2000 in film Essays

  • Comparing Gender-Crossing in Girlfight and Billy Elliot

    884 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing Gender-Crossing in Girlfight and Billy Elliot It seems that the year 2000 was one full of gender-bending films, including Girlfight, starring Michelle Rodriguez. This movie was about Diana, a troubled teenage girl from the projects of New York City. Sent on an errand for her father one day, Diana discovers the secret world of boxing at a gym in Brooklyn. She watches her brother unenthusiastically box in the ring, and then tries to convince the coach to work with her. With time, she

  • Similarities And Differences Between Billy Elliot And Kes

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    Kes In this essay I am comparing the two films Kes, made in 1969 and set in the 1960's and Billy Elliot, made in 2000 and set in the 1970's. Both of which have the same location, Northern England and both have a strong relation to a working class environment where coal mining was the main source of employment. The films are similar in terms of community, family, and the characterisation of Billy, the central character in both films. The films are different however in terms of setting, action

  • Almost Famous Analysis

    911 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Almost Famous” is a 2001 American drama-comedy, coming of age story set in the 1960s. The film is a brilliant tribute to rock and roll, written and directed by Cameron Crowe (Crowe, "Almost famous"). In the beginning of the film, Anita Miller, big sister to main character William Miller, is seen leaving home in an effort to break free from an overbearing mother. She leaves her brother with her classic rock n’ roll record collection. She also leaves him with the promise, “Someday you’ll be cool

  • Humorous Wedding Ring

    2061 Words  | 5 Pages

    Imagine you have found your prince charming, who surprises you with a romantic proposal. His timing is perfect; he looks so handsome, the mood is just right. You graciously accept his proposal, as he slips the engagement ring on your finger, you gasp. You are overcome with emotion, not because of the occasion, but because of the hideous rock on your ring finger. Is it possible to break the news gently? Remember this is the man with whom you are going to spend your life, and be confident that this

  • Comparison of Billy Elliot the Movie and Novel

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    and Novel The film, 'Billy Elliot' is about a boy called Billy, who loves dancing. The story is set in the north of England in the 1980s, where the only jobs outside cities would be in factories or coal mining. The director of 'Billy Elliot' uses many techniques in which to make us like/empathise/feel sorry for Billy. The film begins in silence with a close up on the gramophone. This immediately makes us think that the music is going to be very important in the film, as first impressions

  • Small House Consider

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    Small House Consider Should people put lots of efforts to buy a house as big as possible, or should they consider the smaller kind? Have you ever noticed that our living space is narrowing down? With the development of economy, nowadays, the majority of people can afford to own a real estate. It is only a matter of the size. In the article “Home, Sweet Bungalow Home” from the book ‘Looking around’, the author Witold Rybczynski revealed his idea of the advantages of living in a small house. Now as

  • Rapunzel, Rapunzel

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young maiden with long, golden hair who was locked up in a tower. One day a handsome prince found her, and he fell in love with her and carried her away to his castle where they lived happily ever after. Or did they? The fairytale you’ve heard isn’t the one I’m telling. No, I’m afraid that the trials of our dear little Rapunzel (whose name wasn't actually Rapunzel) didn’t end there. But in order to get there, we should really start from the beginning, because

  • The American Impression

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    ‘’The American impression’’ Although today’s America in many ways has changed into a new society. Immigrants desire to move to America because they have freedom of religion, a chance to rise from poverty, and a new beginning. According to Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur in from Letters from an American Farmer, ‘’ A country that had no bread for him, whose fields produced him no harvest, who met with nothing but the frowns of the rich, the severity of the laws, with jails and punishments; who

  • Phillip's Change In The Cay

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    The novel The Cay has a main character named Phillip that gets stranded on an Island alone with an old man called Timothy. Through the experience that Phillip goes through, his character changes from a little brat to a mature adolescent. In The Cay, Phillip’s character reveals that through many conflicts, he developed gratefulness, love, and independence. One way that Phillip changed was when he demonstrated gratefulness after experiencing being stranded on an island as evidenced in the novel when

  • Identity In American Beauty

    1825 Words  | 4 Pages

    or opposes these common normative pathways. In the film, American Beauty (dir. Mendes, 1999), the audience listens to Lester, played by Kevin Spacey, as he prepares the viewers for what is to come while introducing them to the character the story is centered around, but in this narration, the ending to the movie is already spoiled. Going to the cinema is an adventure, individuals see plot arcs adjusted to represent a director’s vision and for films that provoke the interest it’s usual for the viewers

