Alfalfa Essays

  • Alfalfa: The Queen of Forages in North America

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    Forages” is one title that alfalfa has earned in North America. Since its introduction in 1750s in the Americas alfalfa has grown to be the number one forage legume produced in North America. Alfalfa can be green chopped for silage, baled dry, baled as baleage, or used as pasture. Lucerne another common name for alfalfa has the highest feeding value of any other forage legume crop. High in digestible energy and protein makes alfalfa a valuable feed to livestock. Quality alfalfa primarily used for feeding

  • The Assets and Liabilities of Farms

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    bag. (Seedland) Corn seed is also a liability when it comes to the world of agriculture. For example, there may be a farm that grows only corn, and let’s say that farm has 239 acres of field. It is cheaper to buy silage corn seed than it is to buy alfalfa seed. However, it costs more to plant, harvest, and water the corn, and a farmer only gets one cutting out of the crop. Then there are the possible extra expenses of having corn on a farm: a ground freeze after planting, heavy rain hitting the yearling

  • Alfalfa Case Study

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    the C:N ratio the worse the aggregate stability and the faster the aggregate will crumble away as can be seen in both a slaking test and the alfalfa treatment. The water which is added into the 100 grams of soil has the highest aggregate water stability. The alfalfa has a higher nitrogen amount thus will exhibit a low C:N ratio. Thus the treatment in alfalfa will have limited excretion of extracellular polymers that can help bind the aggregate thus the stability of the aggregate for this treatment

  • What Is Alfalfa Sprouts

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    One of my favourite sandwiches from a local eatery features alfalfa sprouts, but I've heard some cautionary tales about their safety. This class has led me to consider the type of bacteria that may be growing in the sprouts and become informed about the risks of consuming them raw. A study in 2008 which tested the bacterial DNA purified from 4 retail samples of alfalfa sprouts from different producers in various regions of the United States found that most bacteria are Enterobacteriaceae, a large

  • Alfalfa Pros And Cons

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    Alfalfa is a weed like plant used to help with many unfatal medical conditions such as, cholesterol reduction. It has other uses as well, for example, some people feed it to their livestock. Alfalfa was originally genetically modified by Monsanto and Forage Genetics, a alfalfa seed company owned by Land O’ Lakes, to become herbicide roundup resistant. A genetically modified organism, abbreviated by GMO, is a huge controversial topic. To get a genetically modified organism you take a gene of one organism

  • Biological Interactions Between Animals

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    interaction in ecology, where the members of the same species compete for limited resources and inter specific competition is an interaction between different species competes for a shared resource. In the lab, intra specific competition was growing alfalfas, oats and tomatoes within own species. The same species of plants competed for the resources in soil that is essential to grow. Even within intra specific competition, the number of plants planted in the same pot made the difference in rigorousness

  • Mcdonald's Food Labeling Case Study

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    Case Activities 5 Spotlight on McDonald’s – Food Labeling This case focuses on McDonald’s Corp.’s Happy Meal that consists of an entrée, a small order of french fries, a small drink, and a toy. McDonald’s started to direct their marketing of the Happy Meal to children between the ages of one to three in the early 1990’s. Later in 1995, McDonald’s released documents known as “McDonald’s Nutrition Facts” that made the nutritional information for its foods products available. While each document provided

  • Genetically Modified Food [GMF]

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    Monsanto Company sells the alfalfa, and this alfalfa was GM to prevent weeds from growing in the crops (118). Farmers can protect their farms by using alfalfa. Then, they will sell them for more than one market. So, they will success in their business. This alfalfa is good to protect crops and environment. Even though, there are negative side of using alfalfa. In his writing, Ban on Monsanto GM Alfalfa Upheld, Tunceren & Benson (2010) as cited in (Christie) maintained that alfalfa is growing out of the

  • Xerxes Company Case Study

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    Alfalfa, a novice rock climber, decided to go on a very difficult climb. Half way up, he found himself in trouble. Darla, a more experienced climber, at great peril to herself, rescued Alfalfa from almost certain serious injury, if not death. Alfalfa was so grateful for what Darla had done that he promised to send her a check for $1,000. Alfalfa failed to send the check and Darla sues him for breach of contract. Judgment for whom? Explain. Answer: Judgment for Alfalfa. Alfalfa was in trouble

