Campaigns Essays

  • British Airways Campaign

    783 Words  | 2 Pages

    Careful Selection of Media Contributes to a Successful Campaign for British Airways Within BA they understand that the most powerful tool to getting a persuasive message across is through media advertisement, media advertisement allows BA’s message to capture wide audiences depending which type of media it is. The media can contribute mass target audiences which is very useful for objectives like increasing customers and capturing wider target groups this means in other words getting BA’s

  • Baltimore Believe Campaign

    2138 Words  | 5 Pages

    Baltimore Believe Campaign The Baltimore Believe Campaign was started in April of 2002. It is a city wide campaign aimed to reduce the amount of drug use in the city. The idea of the “Believe” campaign has never been tried before. The campaign calls for Baltimore to believe, believe that drugs can be eliminated off of the streets, and drug dealers to be punished. Since the start of the campaign the idea has expanded around the country. Mayor Martin O’Malley has spread his idea around. The

  • The White Feather Campaign

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    The White Feather Campaign 1. The message of the poster, source A, is for families to encourage the man to sign up for the army and go off to war to fight for the country. They did this because compared to the German army at the beginning of the war, it was very small. The artist conveys the message of two women who are both from different classes waving off their husbands and sons who are going off to war. They are comforting each other implying that all women should come together and

  • Addisons "Campaign" and Grays "Elegy".

    890 Words  | 2 Pages

    Addison's "Campaign" and Gray's "Elegy". (Joseph Addison)(Thomas Gray) Rodney Stenning Edgecombe. Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2004 Heldref Publications In the meditation set at the heart of the "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," which he completed in 1750, Gray notes that deprivation curtails opportunities for evil as well as for good. Chief amongst these is violent individual ambition, which Gray deplores (in marked contrast to Addison's "Campaign" of 1704, which had celebrated the military success

  • Proposal for a Sales Promotion Campaign

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    Proposal for a Sales Promotion Campaign For this coursework, I will produce a proposal for a sales promotion campaign for a product or a range of products of a business that I will choose. The proposal will include * Background to the product and market situation as well as an explanation of the sales promotion strategy that I will decide that is most appropriate to promote my product. * Objectives for the promotion. * An explanation of the type pf promotion that I will choose

  • POlitical Campaign Advertising

    1175 Words  | 3 Pages

    number of people, and personalities, to help push along their campaigns. Campaigns help the candidates just as much as the voters. The candidates get to be identified, and known to the voters, and the voters get to hear and see how a specific candidate identifies with their needs and wants. The best way to get this information out there is through the most used form of media, television. When candidates develop a plan of attack for campaign advertising, they tend to aim for at least four types of commercials

  • Campaigns and Elections

    2204 Words  | 5 Pages

    Campaigns and Elections Political campaigns are very significant in American politics and elections. It is the period before the electorate makes political decisions in the form of elections. The attention of the citizens towards politics intensifies as the date of the elections draws near. The salience of voters improves as the election date draws near and could manifest in the form of increased media attention. Political discussions, campaign interest, strength of the intention to vote, and knowledge

  • Developing And Conducting A Successful Capital Campaign

    4978 Words  | 10 Pages

    Conducting A Successful Capital Campaign A capital campaign is an effort to raise funds for the capital needs of an organization or institution. This includes acquisition of property or equipment, construction, renovation, endowments, special projects and programs. Capital campaigns are an occasional necessity, from time to time, in the life of an institution especially when it is part of an institution’s master or long-range plan. The efforts of a capital campaign are of major proportions usually

  • Disrespecting A Campaign

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    In order to make changes to a campaign of my candidate running for the office of the attorney general to move forward. The campaign would engage in positive and cordial campaign strategy, the use of media, and social media. Voters tend to support candidates with positive campaign strategy because of the experience of positive emotions. Naturally, people relate more with people with positive attitude than those with negative attitude. People would watch a campaign advert that is about the need of

  • Promotional Mix for the Tide Racing Campaign

    837 Words  | 2 Pages

    Promotional Mix for the Tide Racing Campaign There are hundreds of different ways top notch companies promote their products. When companies combine the many promotional methods used to promote a specific product, they represent the promotion mix for the product. The promotion mix is made up of four elements: advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion. Our assignment was to collect five items from the promotional mix in one campaign. Tom Utz works as a salesman for

