Cannabinoid Essays

  • Cannabinoids And Psychosis Essay

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    Peer Reviewed Journal Article: Cannabinoids and Psychosis Sewell, Ranganathan, & D’Souza’s (2009) peer reviewed journal article discusses the possible link, if any, between using cannabis and experiencing psychosis. This article discussed how cannabis was likely to temporarily cause symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia in “healthy individuals” and increase the symptoms in patients already diagnosed with schizophrenia although they were stable on medications (p.153). However, the authors put

  • George Bierson Marijuana The Deceptive Drug Summary

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    part of exorbitant sums. Case in point, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can be fatal for the individuals who are unfavorably susceptible or who overdose. Then again, weed overdose has never been a sole reported reason for death; the measure of cannabinoids needed to have a deadly impact are more than 40,000 times the essential measurement for inebriation, making it exceptionally impossible that an individual would have the capacity to or might accomplish such a packed sum in their circulatory system

  • Cannabinoids Should Be Banned

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    undoubtedly heard of cannabinoids. These are the “active” substances in cannabis. The two best-known cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). They’re also the two cannabinoids found most frequently in cannabis. THC is usually found in the highest volume, while CBD occurs in somewhat lower concentrations. What do these two substances do and what’s the difference between them? The answers may surprise you. THC THC is by far the best-known of the cannabinoids. It’s responsible

  • The Endocannabinoid System: A Case Study

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    pharmacologically active compounds called, cannabinoids, found in Cannabis (Wallace et al. 2001). The two most acknowledged compounds is -9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which is non-psychoactive. THC is the dominant psychoactive compound in Cannabis. The ratio of these compounds correlate to the therapeutic effects in contrast to the psychoactive effects when levels of THC is higher. Both THC and CB have anticonvulsant properties (Wallace et al. 2001). Cannabinoid receptors are extensively dispersed

  • Sythetic Weed

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    hour or two and then tend to fade all at once in three to four hours. Pot isn’t a single molecule that is a drug like alcohol or cocaine. There is a mixture of about 400 different chemical elements. There are about 85 cannabinoids that are unique to pot. The main cannabinoid is THC that is the main chemical in marijuana that triggers the drugs actions and effects on the body. (A) Some people who smoke their brains have more receptors to the THC than other people and that will affect the experience

  • The Great Debate: Medical Marijuana, Is It Ethical?

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    The debate on Medical marijuana has been a controversial subject mainly because people have an abundance of opinions and very little scientific research to back up either side of the debate. The most important question here is “will medical marijuana be used for medical purposes or will it be used inappropriately?” Unlike a person who uses marijuana for medicine or entertainment, some people use marijuana as a means for income. Honestly marijuana sales is a very profitable business but the problem

  • The Endocannabinoid System

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    arachidonate-based lipids, anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamide, AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) which are the ligands for the cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoids are also classified as eicosanoids. There are enzymes that synthesize and degrade the endocannabinoids like monoacylglycerol lipase (Hashimotodani Y, Ohno-Shosaku T, Kano M, 2007: 1211-9). There are cannabinoid receptors known asCB1 and CB2 which are two G protein-coupled receptors are found in the central and peripheral nervous systems

  • The Dangers of Marijuana

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    chemotherapy, and as an appetite stimulant for AIDS patients. Recreationally, it is the most widely used illicit drug, especially among adolescents. The main psychoactive component of marijuana is (9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Other prominent cannabinoids include cannabidiol, cannabinol, and (9-tetrahydrocannabinic acid. Together, these compounds contribute to various behavioral and cognitive changes, which can slightly differ based on the route of preparation and administration (Farthing 1992)

  • The Effects of Marijuana on the Brain

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    posture, cognitive ability, and sensory perception. So what is it in marijuana that keeps users wanting more? The active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The structure of THC is very similar to the endogenous cannabinoids, or endocannabinoids for short, which are naturally occurring chemicals in the body (1).The THC binds to the receptors of the endocannabinoids, and activates the neurons, causing the different sensations experienced during a high. These receptors

