Archival science Essays

  • The Significance of Library and Archives Canada in Preserving Canadian History

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    Thesis The significance Library and Archives Canada is the preservation of Canadian history. Introduction Without the protection of Library and Archives Canada, Vital documentation of Canadian History Act could be lost. The significance of the Library and Archives of Canada is that it holds every important document this country was built on and more including Constitutional laws and all the past and current amendments made. Library and Archives Canada also contains the Census of Canadian citizens

  • The Importance Of The Olympic Games

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    The Olympic Games plays a significant role in the world. The relationship between it and host countries is important to investigate for comprehending cultural studies. According to Xu and Kirby (2008), the Olympic Games has a considerable impact on the expression of national identity. For example, London applied this approach to promote its national identity. This can be discovered from the BBC video called James Bond escorts The Queen to the opening ceremony in 2012 (2012): an amiable identity is

  • Importance Of Preservation

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    Preservation and Conservation Methods Preservation is a crucial element in the whole operation of a records programmed. The aim of archival preservation is to prolong the usable life of useful research information in two ways. First, preventive preservation seeks to reduce risks of damage and to slow down the rate of deterioration. This aim is usually accomplished by selecting good quality materials and by providing suitable storage environments and safe handling procedures. Secondly, prescriptive

  • Essay On Archive Management

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    management. 1.0 INTRODUCTION. At present very important information, an archive is another agency of information, agencies should deal of information in a systematic way. So now, we want to focus on the effective management of archival institutions Malaysia. Archival institutions can either term "archive" or "manuscript repositories" depending on the type of documentary material that contains and how it is obtained. "Archives" have their traditional institutions responsible for the care of long-term

  • Preservation Of Digital Information

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    1.0 Introduction Digital information in China defined as information or records that are created in digital device and environment, also in digital format used device such as computer for access and process it (Liu, 2013). According to Voutssas (2012), digital preservation is the process of maintaining digital information using technology according to established policies and procedures as told by InterPARES (2006). National Archive of China and Latin America faced several problems in order to establish

  • Archivists Essay

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    value. Since the introduction of the computer, archivists have been concerned about its impact on their profession's mission. Based on report by the National Archives of Canada on machine-readable data stated that "if one were to take the traditional archival approach of waiting for whatever recorded information came out of the system, then the archivist in the electronic age will undoubtedly die of information starvation."23 Over the past decade archivists have tried to redefine their role in the modern

  • Maylasia's National Archives is Our Nation's Heritage Treasures

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    archives to the public in order to strengthen the management of audiovisual archives. NAM should give the exposure to the government agencies and public of their responsibilities in managing audiovisual archives to the national heritage. To improve archival work is a shared responsibility among the entire community. It should be supported by mass media and social networks since it is the concerned of the society in order to raise awareness to people especially with the interest on national heritage

  • Time Horizons

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    Defining the research methodology to be used is fundamental for the researcher, since it guides and allows the most appropriate strategy planning to reach the objectives of the dissertation project. The research methodology can be seen as a set of multiple layers (Figure 9), starting with the research philosophies, followed by approaches, strategies, choices, time horizons, and techniques and procedures. Philosophies According to the authors, practical considerations influence the philosophy to adopt

  • Sociology as a Science

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    by using scientific means as they were inspired by the recognition of the value of scientific principles and procedures. Science is a systematic, rigorous, controlled discipline aimed at understanding, gathering knowledge about and predicting occurrences within the natural world. If a research method has these characteristics it can be considered ‘scientific’. Science is a body of knowledge associated with a particular style of research, that is, one characterised by the use of certain methods

  • Argument of Alfarabi’s Book of Religion

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    Argument of Alfarabi’s Book of Religion For this paper I reviewed four works by the philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi (864-933d ce). These were the Enumeration of the Sciences, the Book of Religion, Selected Aphorisms, andthe Attainment of Happiness. Three of these were new translations by Ch. E. Butterworth, the fourth Attainment of Happiness: is from the anthology Medieval Political Philosophy edited by Ralph Lerner and Muhsin Mahdi, the latter being the translator of the piece. The assignment

