Cardiac sonographer Essays

  • Cardiac Sonographer Research Paper

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    I haven’t always wanted to be a cardiac sonographer. The desire to be in this career just started to spark an interest in me a couple years back. You see, since I was a little girl I had always dreamt of becoming an architect or an interior designer. At first, the design aspect of that occupation interested me greatly. My dream started to fall short when I realized that a job like this would require me to make a move to a bigger city and that is something that I do not wish to pursue. This meant

  • Sonographic, Imaging Modalities and Their Corresponding Difficulties

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    According to the CDC, in adults over the age of 20, 69.2% are overweight and 35.9% are overweight (2010). With the average weight of the general adult patient generally increasing, this makes jobs harder for many in the healthcare field, especially sonographers. Abdominal imaging is generally deep imaging with a great deal of force required to push down into the tissue in order to create diagnostic image. Oftentimes, these are long exams with multiple organs and/or vessels to examine. Combine the multiple

  • Cardiac Sonography

    1484 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cardiac sonographers also known as echocardiographers are medical professionals who use a type of imaging called ultrasound that uses high frequency sound waves to create images of the heart, look at the functioning of the hearts chambers, vessels, walls, blood flow, and valve function( “Cardiac Sonography: Job,” 2013). Cardiac sonographers work with ultrasound equipment and a transducer probe to generate sound waves into

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Essay

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Diagnostic Medical Sonographer is a type of nurse that uses gel to detect and observe the high-frequency sound waves of the living fetus, heart, abdomen, pelvis, and blood vessels. They prepare the patient for their ultrasound examination by taking in information about the patient’s past about their body and any other operations. They prepare and select the appropriate materials needed for the examination and after everything is assembled, they perform the ultrasound examination on the patient

  • Sonography Essay Topics

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    something that has a profound connection with my personal life. Becoming a Diagnostic Medical sonographer would mean that I have accomplished life long dream. Ever since I was a little, I always wanted to be in the medical field. I have always had a big heart and wanted to help people so when I saw the important role that sonographers play in the medical field, it became clear to me that being a sonographer was exactly what I want to do with my life. In 2007 someone who was very important to me passed

  • Sonographer-Patient Interactions in the Health Care Field

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sonographer-Patient Interactions in the Health Care Field The profession of sonography has been around for over thirteen years; however, if one were to ask the average American what the occupation of a Sonographer entitled, there would likely be a wide-range of answers. When most individuals hear the word “Ultrasound” they will automatically pair this term with “pregnant women.” Very seldom would one put the profession of sonography with other aspects of Health Care such as Cardiac output, or Liver

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography

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    Thanks to sonography, many parents have been able to view images of their baby while it is still in the mother’s womb. However, there is more to this field than photos of fetuses or scanning for pregnancy complications. The images taken by sonographers can also play a vital role in the diagnosis of people suffering from life threatening illnesses or diseases. It is a career path where your actions can not only make it easier for other health care professionals to do their jobs, but can also save

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Sound Wave Away from Diagnosis

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    profession where sonographers direct high-frequency sound waves into a patient’s body through the use of specific equipment to diagnose or monitor a patient’s medical condition. As described by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this examination is referred to as an ultrasound, sonogram, or echocardiogram. The high-frequency sound waves emitted from the handheld device, called a transducer, bounce back creating an echo and therefore produce an image that can be viewed on the sonographers computer screen

  • Reflection Paper: College For Diagnostic Medical Sonography

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    for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Diagnostic Medical Sonography uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of inside the body. The sonographer uses an instrument called an ultrasound transducer on the parts of the patient’s body that are being examined. Of course, as with any profession, there are educational requirements needed to be a sonographer.

