Bundles Essays

  • Descartes Bundle Theory Analysis

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    as the bundle theory, in direct contrast to the substrate theory which Descarte had used to understand objects and their composition. The bundle theory approaches the composition of objects in a new a different way. Bundle theory maintains that properties are bundled together in a collection without describing how they are tied together. For example, bundle theory regards an apple as red, four inches wide, and juicy but lacking an underlying substance. The apple is said to be a bundle of properties

  • The Art and Methods Used in KIMSOOJA Unfolding

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    use everyday materials like traditional silk or cotton clothes with colorful motifs. These turned out to be her new ‘canvas’ and needle & thread has become her ‘brushes’. In 1980s, she switched these used clothing in to covers and objects and made bundles or ‘Bottari’. She then used these works in her video installations and performances. Her method of working was unique, in which she considered her own body as ‘needle or thread’ and the world as the ‘canvas’. Her performances were recorded with video

  • Swot Analysis Of Bundle Of Joy

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    pages) Product As mentioned in one of the strategic directions (product development) that the business will explore, Bundle of Joy has plans to widen their merchandise mix categories. The entire range of offerings that Bundle of Joy carries are classified as shopping goods as the business will carry apparel for infants to toddlers and organic food for children till the age of three. Bundle of Joy’s apparel follow a colour scheme of pastel shades (Refer to appendix _). Organic food will be sold in the

  • Derek Parfit's Bundle Theory

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    David Hume was a philosopher who was interest in person identities and created the Bundle Theory. The Bundle Theory is an ontological theory about objects in which it consists of a bundle of properties, relations, or expressions. The object consists of its properties and nothing more than that, which means that there cannot be an object without its properties and no one can even think or imagine such an object. Every person is just a series of different events, states, sensations, and thoughts. We

  • The Chameleon Is Late And The Two Bundles

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    what can go wrong when humans are making the decisions. The way in which these choices are made can happen in a variety of manners, but the fundamentals of free will are very similar from story to story. In “The Chameleon is Late” and “The Two Bundles”, free will results in death remaining on earth, but the decisions that led to this outcome were made in unique ways. In the story, “The Chameleon is Late”, the Yao people describe how death came into the world through the journey of a chameleon

  • Sepsis Bundles Saving Lives

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    departments (ED) are the most common initial route of care that patients take for hospitalization of sepsis type infections. Currently many hospitals do not have a defined treatment protocol that initiates this needed treatment to start in the ED. Sepsis bundles offer ED nurses the guidelines that are needed to help care for such patients. Method: A traditional review of 19 peer journal articles of both qualitative and quantitative designs were researched. Each article was reviewed to measure that the purpose

  • Analysis Of 'An Abandoned Bundle And Soweto'

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    Abandoned Bundle by Mbuyiseni Oswald Mtshali Nightfall in Soweto by Mbuyiseni Oswald Mtshali How have two poems confirmed or altered your views and feelings? An Abandoned Bundle and Nightfall in Soweto are both veracious poems that have enlightened me about the poverty and anguish suffered in South Africa, as well as the desperation that people in these places suffer. These poems convey life in third world slums, and the brutal, dangerous situations that people endure. In An Abandoned Bundle, Mtshali

  • Bundle Of Rights And Property Ownership

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    Bundle of Rights is one way to explain property ownership. Bundle of Rights Theory an individual holds a free hold estate of inheritance, that individual owns the whole bundle of rights. Some rights are considered too been known as bundle of sticks and they represent and identifiable rights. In the rights, there are two types of property real and personal property. Estates in land: life estate, leasehold estate, real estate, fee simple. It includes nonpossessory interest such as easement and liens

  • The Bundle Theory by David Hume

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    The mystery of consciousness has puzzled humans for thousands of years. We feel pain, hunger, and countless other perceived emotions that we know to be true. We are all aware that we are conscious; however, nobody has discovered whether or not the human body is organized in a specific way that leads to consciousness. The fact is that the existence of consciousness, the very essence of knowledge, is undeniable, regardless of the lack of a concrete systematic organization of facts to explain it. This

  • My Unplanned Bundle of Joy

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    to be her father. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that we would be a family. Our story may have happened a little differently than most but it is okay. As long as the two of us were happy, nothing else mattered. Personally, my little bundle of joy was unplanned. Her father, Ryan, and I had not been together very long before we got our little surprise. We became subject to more backlash than any soon-to-be parent should have to endure. Luckily, our families were excited to hear of their

