Alameda County, California Essays

  • Oakland, CA

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    The Forgotten City This paper will discuss the many unique aspects of Oakland, California. Divided into five major parts, Oakland is a very diverse city. The five major parts include: Downtown Oakland which is located in the heart of the city, East Oakland which consists of the majority of the city, West Oakland, North Oakland, and the Oakland hills where the terrain is quite different from other parts of the city. While many may perceive the population to mainly consist of African Americans and

  • The Building and Design of a Bridge

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    Our task at hand was to build a bridge, but not only that, it was to build an efficient bridge. For it to be an efficient bridge it had to hold more weight, than it weighed. We had to be able to design and build our own bridge. Both of which had to be good, because if either one was subpar, our bridge would not have been efficient. Not only did we have to do that, but we were held to many constraints and rules. The hardest challenge for me was that there were so many variables I could not account

  • William Bowers Bourn II

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    William Bowers Bourn II was born on May 31, 1857 in San Francisco, California. His father, William Bowers Bourn I was a successful Massachusetts merchant who brought his wife, Sarah Esther Bourn, west to San Francisco in search of wealth. It was not long after their arrival in 1850 until he established himself in the financial world of San Francisco. His investments included a commercial banking business, mining stock and the San Francisco Gas Company. William developed a special interest in mining

  • Carrillo Adobe Essay

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    Title- Adobe of Maria Ygnacia de Carrillo In Santa Rosa California stands the Adobe of Maria Ygnacia de Carrillo, known by many citizens of Sonoma County as the Carrillo Adobe. In the years of 1837-1838 a woman by the name of Maria Ygnacia de Carrillo built her home in what would become Santa Rosa, California. The foundation of her home was laid by Franciscan monks years earlier when they wished to build the 22nd mission in California, however they moved on to other sites in the surrounding area

  • The Celebrated Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County Summary

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    Literary Analysis of “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” The 1867 folktale, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain, depicts the interesting events of Leonidas W. Smiley and his jumping frog through in depth detail which creates realistic imagery. The narrator tells of an inquiry that he receives, requesting information regarding Smiley. He goes about finding this information by tracking down a man named Simon Wheeler, Wheeler then goes to explain the story

  • Water in the San Joaquin Valley

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    control, storage management, modification into Madera and Friant-Kern Canals, to stop salty water from abolishing thousands of lands in Sacramento and throughout San Joaquin Delta, as well as deliver masses of water into agricultural lands in 5other counties in the San Joaquin Valley. Furthermore, even though the Friend dam is the first primary purpose of it; it also follows a secondary purpose also. And that would be the Friend Power Authority which has 4 power plants. And within the plants it has

  • 3M Mining Project Proposal

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    mining project would provide measurable benefits to the Shasta County economy. It would also provide much needed revenue to Shasta County, as well as its incorporated cities, and schools. Economic activity would be enhanced through expenditures for construction, maintenance, fees, taxes, capital expenditures, and general day to day operations. Spending by the mine during construction will give a large one time boost to the Shasta County economy, and annual operation costs will provided economic and

  • Toad

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Celebrated Frog of Calaveras County” is a short story by Mark Twain that deals with deception and cleverness. This story is a first person account of an incident in which the (nameless) narrator was tricked by a friend of his into listening to a lengthy story told by the monotonous and lethargic Simon Wheeler. Ironically, the story Wheeler tells regarding the “celebrated jumping frog” is about a man named Jim Smiley who, like the narrator, is beguiled and deceived by another individual. In

  • The Fascinating Town of San Rafael

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    The Fascinating Town of San Rafael As a young child, I would visit my grandparents in Marin County often. My parents would pack my sister and me up in the car, and we would head north from San Francisco to the small town of Novato. The road to Novato took us through San Rafael, where I would always marvel at the one mile stretch of shopping mall that Highway 101 traversed. However, once we were into the hills of wine country and the shopping mall was a distant memory, so too became San Rafael

  • Pursuit of Happyness: Narrative Essay

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    Pursuit of Happyness: Narrative Essay The movie Pursuit of Happyness shows how a person became a homeless then eventually how he survived from being a homeless. Then, to being a multi millionaire. Even though he experienced how hard life can be he still pursued to reach his goals in his life for his son. This movie shows how a homeless person stand up and pursue to be successful. Throughout the movie, the filmmakers showed a how a family struggle from their daily lives'. One example from the movie

