The Use Of Cannabis

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Cannabis, which is mainly referred to as marijuana, is a widely used psychotropic drug. There are a variety of species of cannabis, including, "Cannabis salvita, C. indica, and C. ruderalis" (Amar, 2006). Cannabis is made up of several different types of compounds known as cannabinoids. The main component in these compounds that is responsible for cannabis' psychoactive qualities is "∆9 - tetrahydrocannabinol", or THC (Amar, 2006). Cannabinoids function by binding to two receptors, CB1 and CB2. These receptors inhibit cAMP formation and calcium channels, as well as initiate the opening of potassium channels (Meyer and Quezner). There are three different types of cannabinoid receptor antagonists that have been discovered, including endocannabinoids, which are a natural part of an organism, phytocannabinoids, which originate in plants, and synthetic or man-made cannabinoids (Fisar, 2009). These antagonists play an important role in regulating the effects of cannabinoids.
The methods of administration and the resulting cognitive and behavioral effects of cannabis are cru...

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