Alain Resnais Essays

  • Censorship in the 1950's: How did this affect the making of “Night and Fog” one of the first ever cinematic documentaries on the Holocaust? A film by

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    Censorship in the 1950's: How did this affect the making of “Night and Fog” one of the first ever cinematic documentaries on the Holocaust? A film by Alain Resnais. The ‘Night and Fog Decree’ was issued by Adolf Hitler on December 7th 1941. The ‘Night and Fog Decree’ (Nacht und Nebel Erlass) bypassed all forms of basic law and was an order from Hitler to his secret police to murder anyone in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe who was deemed to be a threat. The decree stated that such people were

  • Enemy at the Gates

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    Enemy at the Gates Cast: Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Bob Hoskins, Ed Harris, Ron Perlman, Gabriel Thomson Written by: Jean-Jacques Annaud and Alain Godard Directed by: Jean-Jacques Annaud Running Time: 131 minutes Synopsis: Enemy at the Gates was inspired by a true story and set against the siege of Stalingrad during World War II. This is the tale of a young Russian sharpshooter, Vassili, who becomes a legend by shooting numerous high-ranking German officials. When his friend, Danilov

  • Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room

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    Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room On page 2032 of the class’s anthology, there is a work by Alain Robbe-Grillet entitled “The Secret Room”. What interests me about this work is that I thought that this topic or story is deep and hard to get the idea. So, I wanted to know about Alain Robbe-Grillet and wanted to get the idea. In this connection, the question that I want to research is who Alain Robbe-Grillet is and what is this story about. First of all, Robbe-grillet, he was born in Brittany

  • Dust Over The City

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    This is evident in their encounter with other and Alains patients, their battle with loneliness and the decision to move to the mining town, adjusting to the new city and accepting the fact with little provisions this is where they must live now. In Andre Langevins novel Dust Over the City the characters Alain and Madeline are the embodiment of two people that are newly wed and the problems that each other face may or may not be normal. 	Alain and Madeline were a very unhappy married couple and

  • F1

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    It really all started at the end of the first lap of 1988 Portuguese Grand Prix. Aryton Senna and Alain Prost were nearing the end of their first season driving together in the totally dominant Mclaren Honda team. All season long, the tension between these two great drivers had been building as the battle for the drivers crown intensified. But, even the most informed observer in Portugal could never have dreamt of what was about to be unleashed along with its impact on the consequences for Formula

  • Alain Berliner's Ma Vie En Rose

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    Alain Berliner's Ma Vie En Rose I watched the foreign film Ma Vie en Rose (My Life in Pink), a Belgian film by filmmaker Alain Berliner. It is a warm, startling, funny, and realistic study of what happens when a seven-year-old boy is convinced, beyond all reason and outward evidence to the contrary, that he is really a girl. His certitude is astonishing in one so little, and his gender conviction is so strong that his belief can't be laughed away as the result of a “phase” or an “active imagination

  • Les Miserables Research Paper

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    With its amazing visual effects and talented actors Les Miserables is definitely a must see. It is a beautiful musical that involves love, hate, death, and life. It takes place in France early 1800’s. The plot involves a refugee named Jean Valjean, who is released from prison but violates his parole to start a new life, then he meets a dying woman he vows to take care of her daughter Cosette, which turns out to be more difficult than he thought considering there is a war going on. Twentieth century

  • Jacob Lawrence

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    tended to be produced as an antidote to the toxic racist stereotypes with which white popular culture had flooded America since Reconstruction. Nevertheless, he gained self-confidence from the Harlem cultural milieu - in particular, from the art critic Alain Locke, a Harvard-trained esthete (and America's first black Rhodes scholar) who believed strongly in the possibility of an art created by blacks, which could speak explicitly to African-Americans and still embody the values, and self-critical powers

  • Pirate Queen Analysis

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    place within the overall production, the history of the scene, the expected performance style, your character's relationship with the other character(s) in your scene. (RESEARCH) The Pirate Queen is a musical written by Claude Michael Schonberg and Alain Boublil. These producers are also known for their adaptation of Les Miserables. The Pirate Queen is based on the life of Grainne (Grace) O’Malley, an Irish pirate who resisted the English Conquest of Gaelic Ireland. The story of the pirate queen begins

  • Consolations Of Philosophy By Alain De Botton

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    Oprah Winfrey said, “My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” The Consolations of Philosophy, written by author Alain de Botton, is a perfect example showing six philosophers who had philosophies that were relatable and applicable to bettering everyday life. Socrates, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Seneca, Epicurus, and Montaigne each have a chapter based after them, where de Botton discusses their