  • Religion in Southern California

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    Today in California we are blessed with such diversity and ethnical outlooks that make this state what it is today. However, the diversity didn't just popped up out of the ground and grows. It has come from along line of dedication and work, through community and most of all church. Churches like Saddleback, First A. M. E, and now more recently Dream Center and many others. Technology is helping lead the way for many of these churches both new and old. The new ideas of the Southern Californian Protestant

  • Use of Three-Layered Lesson in The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

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    In Samuel L. Clemens' short story entitled, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County", he reveals to us that he believes that everyone is susceptible to gullibility. Using not only humor and characters in the story, Clemens actually makes his point by drawing the reader into the story as unwitting victims as well. The story illuminates gullibility on three separate levels. First, the main character of the story within the story, Jim Smiley, is a victim to his own misguided ways. Then

  • Ventura County Climate Action Plan

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    input from melting ice caps (Hopkinson et al.). Sea level rise is most prominent on the east and west coast. On the east coast, sea levels have risen anywhere from six inches to over eight inches. Over on the west coast, specifically in the Southern California region, sea levels have risen 0.01 inches up to two inches according to the web article, Climate Indicators in the United States, published by the EPA. This climate change significantly affects the inhabitants of coastal areas being that nearly

  • Urban Runoff

    2126 Words  | 5 Pages

    decades tourists and local beach goers have been flocking to Southern California in search of an inviting environment to relax and enjoy all the amenities a coastal climate has to offer. Yet despite the beauty and breathtaking atmosphere, many unforeseen factors may alter your perspective in regards to how frequently you visit these beach locations. In its current state many beach destinations surrounding the Orange County, California area are susceptible to urban runoff bringing copious amounts of pollution

  • The Oroville Dam in California

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout California there is a total of 1,404 dams(KQED). They can be small structures just holding back rivers and streams, or as big as lakes and reservoirs, supplying water to up to 20 different counties. Oroville dam is the largest dam in California and is located just outside of Oroville County near Sacramento. Construction began in the dam in 1961, and it finally opened 7 years later in 1968. The Oroville dam is a rock fill embankment dam, which means, a water barrier that is made with

  • John Steinbeck Fight

    943 Words  | 2 Pages

    analyzed- the setting and the introduction of characters. But before we describe the setting, we are going to briefly talk about Steinbeck. John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, and lived the early part of his life in Monterey County, California. It was here that Steinbeck developed a knowledge and love of the natural world and the diverse cultures that figure so prominently in his works. The setting is described in the first paragraph. It talks about where the Torres

  • Influenza Outbreak

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    in 60 deaths. This is a staggering jump from last week's amount of 1200 cases. This week's newest count has prompted city officials to call a special session in order to decide on how to deal with the outbreak in monetary terms. The State of California has already given Irvine all that it can until more Federal Aid can be released. In an overwhelming 5-0 vote the city council decided to divert the money set aside for construction of the new civic center and allocate those funds toward medical

  • History and Overview of the Carrillo Adobe

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    In the town of Santa Rosa California, in the county of Sonoma sits a very run down structure in need of either reconstruction or preservation of the remaining structure. Whether they reconstruct the structure or not, it is a prime example of a structure to be added to the National Register of Historic Places. This building is called the Carrillo Adobe and was owned by a woman by the name of Maria Ygnacia de Carrillo. However the site and part of the structure was constructed before Maria Carrillo

  • CSU Chico Research paper

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    college located in Chico, California. Chico State was founded in 1887. “General John Bidwell, pioneer, statesman, and founder of Chico, donated eight acres of cherry orchard, and construction began on Chico State Normal School.”(“CSU History”). With out his donation, CSU would not be in existence. In 1890, the school finally opened with ninety student and five teachers. In 1935, Chico School became Chico State College. And then in 1972, Chico State College was changed to a California State University, hence

  • Hiring an Attorney for a School Expulsion Hearing

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although it may seem unnecessary to hire an attorney for a school expulsion hearing, the consequences of these hearings can drastically shape your child’s educational future. Section 48900 of the California Education Code outlines several acts that a child can commit to be recommended for expulsion. These include acts committed: • While on school grounds • While going to or coming from school • During the lunch period whether on or off campus • During, or while going to or coming from, a school