  • Arthritis Facts

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    have it every morning prior to breakfast. Continue this process for at least a month and feel the difference. 3. Alfalfa- a cup of tea prepared from Alfalfa seeds is effective in treating arthritis. Take a cup of boiling water and add 1 teaspoon of Alfalfa seeds. Drink 4-5 cups of this tea every day for a minimum of 15 days to reduce inflammation. One can also add small portions of alfalfa in their daily diet. 4. Cod Liver Oil- According to a research, consuming small amounts of cod liver oil daily

  • Best Teas for Joint Pain Relief

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    straining the tea and serving. Alfalfa Tea Alfalfa is a flowering plant from the pea family which has been used to treat arthritis and inflammation as well as diabetes and allergies. It is recommended to drink alfalfa leaf tea rather than supplements because the leaves contain important minerals but lesser L-canavanine, which is an amino acid that can cause serious side effects if taken in large amounts. It is best to consult with your doctor before taking alfalfa since it also has immune-boosting

  • My Best Childhood Memories

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    home. When we got back to the cattle guard she would stop so I could walk her across. Arriving back at the house I took her saddle off and brushed her and cleaned the sweat off her. Then after taking the bridle off, I always gave her a handful of alfalfa I picked from the field for her treat to thank her for the

  • Stretch Marks Essay

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    Stretch marks are the lines that form on the skin as a result of the rapid expansion of the skin or weight changes. Stretch marks appear primarily on the stomach due to pregnancy or obesity. In dermatology, stretch mark formed due to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, puberty, hormone replacement therapy, etc. Stretch marks can usually be seen at the waist and thighs, lower back, hips, breasts, arms and buttocks. How the formation of stretch marks? The skin of the human body consists of

  • Montana Plants & Native Americans

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    Montnana Plants & Native Americans Since the beginning of the human race mankind has depended on the natural resources in their environment for survival. They utilized the available flora to nourish their body, heal their wounds, comfort their ailments and to create products to ease their daily lives. Many of the same plants utilized thousands of years ago by the indigenous people have been integrated into modern day medicines. The scientific interest and knowledge of plants for nourishment, healing

  • Why Do Lennie And George's Dream

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    Mice and Men, Lennie and George's dream is rolling hills and beautiful valleys full of rabbits and alfalfa fields. The book reads, “An’ you get to tend the rabbits.” Lennie giggled with happiness. “An’ live on the fatta the lan’.” When we dream, and fantasise about the future and what awaits us we blind ourselves, and become numb to the bitter reality of the here and now. Lenny dreams of alfalfa fields and rabbits to distract him from the reality that he and george are nearly broke, and constantly

  • The Handmaid's Tale

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    There was once a very earnest King, whose daughter was the most beautiful of all the land. Although, this Princess thought she far superior than all below her and no king or prince would she agree to marry. Her father was worn-out out trying to find her a suitable man, and invited every prince, duke, and king that he both knew or didn’t know to come to his court to give her one last chance. They all came, and next day after lunch they stood in a row in the courtyard, and the Princess walked along

  • Affects Of The Meat Industry On Water

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    Effects of the meat industry on water Encompassing the agricultural processes involved in the raising and slaughtering of livestock, the meat industry naturally involves some economical, environmental, biological, geographical, and ethical consequences. As one of the largest components of the global agricultural sector, the meat industry is able to impact the world’s water resources on an alarming level. It does this in primarily two very significant ways: through its consumption of water and its

  • The power of love, peace, and family bonding are all similar in some

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    rising high above, through the fresh cut smell of alfalfa. Describing the freshness and purity in the air on such a peaceful day. As the hawk sweeps high above, the sound of thunder brings darkness through this day. The sun is gone, but a sunlight beam breaks through a cloud, shining directly on the green plant. The thunder has stirred up a storm, sending rain to fall to the ground, fertilizing the green plants and alfalfa. The plants and alfalfa feed the meadowlark, mice, molls and other rodents

  • Essay On California Drought

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    Hanson says “[It]takes about 1 million gallons of water per acre per year.” In his presentation, a graph demonstrates that alfalfa, forage, and deciduous trees use the most water per acre. He also mentions that cropland irrigation inefficiencies are wasteful and partly to blame (Hanson, 2015). In a National Geographic article, Matt Weiser reports that “Over the last decade, California

  • Horse Classification Essay

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    animal. Treats are one of the most loved snacks by all animals. One treat is a salt lick it’s a block of salt that a horse or donkey anything can lick to get nutrients. The last type of food i'm going to mention is alfalfa it comes in hay version and pellets for horses to eat. Alfalfa is for horses with sensitive