Cardiothoracic surgery Essays

  • Informative Essay On Cardiothoracic Surgery

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    (Barnard). For a long time I have wanted to pursue Cardiothoracic Surgery as a career. This is an occupation that specializes in surgical treatment of the heart and lungs. I believe I got my interest in medicine from Dr. Heidi Lakes M.D./O.B, otherwise known as my mother. Before she stopped practicing, she was an OB/GYN (Obstetrics- Gynocologist) at St. Thomas Memorial Hopsital. On occasion, I got to see her patients and had their conditions and surgeries explained to me. From then on, the hospital stuck

  • Victor Chang - A Eulogy - The Life Of A Great Man

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    Good morning friends, family and all those of you who are here today to celebrate the life of a great man, Victor Chang. Before I begin, I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to the Chang family for their unfortunate loss. This was a senseless and wasteful murder of such an innocent man. When I remember Victor, three words come to mind; Compassion, talent and persistence. Victor Chang, born on the 25 November 1936 in Shanghai, China was a very talented and naturally gifted person. Victor

  • Open Heart Narrative

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    it. Yet if I see another person with a scar, my eyes are drawn to it. About three years ago, Tyler had to have another open heart surgery. This would be the first time I had been to one of his surgeries. I still remember how hard it was to see him after

  • Something The Lord Made Joseph Sant's Mentoring Style

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    when the situation involves something other than their normal style. The movie, Something the Lord Made by Joseph Sargent is based on a true story of two medical inventors, which are the surgeons Dr. Blalock who is creating a new technique in heart surgery and his assistant Vivien Thomas who get hired as a janitor at the university. Dr. Blalock takes Thomas as his lab assistant where he supports him as a friend by asking him a lot of questions like ‘why’ and ‘how’ this happens, to make his interest

  • The Perfect Surgeon

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    five-year general surgery residency program, a 2-3 year cardiothoracic residency program with at least 6 months of specializing in pediatric care. Next, is an additional years of training in pediatric heart surgery. Finally, to become more specialized in their field, pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons spend their 1st 1-2 years after training serving on the staff of a major pediatric heart center ( Complex and difficult procedures are preformed as a daily routine. Surgeries such as heart

  • Personal Narrative: My Hero

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    Dr. D is a cardiothoracic surgeon. He was my hero. He may well still be, even though he is a throw-back to the days when I was more concerned about science than symbolism. They say in the Chinese proverbs that "if you don't change direction you will end up where you are going." I have come to believe that this is true, and that most of the time we didn't want to go where we were headed anyway. New paths that come to fruition, "digressions" that become the assertions you are trying to make, aren't

  • A Career as a Cardiothoracic Surgeon

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    What is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon? Why is it that Cardiothoracic Surgeons spend their valuable time trying to save you from dying? Many people understand that Cardiothoracic Surgeon earns lots of money because they save many lives. Cardiothoracic Surgeon are known as doctors who perform open heart surgery on open chests. Cardiothoracic Surgeon is a interesting career because they are willing to be concerned about people who suffer conditions of their heart. Cardiothoracic has been relevant since

  • Under the Knife

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    people wary. However, I have had the unusual experience of being in a hospital without being sick. In May 1995 I began working once a week at Massachusetts General Hospital. I imagined myself passing the scalpel to a doctor performing open heart surgery, or better yet stumbling upon the cure for cancer. It turned out, however, that those under age eighteen are not allowed to work directly with patients or doctors. I joined a lone receptionist, Mrs. Penn, who had the imposing title of "medical and

  • My Father's Heart Attack

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    My Father's Heart Attack In March of 1998, my father was rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack. I remember getting home from basketball practice without my mother home. Instead, my sister was there with her children. The fact that my sister was there was familiar to me, but something did not seem right. My sister stayed with me and did not tell me what happened. Later that night, after my sister left, the news that followed would prepare me to encounter the most defining moment of

  • Advancements in Medical Technology

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    important advancements, none of which would have been possible without improvements in technology. The Ten Most Important Discoveries of the Century 1 Antibiotics (Penicillin) 2 Anesthesia 3 Polio Vaccine 4 Birth Control Pill 5 Open Heart Surgery 6 Organ Transplant 7 Medical Imagery (x-rays, MRI, CAT scans) 8 Anti-inflammatory (Aspirin) 9 Ambulance Services 10 Genetic Based Research [4] Almost every instrument in the medical field has become computerized.Everything from thermometers