  • The Wall and the Books

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    In “The Wall and the Books”, the essay which belongs to “Other Inquisitions”, Borges mentioned an interesting historical clue. The First Old China Emperor, Shih Huang Ti, burnt all antique books for abolishing the History and the past and, by other hand, he built the long China Wall for the barbarians were being taken off, when they were threatening from North. But this great first essay of this great book ende with an emotive, lightful phrase, “this inminent revealment never happen, perhaps is

  • Use of Experiments in Natural Sciences and in Sociology

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    Use of Experiments in Natural Sciences and in Sociology Experiments are particularly important in natural sciences as they are the device used to either prove or disprove a hypothesis. Sciences such as chemistry or physiology operate in what is known as closed systems, where all the variables can be controlled. This means therefore that such experiments can be carried out, and effectively. Whereas it may be difficult in physical sciences to control the variables, and in sociology to recreate

  • Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs by Stephen Jay Gould

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    differentiates bad science from good science and explains what makes some theories silly speculations, while the other, a testable hypothesis. Any hypothesis, Gould says, begins with the collection of facts. In this early stage of a theory development bad science leads nowhere, since it contains either little or contradicting evidence. On the other hand, Gould suggests, testable proposals are accepted temporarily, furthermore, new collected facts confirm a hypothesis. That is how good science works. It is

  • Gulliver’s Travels

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    argued that science without context could have widespread harmful consequences, and this position profoundly reveals itself in his satirical treatment of science and knowledge in Gulliver’s Travels. This paper will discuss Swift’s satirical treatment of these subjects in the novel. Several critics have pointed out that evidence exists that suggests that Swift was not uniformly opposed to all science (Phiddian 52). Therefore, it would seem unfair to read Swift’s satirical approach to science in Gulliver’s

  • Human Beings and Nature: The Scientific Revolution

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    11. ADDITIONAL SOURCE: - Steven Shapin, "The Scientific Revolution," Library Journal, Aug. 1996, 63-67. This article offers a different approach to analyzing the impact of the Scientific Revolution. He discusses the "birth" of modern science which occurred between Copernicus and Newton's time. However, he also gives equal credit to Bacon, Descartes, Galileo for the development of the naturalistic philosophy we still use today. This article is an excellent source of furthering one's

  • Being Human in The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin

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    What does it mean to be human? To most people it means being high on the food chain; or having the ability to make our own choices. People everywhere have a few things in common: We all must obey Natural laws, and we have preconceived ideas, stereotypes, and double standards. Being human is simply conveyed as human nature in “The Cold Equations”, by Tom Godwin, where the author shows the common ground that makes each and every one of us human. First of all, everyone must obey universal Natural Laws


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    In many industries, the network of consumers using compatible products or services influences the benefits of consumption. Positive network effects arise when the consumer utility of using a product or service increases with the number of users of that product or service. The telephone system is a widely used example since it seems clear that the value of being part of the network rises as the network sizes increases. Consumption benefits can also arise in markets where a large customer network leads

  • Popper and Kuhn: Two Views of Science

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    Popper and Kuhn: Two Views of Science In this essay I attempt to answer the following two questions: What is Karl Popper’s view of science? Do I feel that Thomas Kuhn makes important points against it? The two articles that I make reference to are "Science: Conjectures and Refutations" by Karl Popper and "Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research?" by Thomas Kuhn. In the article, "Science: Conjectures and Refutations", Karl Popper attempts to describe the criteria that a theory must meet

  • Kass and Genetic Technology

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    Unregulated Genetic Technology Threatens to Dehumanize Society When James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA in 1959, they could not have known that their discovery would one day lead to the possibility of a human factory that is equipped with the capabilities to mass produce perfectly designed, immortal human beings on a laboratory assembly line. Of course, this human factory is not yet possible; genetic technology is still in its infancy, and scientists are forced to spend

  • Scientific Progress as Seen in Frankenstein

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    being meek Elizabeth is forced to be strong for the family's sake. However, when Victor 'supplies' the monster, the role of child bearer is taken from women, and they are portrayed in a different manner, a man making a creature defied not only science but also the role of women, perhaps in some ways women are freed of their only weakness, yet Frankenstein is unwilling to accept this. Therefore, soon after we see Justine taking the wrath of the monsters murder. ' For all of t... ... middle