  • Dell Ad Campaign

    1929 Words  | 4 Pages

    Dell Ad Campaign The biggest area of expansion for Dell is the consumer market. In order to develop more sales in this market Dell needs to focus more advertising on the needs and wants of the consumer. Currently Dell promotes its direct model, which is a key factor Dell needs to create a better position for itself in the consumer market. With all of the PCs in the market being more or less equal, Dell needs to focus on what differentiates its products from the competition, namely service and

  • Ad Campaign: Clinique

    1329 Words  | 3 Pages

    Visual Essay “Till Warmth do us Part” “Will you marry me? “ I do.” I swear my love to you ‘til warm water do us part.” Well obviously this isn’t your typical marriage because we aren’t talking about your typical couple. This is the marriage between your lashes and the new Clinique Lash Power Mascara. Mascara strong enough to fight even the most common moisture you encounter during your daily routines, such as rain, sweat, tears, and humidity. Are the facts true, or does Clinique just have sweet

  • Important Elements Of A Campaign Strategy

    1052 Words  | 3 Pages

    Important Elements of a Campaign Strategy Campaigning for any type of elected office requires a sharp eye for detail in regard to what voters are looking for in a candidate. A campaign strategy should be comprehensive in its efforts to reach as many voters as possible. Yet, without a solid base of ideas from which to expand upon, the message being conveyed can easily be lost or taken out of context. In order for a campaign manager to avoid this blunder from occurring and maximize the candidate's

  • Campaign Funding

    1931 Words  | 4 Pages

    Campaign Funding What We Don’t Know About Campaign Finance Does Hurt Us. “No matter what your social issue, if you want to solve it get the money out of politics. Only then will lawmakers vote for their people rather than their pocketbooks.” Jack E. Lohman. Money corrupts politics, and when contributions are being made to candidates it is not in the best interest of the American people. Campaign Finance is out of control in today’s political races. Candidates are taking money from wherever and

  • Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    Media Campaigns in the SUV Debate The American consuming public has a long history of imposing patriotic consumption decisions upon the marketplace. They may be small things, like choosing to consume “freedom” fries over french fries or looking for the “Made in USA” label on products, or they may be forceful actions, like revolutionary era boycotts of British tea or holding foreign food and drug products to American standards. Recent anti-SUV campaigns have grown out of this legacy of consumption

  • The Anti-Marijuana Advertising Campaign

    2023 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Anti-Marijuana Advertising Campaign: Public Service Announcements or Public Disservice Announcements? For nearly one hundred and fifty years marijuana has been illegal in the United States of America. Though marijuana naturally grew in all of our fifty states, it was outlawed due the superior strength and durability of hemp rope. This threatened to replace cotton rope, which would cost wealthy cotton owners a lot of money. To this day marijuana is still outlawed in the U.S., however rope

  • Calvin Klein’s Ad Campaign

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    expressions of self-confidence and uncompromising appearances in each image. These are just a few ways in which Calvin Klein’s ad campaign tries to attract costumers. Attempting to convince the public that Calvin Klein clothing will look as impressive on anyone and will have people staring in envy like many do at the ads is the technique being used in this ad campaign along with many other aspects such as the setting, the outfits, and the models, which all play a big role in the ads effectiveness

  • Frontier Airlines Rebranding Campaign

    1268 Words  | 3 Pages

    Airlines Rebranding Campaign After baseline studies indicated that Frontier Airlines was unrecognizable in its own core business area, they decided a new image was in order. Frontier released their new ad campaign “A Whole New Animal,” that built on their solid old brand, but conveyed their new goal – that they are affordable, flexible, accommodating, and comfortable. Frontier Airlines launched their new rebranding campaign calling itself "a whole different animal." The campaign uses the animals

  • Fear and Loathing on The Campaign Trail

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fear and Loathing On The Campaign Trail ’72 was a book about a writer for the Rolling Stone and his coverage of the presidential elections in 1972. These elections were between the incumbent Republican, President Richard Nixon and the Senator from South Dakota, George McGovern. The election of 1972 saw McGovern come out of the democratic National Convention over Senators Muskie and Humphrey but only to lose to the incumbent president Richard Nixon. Hunter S. Thompson writes about the Election of

  • Nike's Marketing Campaign: JUST DO IT

    2946 Words  | 6 Pages

    company, Nike. The JUST DO IT campaign has been very successful for Nike, but it is not he sole reason for their success. Nike’s campaign has definitely persuaded me to go out and buy a few Nike products. So what exactly does Nike’s persuasive campaign consist of? This paper will discuss all aspects of Nike’s persuasive campaign. Some of the campaign’s strategies, goals, and techniques will be revealed. Some persuasive theories that can be applied to the Nike advertising campaign will be identified and