  • Becoming a Cardiothoracic Surgeon: Skills, Education, and Tasks

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    To become a cardiothoracic surgeon, there are certain job tasks, special skills and talents, as well as a higher education that is needed. Not only do you need to have many talents, such as problem solving, being able to work with blood, and being able to tell someone their loved one has died, you also have to be able to have a higher education, to become a surgeon you need to have your Doctoral degree, your post-doctoral degree, and your professional degree, I plan on attending Stanford University

  • I Am Becoming A Cardiovascular Surgeon

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    Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Surgery. In the fourth year, students usually learn Neurology and Emergency Medicine. After medicine school, an aspiring cardiovascular surgeon must experience The Integrated Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Program which is program designed to train medicine school graduates who are aiming to enroll in clinical practice and academics of cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgery. The salary for a professional cardiovascular surgeon can vary

  • Christiaan Barnard: Trailblazer In The Medical Field

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    Christiaan Barnard was a trailblazer in the medical field. He successfully completed the first human-human heart transplant. This procedure opened the door to all other organ transplant operations. The first human heart transplant was not only a consequential moment in medical history, but it was a remarkable achievement in the world’s history as well. Christiaan Neethling Barnard was born on November 8th, 1922 in Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa. His father was named Adam Barnard and his

  • Who Is The Antagonist In Greys Anatomy

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    The concept of the “ID” fits Yang because she will do anything to get into surgeries, including ones she is not assigned to, even if it means breaking hospital rules. Her behavior is based on her unconscious motivations and won’t let anybody sand in the way of her achieving something that will benefit her career. She is relentless

  • Miranda Bailey's Stereotypes

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    husband end up arguing and getting divorced over her husband’s opinion; that she puts other family’s well-beings before their own. Miranda continues to act as a mother figure to her coworkers and eventually gets promoted to be the head of general surgery. She aspires to advance at the hospital

  • Cost Of Robotic Surgery

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    Literature 18 February 2016 Robotic Surgery: The Medicine of the Future Technology is changing the world. However, many people are concerned with how technology will affect their lives. Robotic Surgery is a recent technological and medical development that provides numerous advantages over traditional surgeries. Robotic surgery is a recent innovation in the medical field that is currently being used in all forms of surgical medicine. This kind of robotic endoscopic surgery has been used by medical professionals

  • Coronary Artery Catheterization

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    reliable and easily accessible imaging to be able to make decisions while taking care of patients. It may be a chest x-ray for the physician in the primary care office, it may be a CT scan at the trauma bay or it make be a coronary angiogram for the cardiothoracic surgeon that he needs to review before operating on patients. In every case, the provider is dependent on the availability of high quality imaging to make the necessary decisions. Health care has also gotten complex. Smaller hospitals transfer

  • Delivery Of Robots : The Field Of Robotics

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    great development, which has seen robots being integrated into important sectors of the economy including health care. Robotic technologies in healthcare are utilized in a wide range of function, including diagnosing of patients, surgery, medication distribution, surgery, and delivery of food to patients. Allen (2015) points out that robots in healthcare are being used in three primary situations, namely communication and monitoring of patients, assisting nurses and doctors in different functions

  • Why I Want To Be An Anesthesiologist

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    residency lasts about four years (1). During the last few years of residency, one can enter a fellowship program (6). A fellowship program is intensive study in a single subject of anesthesiology (6). Some of these subjects include pediatric, cardiothoracic, trauma, obstetric, research, and pain medicine (1) (6). The main goal of residency is working towards becoming certified by the American Society of Anesthesiologists or the American Board of Anesthesiology (2). To become certified the graduate

  • A Career in Surgery

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    specialize and have certain qualities to be able to do the job that they do. Pediatric surgery is a career that requires years of studying and experience, but is a career that is rewarded by earning an above average salary, saving many children’s lives daily, and knowing that they are making a difference in the world. Surgeons are a special type physicians who have gone to school longer and who perform operations and surgeries as their main specialty (Ferguson 28). Surgeons mainly work in hospitals, but