Bowl Championship Series Essays

  • Toulmin Essay

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    programs such as; Alabama or Notre Dame. Believe it or not, college football may have finally gotten it right after suffering through 15 years of the Bowl Championship Series (BCS). College football over the years has picked the national champion in the wrong manner by using a flawed system. The BCS was chosen to help with the National Championship game and unfortunately not a popular choice among fans. Fans have argued that the BCS is unjust and a playoff system would be the best scenario to help

  • The BCS National Championship Game

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    From the first two national champions, Rutgers and Princeton, to last year’s debateable Auburn national championship winning team, college football has always had difficulties deciding national champions. The BCS National Championship game was thought to give a less prejudice opinion on which teams play in the championship game than humans did. However, it has stimulated more controversy in college sports than Cal-Stanford “The Play.” The problem with the BCS teams is, it chooses two teams that are

  • NCAA Football Playoff System

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    NCAA Football Playoff System Thesis: The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) formula has been used to determine the top twenty-five teams in NCAA Division I college since 1998. Many think this system is inadequate and should be changed. The alternative is a playoff system that would give more of the top teams a chance to be named the NCAA football National Champion. I.     BCS formula A.     Computers 1.     Where they’re from 2.     How they work B.     Polls 1.     Where they’re from

  • Playoffs?

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    big deal and have been intrigued by the controversy stirred up about the Bowl system in place. Sometimes I watch the National Title Game and wonder how the teams are chosen. I never really knew how the system worked. I just knew that a panel or committee chose certain teams based on rankings and conferences to determine which game they would play in. For years I have seen teams go undefeated but not win a national championship. Some of these teams include: 1994 Penn State, 1998 Tulane, 1999 Marshall

  • Football Vs Football

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    population. Building on turn-of-the-century passions for the game among college alumni, no American sport better capitalized on the opportunities provided by new electronic media than football, in both its professional and collegiate forms. The annual Super Bowl has become late-twentieth-century America's single-greatest televised sporting event—indeed, its single-greatest television event, period, with workplace water-cooler talk the following Monday as likely to concern the new advertisements debuted in

  • National Basketball Championship

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    2010 NCAA National Championship game was 3 inches off the mark, allowing perennial power Duke to walk away with their fourht National Championship. However, Butler's magical run shows why the NCAA Tournament is such a great event and why it does its job as a fair way to decide the National Champion. Meanwhile, three months earlier, Boise State is stuck at home, wondering what could have been as they watch Alabama and Texas get the opportunity to play for the National Championship. Boise State was undefeated

  • Home Field Advantage In Basketball

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    are the road team. So, does this mean that road team is at a true disadvantage and win the series? That’s what I wanted to investigate. I took the last six years of postseason play from the American League and compared each playoff round home wins versus losses. I picked the American League just out of random and to use this to study

  • Descriptive Essay: My Trip To Boston

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    My Trip to Boston “ Everyone hold onto your seats this is going to be a hell of a ride” (Akeem). I flew to Boston, MA with a group of my classmates from Maumelle High last year to tour the beautiful city, go to the Boston Red Sox parade, and to watch the Boston Celtics go against the Milwaukee Bucks at the TD Garden Arena. Although, tourist attractions in Boston are ravishing, they're well-known for building the first subway in America. My classmates and I jumped off that plane rushing to find a

  • Descriptive Essay: A Trip To Boston Sandwich

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    “ Everyone hold onto your seats this is going to be a hell of a ride” (Akeem). I flew to Boston, MA with a group of my classmates from Maumelle High last year to tour the beautiful city, go to the Boston Red Sox parade, and to watch the Boston Celtics go against the Milwaukee Bucks at the TD Garden Arena. Although, tourist attractions in Boston are ravishing, they're well-known for building the first subway in America. My classmates and I jumped off that plane rushing to find a cab to take us to

  • Essay On New York Yankees Hat

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    draw criticism and hatred from many other fans saying that the fans weren’t real. The hat represented a fake culture, people who didn’t truly support a team, just the winning they were doing. The Yankees themselves drew hatred for “buying their championships.” The amount of money that George Steinbrenner put into the team caused rivals to get upset at the stars who would go to the team and the contracts that would be given to the players. Those who had huge contracts were despised and insulted every

