A Christmas Story Essays

  • A Christmas Story

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Christmas Story “You’ll shoot your eye out kid, merry Christmas. Ho Ho Ho.” is probably one of the most popular lines of the 1983 Christmas classic, A Christmas Story, written by Jean Shepherd. According to The State Newspaper web site, “A Christmas Story is a low budget movie about a sort of dysfunctional family.” (Bryant) It is a dysfunctional tale about a nine year old boy named Ralphie growing up in 1940’s Indiana dreaming of the perfect Christmas gift, a Red Rider 200-shot Carbine

  • Symbolism In The Gift Of The Magi

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    Christmas.In the story “The Gift Of The Magi” the main character Della cuts her hair,which is her prized possesion to buy a tab chain for her husband.Jim’s pocket watch.In this story the author shows us how people sometimes sacrifice for love.Unfortunetely Jim sells his watch to buy Della a set of combs for her hair. In the story the main literary element is theme,which is impacted by character, conflict,irony,setting point of view,symbolism,tone and mood.The theme in this story is love is a better

  • A Christmas Story: A Tale of a Penguin

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    enough, the moon went to sleep and slowly disappeared into the rising sun. The Christmas spirit was in the air as tourists rushed busily about at Honolulu's Sea Life Park. As other penguins squealed with happiness when children visited their exhibit and eager parents snap photos. Vince, on the other hand, had a stormy cloud hovering above his head. He watches the visitors in disdain because he, for one, hates Christmas. Every year during the holidays, he becomes an outcast among the other penguins

  • Christmas Season Short Story

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Someone had flipped the calendar; it showed a winter scene and read December 1962. I immediately thought of Advent Season, my favorite time of the year. But where is the Advent wreath? There is none, and in America, it’s called Christmas Season, I was told. The entire neighborhood, including my in-laws, spent many hours putting up strings of colored electric lights on their houses and front yard trees. Some had lit up plastic statues of a jolly Santa Claus, reindeer, and snowman, placed near trees

  • Disappearance in Alabama: A Christmas Story

    2302 Words  | 5 Pages

    December 20th, 1976; one of the coldest nights in Alabama’s history. The phone was ringing again. Whoever was calling was being extremely persistent. What great timing. Now that I’m busy, everyone wants my attention! But no, I’m just trying to wrap Christmas presents for all of the family so I can actually be ahead and enjoy the holiday spirit for once. I sighed to myself. Maybe I could just let it ring one more time… “Edward, will you please pick up the phone so they’ll stop calling?” I was just finishing

  • Short Story: The Christmas Tree

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    the world. Around and around, holding on to his brother’s hand with his left and his mother’s hand with his right, Carl’s face was lit up, and red with excitement. The only thing that made the night better was the Christmas tree his father had brought home. It was the first Christmas Carl could remember where he had his own tree, inside his own house. Carl’s mom had pulled out a dozen white, water stained boxes from under the basement stairs. In the boxes were an assortment of colorful, bright

  • A Christmas Carol And The Old Nurse's Story Analysis

    2165 Words  | 5 Pages

    both “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, and in “The Old Nurse’s Story” by Elizabeth Gaskell, as a consequence of the presence of ghosts. The music insinuates that both Ebenezer Scrooge and Miss Furnivall have problems with giving compassion and valuing family. Scrooge prefers to remain alone and to horde his money, while Miss Furnivall fought with her sister, and did not value their connection as sisters. Music comes to symbolize these characters problems in several ways. In “A Christmas Carol

  • The Popular Christmas Traditions: The Story Of Santa Claus

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    traditions are unaware of their origins, but naturally accept them as cultural customs. To be specific, the popular Christian holiday, Christmas, has influenced many traditions including the stories of Santa Claus, the exchanging of gifts, the placement of trees in homes, and the decoration of glowing lights. While many traditions are celebrated during the Christmas season, Santa Claus has been beloved by children all around the world for centuries. The myths about Santa Claus are thought to be based

  • Short Story about Love and Christmas

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    clear Christmas Eve, a warm breeze rustling through the trees as the car drove smoothly round the bend. The night sky was radiant with stars shining like diamond drops suspended from blue silk. The soft sound of Christmas carols echoed from the dark blue station wagon as it coasted along the road. A dark brown haired young man with electrifying blue eyes, sat comfortably in the drivers seat. Presents perfectly gift wrapped sat on the back seat of the car to be placed under the Christmas tree that

  • Kingsville Christmas Parade Short Story

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    On a cold December night, I was in charge of a float that will be in Kingsville’s Christmas parade. The past few month, my team and I worked on the cannon that was suppose to fire and make as much noise as possible. We did the calculation, we got the materials, and we put it all together. It was about 8 feet long and 4 inches wide. We tested the cannon for 2 days and found it to be what we needed for the parade. We painted the cannon red and put a white stripe of tape to make it look more like a

