoscopically instead of opening up. Dr. Eddie Reddick reported 100 cases of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 1989. The classical four port technique of LC as described by Reddick became the most widely adopted technique. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is established as

  • Gallbladder Case Study

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    includes laparoscopic choleycystectomy, percutaneous cholecystectomy and open cholecystectomy .The treatment of choice for symptomatic cholecystitis is laparoscopic choleycystectomy. Approximately 90% of gallbladder removal is done laparoscopically because it is considered as gold standard treatment. This procedure is performed by using four small incisions and gallbladder is removed by using one of them. Likewise, Percutaneous cholecystectomy is other treatment option for diagnosis and treatment

  • Personal Narrative: Reflections of a Nursing Student

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    few patients at a time so as to ensure that each patient got maximum attention. Major parameters that I used to monitor include pulse and heart rates. My second role in the unit was to respond to various complications that arose as a result of cholecystectomy surgery. If the patient was frightened, I would speak to them in a good and reassuring voice so as to calm them. In some cases, patients were having trouble in breathing due to lying flat in one position for a long time during surgery. In these

  • Medical Law Case Study

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    In the present case, Dr. Strange, based on the advice from the hospital legal team, did disclose the risk to Logan before the cholecystectomy by giving him access to a program that provided all the necessary information about the risks that was accessible by Internet. The material risks, due to Logan’s medical history, of this operation was “pulmonary embolism” and “sexual dysfunction”

  • Cholelithiasis

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    For 9 years, I've woken up as a dragon under attack, a persistent burning sensation had instilled in the pit of my stomach, causing pain to spread and radiate throughout my body. The fire burning in my veins, creeping to my throat, begging for release had become an everyday normality for me. This paper will evaluate what cholelithiasis is, the different types of gallstones, what race and gender are most affected, symptoms, modalities used to diagnose cholelithiasis, and the treatments used for cholelithiasis

  • Cholecystitis

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cholecystitis /cholelithiasis Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholecystitis can be acute or chronic. Risk factors: Risk factors for both Cholecystitis /cholelithiasis includes obesity; rapid weight loss in obese individuals; middle age; female gender; use of oral contraceptives; American Indian ancestry; gallbladder, pancreatic, or ileal disease; low HDL cholesterol level and hypertriglyceridemia; and gene-environmental interactions (Doig &Huether, 2014). Causes: The housing

  • Gallstone Research Paper

    2290 Words  | 5 Pages

    Trallianus wrote about stones in the bile duct. Although, Trallianus discovered gallstones, he did not know there are different stages in the formation of gallstones. However, Carl Langenbuch of Berlin was credited to have performed the first cholecystectomy or surgical removal of the

  • Reflective Essay: I Anticipate In The Medical Field

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    Even before starting medical school, when people asked what I wanted to specialize in after graduating, I told them internal medicine. During medical school I really enjoyed learning about the various disease, how to treat this, how to manage that. When people asked if I would ever consider surgery, I would reply with “never” and “it’s not for me”. There is nothing wrong with internal medicine and I really did enjoy my rotation through internal medicine core or almost all my other cores for that

  • Nursing: Therapeutic And Professional Relationships In Nursing

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    Nurses use critical thinking to inform their clinical practice to be able to provide the best patient care. Additionally, they include this process with other healthcare professionals and patients in therapeutic and professional relationships to inform their practice in a patient-centred model (Ingham-Broomfield 2018, p. 193; Riet 2018, p. 499). Therapeutic and professional relationships in nursing are imperative, with them come boundaries between what is considered professional and personal in the

  • Costovertebral Tenderness Case Study Nursing

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    Patient describes months of an illness with symptoms waxing and waning, that includes a cough, coughing so hard that she pees on herself sometimes. That she has pain in her chest with the cough and at times get short of breath. This morning she got extra short of breath that she was playing with a relative and that prompted this visit. She notes with it rhinorrhea, ear pain, hoarseness, inability get sputum up, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea which alternates with constipation. She has not eaten

  • Cholecystitis Research Paper

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    Cholecystitis Cholecystitis is swelling and irritation (inflammation) of your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ below your liver, on the right side of your belly (abdomen). Your gallbladder stores the fluid that helps your body digest fats (bile). Most of the time, cholecystitis occurs suddenly (acute cholecystitis). This happens when a hard deposit (gallstone) develops and gets stuck in the tube (cystic duct) that carries bile from your gallbladder to your small intestine.

  • Advantages Of Robotic Assisted Surgery

    1900 Words  | 4 Pages

    Are robots better than educated surgeons? Hypothesis: Robots are better than Educated Surgeons because Robots perform calculated tasks whereas humans don’t. Humans are prone to making errors and not being precise in their actions. Table 1: The Strengths and Limitations of Surgeries Performed By Humans Strengths Limitations Strong hand-eye coordination Limited dexterity outside natural scale Dextrous (at human scale) Prone to tremor and fatigue Flexible

  • Essay On Gallbladder Disease

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    treatments are ineffective then surgery is recommended. The gall bladder is very helpful but it is possible to live without it. Bile will still be secreted from the liver but will go straight to the small intestine. A procedure called “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” is done and this means that the gallbladder is removed. During this procedure, the patient is put under general anesthesia so that they are asleep. A few incisions are made in the abdomen, including the belly button. The surgeon uses a narrow

  • Epidemiology Personal Statement

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    discovered that I had gallstones in both my gallbladder and common bile duct. I was relieved to hear that after six months of experiencing intense abdominal and back pain after eating, the doctors were finally able to pinpoint the issue and I had a cholecystectomy the following day and was discharged home. While sitting around the table with my family eating breakfast the following day, I noticed that something felt off; I had a throbbing headache and intense stomach pain. I noticed some blood in my stool

  • The Impact Of Waiting Time On Medical Tourism

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    Let’s face it: more often than not, going to the doctor means sitting in a waiting room for an extended period of time. In countries like Britain and Canada, there is at least a four-week wait between the time you make your appointment and the time you get to see your physician. For patients who can’t afford to wait for healthcare in their home country, medical tourism has introduced a way for patients to skip the waiting times by travelling abroad for healthcare. If you’ve been thinking of doing

  • The Causes and Effects of Typhoid Fever

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    of paper ... ...treatment, surgery may be required, commonly in cases of intestinal hemorrhage. In very rare cases, where the antibiotics do not eradicate the disease, surgical removal of the gallbladder may be required. Although rare, the Cholecystectomy may not always be effective in eradicating the disease, due to it’s persisting hepatic infection state. Typhoid fever can be prevented several preventive measures. Using caution when traveling aboard is highly recommended by health professionals