50 Cent Essays

  • Analysis Of Drake

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    Beyond Beats & Rhymes” Byron Hurt captures a scene at a rap concert rapper 50 Cent questioning the manhood of another rapper Ja Rule. He’s projected onto a screen and says to the crowd, “Ladies and Gentleman it has come to my attention that you guys don’t know what bitch ass niggas look like. Take a look at this” Appearing on the screen is a video of Ja Rule crying with watery eyes and a single tear streaming down his face. 50 continues to talk to the crowd when he says, “I know that’s not hip hop.

  • Influence of Music on the Youth Today

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    Music on the Youth Today In this essay I will be talking about the influence of music and its contrasting message it has on the youth of today. 50 cent is a rapper, while Ms. Dynamite is an R&B singer. I would say that 50 cent appeals to gangsters and young urban teenagers, whereas Ms. Dynamite appeals to women and Girls. I think that 50 cents influence on people is promoting a gangster lifestyle and making things like murder and theft happen, he is creating a bad world for the kids of the

  • Traditional Gender Roles in Media

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    music video for the song “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent shows the nature of these relationships in popular culture. The video begins with 50 Cent driving into the gates of a mansion in his sports car. When he enters the doors he is greeted by numerous women scandalously dressed. He then climbs the stairs in the foyer as he makes eye contact with the women. He sees Olivia and makes eye contact with her, then begins to follow her. The camera then goes to 50 Cent in the driveway with his car, a place where

  • The Black Wall Street

    1999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Dre would help make sure The Game had high album sales. Dr. Dre and 50 Cent were producers on his debut album The Documentary, an album that explores The Game's life while he was pursuing a career in the rap industry. Though The Game is a was artist, he has already made some hip hop rivals: among them Suge Knight and Death Row Records, and Jay-Z of Roc-A-Fella Records, Yukmouth, Memphis Bleek, Joe Budden, and even mentor 50 Cent.

  • Kanye West and Jay-Z: Two Entertainers

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    Networks Television, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. some facts about jayz "Jay-Z." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. jay-z background "Jay-Z." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. jay-z's past albums etc "Kanye vs. 50 Cent." Rolling Stone. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. "Kanye West Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. little more information about kanye "Kanye West (the Library of Hip-Hop Biographies) (Large Print 16pt)." Google Books

  • Tupac Shakur and Curtis Jackson

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    events that take place behind the music. When comparing Tupac and 50 Cent, one can see the flaws of American society. Both Tupac and 50 Cent come from a history of violence and drugs. They both had to make something out of what they had which was very little. They realized that if you want to achieve then you have to dream, and do whatever it takes you to achieve that dream. They had the ambition very few others had. Curtis Jackson (50 Cent) came from nothing and had to start providing for himself when

  • Katrina Documentary Gives Voice To Survivors By Spike Lee

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    In the article, “Katrina Documentary Gives Voice to Survivors,” Dennis O’Neil explains how Spike Lee documents the damage of hurricane Katrina to New Orleans not only structurally, but the emotional hurt as well. The film, ¨When the Levees Broke: A Requiem,¨ is broken into four acts which graphically depict the trauma of hurricane Katrina. O’Neil gives a brief background on Spike Lee and how he made this magnificent production. He talks about the trips to Louisiana, the hundreds of interviews and

  • The Cove Film Analysis

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    Chloe Fleming 11D The Cove Hack Friday - Podcast Script [Hack introduction music] […23,000 being wiped out every year, and it's not even acknowledged. – Dave Rastovich in The Cove, 00:25:30 – 00:25:35] TOM TILLEY: Good evening Australia! Welcome back to another episode of Triple J Hack. I recently received the list of Academy Award nominees and was surprised to see a documentary titled The Cove nominated for Best Documentary Feature. This is going to be one of today’s topics, with the focus being

  • Kenya

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    less than 500ml of rain a year. Most rain fall occurs during the “long rains” from March to May. Kenya’s population is divided by language and culture into more than 40 different ethnic groups. The largest group is the Kikuyu which makes up 12 per cent of the population and is Bantu speaking. Swahili became the offical language of Kenya in 1974. It is grammatically a Bantu language even though it is heavily influenced of the population and is Bantu speaking. Swahili became the offical language of

  • No Need for Pennies in Our Economy

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    don’t. Consequently, the penny is far and away the least useful monetary value we have. Pennies are inefficient and should be cut out of the currency. The rationale behind this conclusion is simple: the price tag of minting a penny is more than one cent. Unfortunately for the penny, two other reasons prove that we require it no longer. The first reason is that not only will the removal of pennies make us more effective, it will drop prices similar to what happened in Australia and New Zealand when