  • Seneca On Anger Summary

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    Seneca who was a Roman philosopher between 4 B.C and 65 B.C has given his opinion about anger in his essay 'On Anger '. This essay will illustrate his views on anger by looking at his definition on anger, the discordances of anger with nature, the decision and causes to start anger, his argument on anger and the remedies of it. Seneca defined anger as "a burning desire to avenge a wrong" or "a burning desire to punish him by whom you think yourself to have been unfairly harmed" (Seneca On Anger

  • Humorists

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    In the 2004 book, Status Anxiety, Alain de Botton argues that the chief aim of humorists is not only to entertain but “to convey with impunity messages that dangerousor impossible to state directly.” Some agree that humorists serve a vital function to society. However, others argue that the opposite is true. A humorist is one who is skillful in the use of humor. This includes cartoonists, stand-up comics, satirical writers, hosts of television programs, and others. Although the work of such

  • On Habit De Botton Analysis

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    In "On Habit," de Botton ridicules the fact that people do not appreciate there surroundings enough and are constantly on the look for new things, therefore suggesting us to imply a "traveling mindset". A mindset which allow us to be more "receptive", more open to looking out for new things is likely to bear us fruit, just like it did for de Botton. As de Botton himself says, "after reversing the process of habituation, his travels began to bear fruit", suggesting that when he started to look things

  • Alain Leroy Locke Biography

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    literally expected liberation .... from their work and were perhaps the first group of Afro- American writers to believe that art could radically transform the artist and attitudes of other human beings". - Dictionary of Literacy Biography Alain Leroy Locke was on born on September 13 1886 in Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania to Mr. And Mrs.Pliny Ishmael Locke and Mary Hawkinns Locke, as the only child he grew up in Philadelphia and attended Central High School and attended the Philadelphia

  • Alain De Botton's 'How Fiction Ruined Love'

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    SUMMARY In “How Fiction Ruined Love”, Alain de Bottom discussed”, de Botton (2016) discusses the role that art plays plays in thethe way love is expressedexpressed by people, he, his argument being that love is deeply shaped by the art we come in contact with. Specifically, he argues that thatthe reason why “we are so quite bad at loving” lies in the quality of novels, poems, songs and films that we as humans have been exposed to over centuries. In herhis opinion, “wisdom, reality, and maturity”

  • The Effects of Consumerism on Adults and Children

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    More than likely the child is clueless as to how the planet is being destroyed as society uses non-renewable resources. Works Cited Chase, Dan. “Natural Resources.” Environmental Science. Heald, Fresno. August 2009. Class Discussion. De Botton, Alain. Status Anxiety. New York: Pantheon, 2004. Print Kirkpatrick, J. “Theory and History in Marketing.” Streissguth, Tom. Media Bias: Open for Debate. New York: Benchmark, 2007. Print. Schor, Juliet

  • Grit, Resolve, Perseverance, And Resilience

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    Grit, resolve, perseverance, and resilience in my mind all mean to overcome. Duckworth gave me a better understanding of grit in an interview with Educational Leadership. Resilience to some means bouncing back from adversity, cognitive or otherwise. (Perkins-Gough, 2013) Other people use resilient about to children who succeed even though they have come from at-risk environments. (Perkins-Gough, 2013) Each definition of resilience share a common idea, that success can come from a positive response

  • Analysis Of Night And Fog

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    To commemorate the ten-year anniversary of liberation of concentration camps of World War II, Alain Resnais released Night and Fog in 1956 with written commentary by Jean Cayrol. The film depicts that gruesome reality of World War II concentration camps. Alain Resnais worked diligently to create a film that accurately exposed the lives of prisoners of concentration camps; while the film was mainly met with high praise, it did initially receive backlash upon it’s release and continues to hear criticism

  • Stan Lee Research Paper

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    Top 3 Most Shocking Facts About Stan Lee There are few cultural icons as well known and beloved as Stan Lee. As the editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics he created or co-created some of the most popular comic book characters of all time. We all know Spider-Man. Iron Man. The X-Men. The Fantastic Four. The Avengers. The Hulk. Black Panther. The list goes on. We also recognize him from his numerous cameo appearances in the Marvel movies. But even as a highly recognized, documented and beloved pop culture

  • Essay On Leni Riefenstahl

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    Having directed and acted in many films, Leni Riefenstahl has become a major figure of the Nazi film industry. Her most well-known film Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens, 1935) is still considered the greatest propaganda film of all time. While Riefenstahl claims that the film is a documentary and based on “history”. Susan Sontag's response is that the film it is seen as a portrayal of a fascist society. A Nazi propaganda tool and not necessarily intended as a fascist viewpoint. Sontag reasons