  • Creative Writing A Letter Home

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    Task 5- I received a concise letter in the hand of a man wishing to sell his property, the estate of Bly, requesting a prompt sale, composed of a few words and requesting total confidentiality; which failed to express why this sale should be expedited, but I knew well not to ask. My curiosity was temporarily allayed when approaching this fine residence, as rays of warmth bathed my skin in a warm glow. The Gothic structure loomed ahead, its gloomy countenance dispelled my initial feelings of relaxation

  • To Build A Fire

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    'To Build a Fire'; In Jack London's, 'To Build a Fire';, it is obvious to see that as the story progresses, the man becomes more bestial. However at the same time the dog seems to gain the human quality of good sense. This quality of good sense, which the dog acquires, allows it to away from the same fate of the man. There are many examples of how this is portrayed as the story makes headway. The first example of how the man becomes more bestial occurs after his first fire fails. After his fire fails

  • Creation of a Sense of Place in 12 Edmondstone Street

    1753 Words  | 4 Pages

    Creation of a Sense of Place in 12 Edmondstone Street Malouf is very skilled in creating a sense of place in 12 Edmondstone Street. This essay examines the different techniques he uses in describing 12 Edmondstone Street and Tuscany. The section set in Brisbane is seen through the eyes of a young boy, giving the reader a very clear impression of his views about and feelings towards the house. Malouf has conveyed this by basing 12 Edmondstone Street on the idea of coming back into ordinary

  • The Day Of The Locust Analysis

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West depicts the satirical side of life. Set in Hollywood during the 1930s, the American Dream supplied each character’s desire. The characters travel to Hollywood in pursuit of fame, money, success, and eventually, love. Throughout the novel, reality slams everyone in the face-their American Dream is not so easily attainable. Eventual downfall and turmoil consume each character as they strive for success. The Day of the Locust takes a look at the unspoken side

  • Analysis Of House On Mango Street, By Sandra Cisneros

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reading is similar to looking into a mirror: audiences recognize themselves in the experiences and characters on the pages. They see the good, the bad, and are brought back to experiences they had overlooked to learn something more about themselves. Some characters touch readers so intimately that they inspire readers to be better than they already are. House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, follows a young girl named Esperanza and her experiences while living on Mango Street. She is introduced

  • Cindelaras

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Long long time ago, there lived a King named Raden Putra in the Kingdom of Jenggala. In the kingdom, Raden Putra lived with his kind-hearted queen and a beautiful concubine. But unlike the queen, the concubine was very deceitful and has a heart of evil. She was also very greedy and arrogant. The concubine always wanted the best from the king, and because the queen was very kind-hearted, she always gives the concubine the better one. However, it never touched the concubine’s heart and never stoped

  • Lightning Never Strikes Twice

    1098 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lightning Never Strikes Twice 	A few miles off the cost of Cape Cod, sits the island of Nantucket. On this island, during the 1600’s lived the Haley family. Tom Haley was the only tobacco farmer on the island and due to this fact they were extremely wealthy. Their estate was the largest on Nantucket and was located right over a beautiful cliff. Tom and his wife Janice ate breakfast every morning at 6:00am everyday with their son Garnet. Late Thursday night a storm was getting very close to their

  • Trent Rogers

    1356 Words  | 3 Pages

    Trent Rogers is a man with an amazing passion. He has said that his passion in fishing will never die. This passion subsides with his boats and everything on the water. He loved this craft so much he opened a shop in Cheyenne. His shop, White Cap Marine, is the place where all that passion and work is brought to light. This passion started at a young age and is continuing to be true. Trent’s passion for boats stemmed from his childhood that was full of fishing. He started fishing with his dad very

  • From the Wife's Perspective in The Drover's Wife by Henry Lawson

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are various details that the author makes obvious during this story about the wife’s character, life and environment. He does this to set up her actions during the story and to give the reader some background information so they are able to imagine things from her perspective. The first thing that becomes clear to the reader when reading this story is that the drover’s wife lives in a very harsh environment. It is described as being a dangerous and monotonous place to live, with the, “everlasting

  • There Will Come Soft Rains Ray Bradbury Analysis

    1299 Words  | 3 Pages

    Close Reading of “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” is a short story taken out of the book The Martian Chronicles written by Ray Bradbury. The story is set in Allendale, California in August of 2026 where a futuristic house is programmed to wake up the McClellan family and make breakfast and tend to their needs. On the side of the house are the charred silhouettes of the family. The house goes on with its routine until it is destroyed by a fire.