Artifice Essays

  • Essay on Figurative Language in A Work of Artifice

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    Figurative Language in A Work of Artifice by Marge Piercy "A clever trick, crafty device, or stratagem" is how Webster's Encyclopedia of Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language defines Artifice. Marge Piercy definitely used "crafty" techniques in writing "A Work of Artifice." In this poem, Piercy reflects on the growth of a bonsai tree, considering the molded existence of what it is to what it could have naturally been. With deeper analysis of this poem, the correlation between a bonsai

  • Personal Response to Marge Piercy's A Work of Artifice

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    Personal Response to Marge Piercy's A Work of Artifice My initial response to "A Work of Artifice" by Marge Piercy, was one of profound sadness. In defining myself as the actual reader of this poem, my background becomes significant in my emotional response. "It is this reader who comes to the text shaped by cultural and personal norms and prejudices." (Bressler, p. 72) I come from a family of poets and published writers and have been reading and composing poetry since the age of 4. My first

  • A Work of Artifice and You Should Have Been a Boy

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    A Work of Artifice and You Should Have Been a Boy The word potential can be defined as the sum of abilities and capabilities that are possessed by, and specific to an individual being. In regards to humans we could say that it is all that a person can be and accomplish if encouraged and allowed the freedom to do so. Fulfillment of potential is curtailed in both the females in “A Work of Artifice,” by Marge Piercy and the female in “You Should Have Been a Boy,” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton; however

  • Des Esseintes' Infatuation with Artifice in Huysmans' Against Nature

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    Des Esseintes' Infatuation with Artifice in Huysmans' Against Nature In J.-K Huysmans Against Nature, Des Esseintes rebels against his family, religion, and Parisian society to establish an identity unique to himself. He perceives this rejection of the truistic self as the development of individuality when, in actuality, it is only a self deriving from his reaction to the overstimulated public. By decorating his abode with eccentric objects, he falsely believes that he can detach himself from

  • Leibniz's Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines

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    artificial machine that we produce cannot be adequately understood simply in terms of differing orders of structural complexity. It is not simply that natural machines, having been made by God, are infinitely more complex than the products of our own artifice. Instead, Leibniz's distinction is a thoroughly metaphysical one, having its root in his belief that every natural machine is a corporeal substance, the unity and identity conditions of which derive ultimately from its substantial form. Natural machines

  • An Analysis of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

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    An Analysis of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion ABSTRACT: Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779) may be read in the way Cleanthes (and Philo as well) reads Nature, as analogous to human artifice and contrivance. The Dialogues and Nature then are both texts, with an intelligent author or Author, and analogies may be started from these five facts of Hume's text: the independence of Hume's characters; the non-straightforwardness of the characters' discourse; the way the

  • William Blake's The Lamb

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    The Lamb - William Blake Summary The poem begins with the question, "Little Lamb, who made thee?" The speaker, a child, asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquired its particular manner of feeding, its "clothing" of wool, its "tender voice." In the next stanza, the speaker attempts a riddling answer to his own question: the lamb was made by one who "calls himself a Lamb," one who resembles in his gentleness both the child and the lamb. The poem ends with the child bestowing

  • Artifice Summary

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    most essential skill in political theater and consumer culture is artifice. Artifice, defined as a clever strategy designed to deceive or defraud, is the tool that both the advertising industry and political campaigns rely on to manipulate their audiences. It is the “art of deceiving” that allows corporations and politicians to thrive in an environment where appearance often trumps reality. In both consumer culture and politics, artifice becomes a mechanism to evoke desired emotional responses, skew

  • Essay On Artifice

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    however in our modern cut-throat society, sometimes honesty simply won’t get the job done. Being ‘fake,’ although perceived as a negative aspect, is often necessary to succeed in not only the entertainment industry, but in any aspect of life. Using artifice is vital for getting and retaining success in consumer culture and keeping your own image in the eyes of others. ‘Faking’ circumstances can be crucial to personal success. I will soon be applying to college, and must muster up some fake positivity

  • Cultural Diversity in The Tempest

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    suggests, "The poet who imitates not the visible world but the intelligible as manifested in the visible will not consider that the use of artifice to emphasize form makes imagery less 'true to nature'" (Scanlan  1).  In The Tempest  we see a great deal of artifice to understand what is manifested in the visible, however, with Caliban we see that all the artifice in the world does not help him be accepted by those who inhabit the island once his own.  Prospero has enslaved the son that Sycorax "did

