The Perfect Surgeon

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Cutting edge, revolutionary, amazing, are all words to describe Dr. Redmond Burke at his profession, pediatric cardio thoracic surgeon. He recognizes the responsibility of holding a child’s heart in his hands and loves every second of it. “The babies hearts are like snowflakes, they are never the same” he quoted. These incredible healers treat with special care to fix both congenital and acquired heart problems in children. (LifeSpy) Pediatric heart surgeons have the best knowledge and experience to help a child with heart problems, due to the vigorous years of training that are required for this profession. To start a high school diploma is required, then at least 4 years of medical school. One year of surgical internship at a hospital, then a five-year general surgery residency program, a 2-3 year cardiothoracic residency program with at least 6 months of specializing in pediatric care. Next, is an additional years of training in pediatric heart surgery. Finally, to become more specialized in their field, pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons spend their 1st 1-2 years after training serving on the staff of a major pediatric heart center ( Complex and difficult procedures are preformed as a daily routine. Surgeries such as heart, lung transplants, cardiac shunting, tracheal surgery, video assisted thoracic surgery, aortic repair, open repair of arterial aneurysm, and open cardiac cauterization ( Along with saving lives, they are also lost. The surgeons have to deal with emotionally straining situations with children. Also, children can’t always say what’s bothering them and require care of a highly trained team of specialists trained to fit their needs (

Dr. Redmond Burke ...

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...r several medical breakthroughs.

Burke has had many teachers and coaches; one that pushed him to be revolutionary in medicine was Dr. Castanada. During Burkes training Castanada encouraged him to explore the possibilities of using endoscopic surgical techniques, and/ or designing instruments, and more surgical techniques ( Through trail and error Burke accomplished the 1st endoscopic vascular ring division, the 1st diaphragm plication, and the 1st thoracic duct ligation. On top of contributing priceless techniques to the surgical field, Burke is the founder of the Congenital Heart Institute of Miami Children’s Hospital and the Arnold Palmer Hospital.

Dr. Redmond Burke is a family man and at the same time a respected pediatric cardio-thoracic surgery. Burke exemplifies the perfect surgeon, he is caring talented, compassionate, and award-worthy.

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