  • Spreading Christmas Joy: A Story of Community, Compassion and Courage

    1081 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Look, look! I got stickers for the house this year!” Olivia shouted as she ran to me with a Dora the Explorer coloring book. She was excited to tell me about the new Christmas coloring book that one of the nurses had given her. The church gymnasium was brimming with fresh cut garland and poinsettia and filled with evergreen trees sparkling with bright lights. This was my second year as President of the Greek Orthodox Youth Association. My role as president enabled me to work closely organizing and

  • What Is The Story Of Christmas Eve's Death And Suicide-Personal Narrative

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    It all began yesterday with the discovery of a male body in the park at 6pm. It was Christmas Eve and I was about to go home when I was informed of the incident. I went to the scene with two other officers but I was extremely eager to get back to my family. As I walked through the park, snow started to fall and all I could think about was the poor family of the man, unaware of his death. I started to think about my own family, my children waiting for me to come home

  • Influence of Romanticism in the Contemporary Shows True Blood, American Horror Story, and Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas

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    sparked imagination; Imagination that was perceived as the “ultimate power” (see reference). Fast forwarding to contemporary culture, many of these examples of romanticism are seen in shows such as True Blood, American Horror Story, and Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. There are important scenes in each episode of True Blood that emerge characteristics of Romanticism. Sookie is not-your-average waitress at Merlotte’s, she hears everyone thoughts all the time. When she meets Bill (vampire)

  • How The Grinch Stole Christmas

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    7 Most-loved Christmas Books you can read to your Child Come winters and all kids want to cuddle up in bed with their mommies. Isn’t it a great time to read some interesting Christmas books to your kids while getting cozy with them in the quilt! Children love Santa Claus and while they wait for their Christmas gift, you can read aloud some engaging Christmas stories to them. Here are some of the most-loved Christmas books that you can read to your child: 1. Santa’s Busy Day by Peter Rutherford

  • Unsympathetic Ebenezer Scrooge's Message In A Christmas Carol

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    Alluring, amiable to the heart, and lighthearted, A Christmas Carol has a conveying melody that makes it an extolling and prominent story since 1843 when published. The prose, written exquisitely and elegantly, pleases the audience of all ages. The story revolves around The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future visiting the unsympathetic Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Eve. Scrooge learns that he needs to change in order to save his future. On Christmas Day, he becomes an exceptional and offering man

  • The Importance Of Thanksgiving

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    few key staples to a classic Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is clearly the holiday to celebrate if food is the objective. Although Christmas dinner may fall below the famous turkey and potatoes, it a great way to spend time with your family in more than one way for more than just one day. Food, however, is not just the main objective of a holiday. Overall, Christmas is more important to celebrate and is more exciting to celebrate than Thanksgiving.

  • Essay Comparing Dante's Inferno And A Christmas Carol

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout time there have been many notable stories that have similar topics. An example of this would be Dante's inferno and Dickens's A Christmas Carol. Although both of these stories may be well known to many people, not many will take the time to think about the stark similarities and differences of both of these stories. In this essay we will cover a few differences and a few similarities of these two highly beloved stories. And although these stories were written in two starkly different time

  • Analysis of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

    1041 Words  | 3 Pages

    Analysis of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol It is hard to believe that there is anyone on the planet that hasn't heard of the story "A Christmas Carol". Although it isn't hard to believe that people do not realize that there are differences between movies and novels. In this case, that fits right into that subject. Here are some of the differences between the movie and the novel. One minor difference in the movie was that the Ghost of Christmas yet to come has a hand of skin. Not a hand without

  • What Is It Like To Commercialize Christmas

    750 Words  | 2 Pages

    Christmas is a holiday that has different meanings to different people. To some people it is a time of rejoicing, happiness, and Hope. They gather with family to enjoy the blessings of the past year and being together. Christmas radiates throughout the house. There is the smell of food cooking, the smell of pie warming up in the oven. The house is covered in all sort of decorations, some that have been passed down thorough out the generations. The Christmas tree illuminates the family room, with

  • How Does Dickens Present Change In A Christmas Carol

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Presentation A Christmas Carol is presumably the most famous cost of fiction that Charles Dickens at any point composed. it was distributed in 1843. Dickens starts take a shot at Christmas Carol in October of 1843. It is distributed amid the Christmas period of that year. christmas hymn was the best book of the 1843 Christmas season. by Christmas it sold six thousand duplicates and it kept on being well known into the new year. The book is mainstream today as it was more than 150 years