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Essay

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    contributing to the development. It has also played a huge role in preventive care for the population for things such as pregnancies, cardiovascular disease and cancers. It is very popular in the United States due to the availability of the knowledgeable sonographers as well as the U.S being able to afford the expensive equipment. Developing

  • Career in Ultrasound

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    themes found in research on the subject. Knowledge of ultrasound and its background may help one decide what career is best for them. Understanding the wide array of diagnostic tests and their uses are essential to figuring out what a career as a sonographer entails and the type of education that is needed. Because there are plenty of possibilities for specializing with different technologies, there is a wide variety of job opportunities in the medical imaging career. The call for ultrasound’s assistance

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Essay

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    The dream that I most desire in life is to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. I’ve always had an interest in the inner workings of the human body, but I also value life, and care for others, and my happiness is the happiness of others. Although this career has its bumps on the road just to see mothers face light up when they see the image of their unborn baby is such a breath taking experience. This all originated from going to one of my sisters’ ultrasound appointment that I ended up going

  • The Importance Of Being A Sonographer

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    become a sonographer because they want to. They have be determined to work hard every day, it shouldn’t matter what the pay is. Being a sonographer is truly a blessing because they help people like you every single time they walk into that building. Taking the time to learn and specialize the things that they do is truly an honor and makes people happy every day. They help people by telling them what is wrong with them, and how they could fix what is wrong. People that go to these sonographers appreciate

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography Essay

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    that produce images of internal structures. A sonographer works under the supervision of a physician responsible for the use and interpretation of ultrasound procedures, the sonographer helps gather sonographic data to diagnose a variety of conditions and diseases, as well as monitor fetal development. ( This is a profession that I am seeking education and program certification in through a two-year program. A diagnostic medical sonographer should hold many skills to do well at this growing

  • Sonography: A Career As A Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

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    A Diagnostics Medical Sonographer also known as an ultrasound expert, it is somebody who uses extraordinary imaging equipment that coordinates sound waves into a patient’s body which is normally known as a sonogram to finding various medical conditions. For instance, heart diseases, pregnancy and cancer (ExploreHealthCareers). A sonographer commonly uses high frequency sound waves to deliver images inside the human body. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers lead in physician’s offices and medical and

  • Sonography Essay

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sonography: Revealing the Unknown Ultrasound Technicians are very valuable in the world of health care. Also known as Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, an Ultrasound Technician uses special machines and equipment that operates on sound waves to determine or diagnose medical problems for patients. There are specializations within this field in which some individuals explore. For instance, areas of specialization includes but not limited to; pregnancy, heart health, gynecology, and abdominal sonography

  • Ultrasound Technicians: A Career As A Career

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    Has anyone ever wondered who was behind the magic way of knowing how healthy a baby is in a fetus or the gender of a person’s baby? In fact, some people know exactly who it is behind the magic. These people are called Ultrasound Sonographers. They are important to the medical field because of all the good things they do for their patients. Ultrasound Technicians are relevant to the global community because they’re the reason people know that their baby is healthy and is doing well while they’re in

  • A Career As An Ultrasound Technician

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    communication needs to be professional, friendly, and orderly. In this field, you often have at least two people working with one patient (Sonographer and Physician), this means that both oral and written messages need to be accurate in order to produce the most effective plan for the patient. Furthermore, this leads me to what I consider is the next very important trait a Sonographer should possess which is having a good attitude. Unfortunately, people say more often than not that medical professionals they

  • Medical Sonographers Essay

    1064 Words  | 3 Pages

    Medical Sonographers Do diagnostic Medical Sonographers actually help begin a new life? Yes, according to researchers they do help patients indicate any problems that there may be and what may be expected. This essay will talk about Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and everything it takes to become one and how to become successful as well as why they are important to our global community. Sonographer’s are also known as ultrasound Technicians, they are very important in the medical field because

  • Personal Narrative: A Career As A Medical Sonographer

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    Medical Sonographer, a career that uses ultrasound equipment to look along with testing parts of a patient's body, is a career I wish to pursue for the social skills I will gain, the amount of pay I will earn, in addition with the work setting I will be in. I have been wanting this career scene I was in sixth grade. What got my attention about this career is meeting as well as becoming close to my patients. The challenges I am concerned about this career is if the patient had a miscarriage. I want