  • Property As A Bundle Of Property Case Study

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    chapter 33, we will learn about: I. The concept of ownership of property as a bundle of rights and types of property II. Acquiring ownership rights in personal property III. A bailment, duties and rights of the bailee and the bailor of personal property IV. Special bailment situations V. Case study: Kenyon v. Abel B. Body: I. The concept of ownership of property as a bundle of rights and types of property 1. A bundle of rights is a set of legal rights of possession, control, exclusion, enjoyment

  • Preventing CLABSI: The Impact of Bundle Interventions

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    Results of decreased incidence of infection are directly attributed by bundle interventions, improving patient outcomes. Bundle care interventions outside of critical care has not widely been reported (Klintworth et al., 2014). Placement of central lines are necessary for measuring right arterial pressure as well as fluid administration (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014). Collaborative efforts are needed in order to prevent occurrence. Bundle care is implemented

  • The Bundle Of Sticks: The Right To Real Property

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    The idea of the bundle of sticks as it relates to real property is the idea that individuals can have many separate rights to real property. The bundle of sticks idea specifies several rights that individuals have when they own real property. One of the main rights that exists with property ownership is the right to exclude. The right to exclude refers to an individual property owner’s right to stop others from being on the property. For the most part, the right to exclude is absolute. However, there

  • Difference Between Ego Theory And Bundle Theory

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    prominent theories, which see themselves at the forefront of the debate on the truth, are known as ego theory, and bundle theory. The majority of world religions teach their followers the concept of a spirit, or soul that “transcends the physical”, continuing to exist in some way, shape, or form after the death of the body (Thagard).

  • Sepsis: Early Detection and Implementation of Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle

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    Sepsis: Early Detection and Implementation of Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle Introduction Sepsis is defined as the body’s inflammatory response to an infection and can quickly lead to multiple organ failure and death. Early, goal-directed therapy using the sepsis resuscitation bundle introduced in the “Surviving Sepsis Campaign” is the treatment used throughout the world for sepsis treatment (Winterbottom 2012, pp 247). There are approximately one million cases of sepsis in the United States

  • Freud's Understanding and Applying it to a Freudian Evaluation of Menominee Medicine Bundle

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    Freud's Understanding and Applying it to a Freudian Evaluation of Menominee Medicine Bundle Sigmund Freud gives a psychological interpretation to Eliades analysis. I am going to explain Freuds understanding and apply it in a Fraudian evaluation of the "Menominee Medicine Bundle." Freud says, religions say that sacred realities are the divine beings who dwell in some other useable realm. He states that these ideas are illusions, mere wishes. "Religious ideas are given out as teachings, are not

  • Sepsis Case Study Summary

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    Problem: Early sepsis often goes undetected leading to increased mortality and cost. CMS Sepsis Bundle compliance is publicly reported and non-compliance results in financial penalties. At St. Vincent’s the symptoms of sepsis are underdiagnosed approximately 60% of the time. Quality Improvement Methods: An Interprofessional Sepsis Workgroup was formed and using Lean Management principles gaps in sepsis care, identification of care delays, and time-wasting workflows were documented. Based on

  • Price Bundling Essay

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    the products in the bundle are fixed by the retailers. Most of the research in this domain investigates the optimal pricing strategies for the goods in the bundle and their subsequent effects on consumers’ bundle evaluations, willingness to purchase, and post-purchase satisfaction (Janiszewski and Cunha 2004; Khan and Dhar 2010). In this paper, we focus on a different type of price bundling: where retailers only fix the total number of products that should be included in the bundle, and consumers can

  • External Purchasing Power Analysis

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    bought for £100. Usually internal purchasing power level is measured in consumption bundles. That is how many of these consumption bundles can be bought for particular amount of domestic currency in home economy. For example if a consumption bundle of particular fixed goods and services in the UK costs £20,000 with £100,000 we could buy 5 of these bundles. This raises a question: if we would be able buy the same 5 bundles for £100,000 in the USA or any other country in the world? To answer this question

  • Central Line Infections

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    central-line infections, nursing practitioners should implement the central-line bundle. The bundle involves five elements, which are; hand hygiene, proper cleaning prep, site selection, sterile barriers, and continuous monitoring, which have been recommended and supported by various federal agencies, for example, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, SHEA and the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, CDC. The bundle has been implemented in nationwide hospital intensive care units with