  • Huck Finn

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    satirizes this incident and makes fun of how curious people really are. The people’s curiosity ultimately led them to losing their money and their embarrassment made them decide not tell other citizens about how their curiosity caused them to lose their 50 cent admission price. That is the reason behind why Twain despises curiosity. A second and much worse characteristic that Twain hates is peoples general greediness. Mark Twain starts mentioning greediness very early in the book when he talks about Huck’s

  • Penny Should Be Eliminated Essay

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    throughout these years, making the one-cent piece of less worth to this day. Since the penny’s value has declined so much, people have been inquiring whether or not the penny should still exist. The penny should be eliminated because it costs more in both money and time to make them nowadays than they’re really worth. Elimination of the penny will save money for both the government and American citizens. The penny is a costly item to make--more than its one-cent value. A letter to the editor by David

  • Mining In Canada

    2005 Words  | 5 Pages

    produces about 60 minerals and ranks first among producing countries1. As well, Canada is the largest exporter of minerals, with more than 20 per cent of production shipped to world markets2. In a typical year, the mining industry is responsible for almost 20 per cent of Canada's total export earnings3 (See Appendix A). As for the employment rate, over 70 per cent of the mines are owned by Canadians and approximately 108,000 Canadians are directly employed in the mining industry4. Mining is very important

  • Shortage of Skilled workers

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    the topic raised on some morning show or another, but likely thought little of it. However, the figures are quite shocking. According to one author's research, '52 percent of skilled trades are expected to retire within the next 15 years, with 41 per cent of respondents indicating they will face a skills shortage in their industry within five years.'; (Arnold, par. 12). The shortage of skilled workers in the coming decade poses a serious threat to all aspects of the Canadian economy. Like all others

  • Fuel Wars

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    harmfully. May Canadian’s heat their homes with oil, especially on the west coast, and the cost of oil has increased 50% or more with a three-month range. In America, president Clinton has begun spending countless millions of dollars, to aid the families, which who cannot afford to pay for those absurd oil prices. This cause crises causes problems to the families that need every cent they earn to continue on their daily living. The standard of living, per household drops and consumer spending decreases

  • Abortion

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    AbortionPrint section Abortion may be spontaneous or induced. Expelled foetuses weighing less than 0.5 kg (18 oz) or of less than 20 weeks' gestation are usually considered abortions. A. Spontaneous AbortionPrint section It is estimated that some 25 per cent of all human pregnancies terminate spontaneously in abortion, with three out of four abortions occurring during the first three months of pregnancy. Some women apparently have a tendency to abort, and recurrent abortion decreases the probability of

  • Poverty in Australia

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    in order to find any relevant information on poverty in Australia. In 1975 there was a report made on the extent of poverty in Australia by Professor Henderson. It has since been known as the Henderson Report. The Henderson Report found that 8.5 per cent of Australians were living under the poverty line. It also found that: “Most of the poor suffer from one or more of the following disabilities: old age, lack of a male bread-winner, a large number of dependant children, recent migration to Australia

  • Tidal and Wave Power

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    they must be strong enough to cope with storms while being light enough to work with small waves. If every reasonable project in the UK were to be exploited for tidal power the yield could be over 50 kwh a year representing 20 per cent of the electricity demand in Britain. About 90 per cent of this potential is at eight large estuaries including Severn, Dee, Morecambe bay, Solway, Humber and Wash IN USE ====== A Barrage 16 kilometres long (which could be built in the Severn Estuary)

  • Smokers' Litter

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    A STAGGERING 67 per cent of all street litter is smoker-generated, whether in the form of butts, packets or wrapping, according to Limerick County Council. And environmental education officer, Pauline McDonagh added that "it can take up to five years for a cigarette butt to disintegrate”. She also stressed that there is visible evidence that the smoking ban has increased litter in Limerick. To counteract this, the County Council is urging smokers to start using the portable ashtrays which are available

  • Bayezid I

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    fortified. An early inner wall was erected by Constantine I, and the enlarged Constantinople was surrounded by a triple wall of fortifications, begun (5th cent.) by Theodosius II. Built on seven hills, the city on the Bosporus presented the appearance of an impregnable fortress enclosing a sea of magnificent palaces and gilded domes and towers. In the 10th cent., it had a cosmopolitan population of about 1 million. The Church of Hagia Sophia , the sacred palace of the emperors (a city in itself); the huge