  • A Work Of Artifice Analysis

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    raised to believe that they are not as capable as they are can be, and feel pressured into being feminine. This means being secure and comfortable with the desire to submit to a stronger man and is almost a form of vulnerability. The poems “A Work of Artifice” by Marge Piercy and “Woman Work” by Maya Angelou explore the different ways that women are oppressed and how this leads to loneliness and bitterness. Both poets chose diction to add

  • Essay On Artifice

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    influences society to believe in the artifice spewing from the mouths of leaders and authors and celebrities expressed in a way that connects with the society. Social media- the likes, the followers, the endorsements- persuades people to buy things not needed, to look like someone other than themselves, to aspire to be something that they are not. Artifice persuades people with the corporations, the pictures, the celebrities, and the medium used to obtain them. Artifice can be negative. It can be a red

  • Why Is Artifice Important In Politics

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    for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is whether the people elected will actually fulfill their promises and show that they are being honest and trustworthy. Unfortunately, it is more likely than ever that they will deceive the people instead. Artifice can be essential in political theater as well as consumer culture so I agree with Chris Hedges’ statement. A myriad of people have used it to gain fame, money, or power, and eventually abuse it. This can lead to disastrous situations because they

  • Analysis Of Artifice By Chris Hedges

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    were a facade, and the true characteristics of these individuals were hidden? Chris Hedges argues that one of most essential skills a person can possess is their ability to deceive others. That with artifice, one can be anything no matter the credentials. Hedges is correct in his statement because artifice is an essential skill to everyone because it lets anyone be anything, and assists in reaching your goals. Body 1:

  • Why Is Artifice Important

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    What makes artifice such an essential skill? In the excerpt from Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, it is argued that “the most essential skill… is artifice.” Artifice, the act of deceiving people, can be very useful when you want more power or popularity in the world. Many widely known people use artifice to stay rich, popular, and in power. However, artifice isn’t so essential that everybody needs to be a faker in order to succeed. It is true, as Hedges writes, that “Political leaders, who use

  • Work Of Artifice Analysis

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    portrayal is prevalent throughout many works of literature, including pieces such as “A Work of Artifice,” “Barbie G,” and “Pathedy of Manners.” Their portrayal of women demonstrates this unfair standard of women and the over exaggerated value placed upon physical appearance. By using the physical appearance of women, the authors comment on this unfair characterization and stereotype of women. In the “Work of Artifice,” the symbol of a bonsai tree represents the image of women. The gardener represents society

  • Chris Hedges Use Of Artifice In The Great Gatsby

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    people who practice artifice succeed substantially. Artifice is a clever or artful skill especially used to trick or deceive others. In the excerpt Empire of Illusion, Chris Hedges states that,” The most essential skill in political theater and a consumer culture is artifice.” I profoundly agree with Hedges’ position on artifice. Many times in literature the author may use artifice to help develop the character’s persona. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby utilizes artifice to help him elevate in

  • Artifice and Self-Reflexivity in Non-Fiction Film

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    Doubling Reality: Artifice and Self-Reflexivity in Non-Fiction Film The non-fiction film is the original creation at the crossroad between cinema and authenticity. It is traditionally considered to be the truest of any art form by focusing on perceived reality, whereas fictional narratives necessarily fabricate conscious experiences for the application of style and meaning. Documentary films have a considerably more complex signification than fictional works because they propose the viewer’s

  • Political Leaders: The Skill Of Being Artifice

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    The skill of being artifice, someone who tricks others is an essential skill, but it shouldn’t be classified as the most necessary skill needed. Many people in political theater & consumer culture tend to create lies and deceive others to gain votes or get them to buy their product.It’s an important part to the issue at hand, because lying is a main factor that the people in these kind of industries feed off of, It’s what helps them get to the top of their success. Being artifice is a huge issue, eventually

  • A Work of Artifice - A Profound Poem for Many Cultures

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    "A Work of Artifice"- A Profound Poem for Many Cultures Suppression of women has occurred in all societies. Damage created by societal repression ranges from psychological damage to physical damage.  The suppression of women is not only perpetrated by men, often other women support the cultural traditions which are damaging, as they themselves grew up within the confines of those social norms.  Marge Piercy, a feminist activist, writer and poet makes a statement against social norms damaging to