  • The Use Of Cannabis

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    several different types of compounds known as cannabinoids. The main component in these compounds that is responsible for cannabis' psychoactive qualities is "∆9 - tetrahydrocannabinol", or THC (Amar, 2006). Cannabinoids function by binding to two receptors, CB1 and CB2. These receptors inhibit cAMP formation and calcium channels, as well as initiate the opening of potassium channels (Meyer and Quezner). There are three different types of cannabinoid receptor antagonists that have been discovered

  • Persuasive Essay Drugs

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    Do we take things for granted, how far have we come enough in our advancement in medicine? Its sad to know that nowadays drugs are a common item that we as people intake whether they be legal or illegal the benefits we receive from them can at times be positive and negative. Most know drugs can and will affect not only our body but your lives as well. We as people seem to do things at first without knowing the risk that comes along with doing and acting about certain ways which is essentially the

  • Cannabis and Cognitive Functioning

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    the world (Solowij, 13). The plant itself contains more than 60 cannabinoid compounds, but the primary psychoactive compound is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (Gaoni & Mechoulam, 1964). Howlett and Colleagues found that cannabinoids inhibit the enzyme that synthesizes cyclic AMP in cultured nerve cells. As many receptors relay their signals to the cell interior by changing cellular cyclic AMP, this evidence suggests that cannabinoids were not just dissolving nonspecifically in membranes, but rather

  • Cannabis Plant Research Paper

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    Marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. The main ingredient that gets you “high” is THC. Tetra Hydra Cannabinol or “THC” is a chemical responsible for the euphoria and psychoactive effects. There are 3 types of Cannabis plants and they all server their different purposes. Indica is described by marijuana users to be very relaxing and produces sedative effects. The Indica Cannabis plant leaves are short and stubby. Sativa on the other hand produces opposite effects. Marijuana

  • Investigating the Solubility of Table Salt in Distilled Water at Different Temperatures

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    Investigating the Solubility of Table Salt in Distilled Water at Different Temperatures The aim of this essay is to explain and discuss the drug cannabis and its effects in relation to biochemical, behavioural and psychological factors. The introduction will outline a brief history relating to the drug and include both the medicinal and recreational purposes of its use. The main discussion will explain how the drug chemistry affects the nervous system emphasising what neurotransmitter is

  • History of Marijuana

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    Cannabis is known to contain over 400 chemicals in which about 70 are classified as plant cannabinoids. The human body produces naturally occurring cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are lipophilic. Delta-8 and Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have been found to produce most of the psychoactive effects of marijuana (Carter et al., 2003). Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol appears to be the most abundant cannabinoid and the main source of cannabis' impact. Cannabidiol is the second most predominantly

  • Chronic Pain

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    occupational functioning (Zvolensky, 2011). This distress and impairment leave many adults feeling helpless and on the search for a treatment that will manage the pain. In recent years, many patients who experience chronic pain have turned to cannabinoids as way for pain management. Cannabis (also called marijuana)—from the plant Cannabis Sativa—for analgesic use is that the drug has been used both therapeutically and recreationally for thousands of years. Cannabis is used recreationally because

  • The Benefits Of Marijuana

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    the natural major active substance present in Cannabis, now called cannabinoids. The two major cannabinoids discovered are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Other components in the drug are still under research (Zajicek et al., 2012; Wilsey et al., 2013; Wilsey et al., 2016). Today, despite the fact that marijuana use for relaxation is not a crime in a number of American states, marijuana and cannabinoids are still on the Schedule I restricted substances list of the US Drug

  • Legalize Medical Marijuana Research Paper

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    for cannabinoids. Many tests are done on experimental

  • Chromatography Essay

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    identify cannabinoid compounds after their quantitative isolation by means of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). Cannabinoid compounds and its quantity is important to know for several reasons. The most important reason being that doctors who recommend medical marijuana to their patients need this information to create a cannabis profile. “Every sample that is submitted to laboratories for testing is registered into the lab’s database. Each test result reports a different ‘cannabinoid profile’

  • Investigation of Marijuana

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    Investigation of Marijuana Marijuana is the dried buds and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. This plant contains more than 400 chemicals, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant's main psychoactive chemical. THC is known to affect our brain's short-term memory. Additionally, marijuana affects motor coordination, increases your heart rate and raises levels of anxiety. Studies also show that marijuana contains cancer-causing chemicals typically associated with cigarettes