  • BCS vs. Playoff System

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    benefit that bowl games offer schools, the issue of wheatear to replace the Bowl Championship Series with a playoff system continues to be one of the most discussed aspects of college football. Most people agree the Bowl Championship Series should be replaced by a playoffs, however there are a few who believe otherwise. The Bowl Championship Series works, and college football has never been more successful, thrilling, popular, or more enjoyable than ever. The Bowl Championship Series is fairer, safer

  • Peyton Manning Compare And Contrast

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    out long. The two QB’s every season are competing for championships, and wins. While leading the league in almost every passing aspect of the game! Brady owns all the New England Patriots passing’s records, while Manning owns all passing records for the Indianapolis Colts and some of the Denver Broncos. Both quarterbacks will forever be considered one of the greatest players in the NFL, but who is better? The Brady–Manning rivalry is a series of games between two of the best signal callers in the

  • Football Switch Persuasive Essay

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    bracket is set up. Introduction: There is an obvious problem if teams are undefeated and only get a bowl game, and not a chance to even show that they are the best team in College football. UCF finished last season 13-0 and after winning the AAC conference they were giving a bowl game. They played Auburn and won, who previously defeated Alabama and Georgia who both contend for the national championship. How many people in here watch college football? The NCAA should change the way the division one football

  • BCS Bowl Game Analysis

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    When you watch the BCS Bowl in college football and your team isn’t in it, do you ever think that your team was robbed of a shot at greatness because of a loss to a hard team, or that the teams in it had an easy schedule so they could get to where they are? That's just a few of the complaints that were given in order to get rid of the BCS bowl and have the playoff system put into place, and that was the right move. The BCS bowl was started in 1998 where the top two teams played each other for the

  • Notre Dame University Football Dynasty

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    forget the Fighting Irish. During this Irish History, their dynasty could not have been ?Rock?-solid (referring to Knute Rockne who built Notre Dame Stadium) without outstanding coaches. With thirteen national titles, Notre Dame has more football championships than any other university or college in history. The thirty remarkable coaches include the greatest in Notre Dame?s history: Knute Rockne, Frank Leahy, Ara Parseghian, and Lou Holtz. The program has the highest total winning percentage, higher

  • Essay On Football Sports

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    contributed to making the 1960's a decade of fun excitement. One of the most famous sporting events took place in January 1967. It was the very first National Football League Super Bowl. This event paved the way for football to become one of the most popular sports in America. The Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls and dazzled audiences with their style of playing. Joe Namath also became the first quarterback to ever throw over four thousand yards in a single season. Many college football

  • Explain How The Super Bowl Has Changed Over The Last 50 Years

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    For my historical subject I will be analyzing how the super bowl has changed over the past 50 years. Unlike sports such as baseball and the world series, the super bowl was a fairly young concept. The first game was played in 1967. Back then there were 2 different leagues that played the sport, the AFL (American Football League) and the NFL (National Football League). The super bowl was created as a result of a merger negotiation between the two leagues after years of constant competition. The winner

  • College Football Rivalries

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    a point that we are on the edge of our seats for the entire game, but many people do not know exactly what makes these games so unique. Many rivalries are based off of supremacy in a certain state or in a region. Factors such as trash talking, championship contention, or recruiting implications can play into these games that appear on the schedule every year. There are games in which private schools battle it out against public schools to prove that they have earned the right to go against the public

  • Why Did The Stanley Cup Get Its Name

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    WASHINGTON (WUSA9)-- Since the Washington Capitals are in the Stanley Cup Final, there has been a lot of talk about having the Stanley Cup Trophy in Washington, D.C. Currently the Caps lead the Golden Knights in the series 2-1, and there's a pretty good chance that it actually could come to the District.  So maybe before it gets here, we should all take a history lesson of how the Stanley Cup Trophy came to be.  How did the Stanley cup get it's name? In 1892, the trophy was just a cup and valued

  • Why Ohio State's Football Program Is Better than Michigan's

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    Iron Bowl, and it isn’t even the Red Sox against the Yankees. According to ESPN at the turn of the century, the greatest sports rivalry is Ohio State versus Michigan in college football. While many Wolverine fans claim that the Michigan football program is the superior one, there are a variety of reasons that show otherwise. Statistically, in the modern era of college football, Ohio State has been the better program. This can be supported through simple head-to-head records and championships, as