Possible Causes Essays

  • Schizophrenia

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    lack of activity, and loss of interest characterize negative symptoms. Though it is possible for doctors to diagnose and treat patients with schizophrenia, the causes of schizophrenia are still unknown. Much research has been done to further the understanding of the disorder, yet it seems that the causes of schizophrenia are still under debate. (1) According to recent research there are several things that can cause schizophrenia. Genetic makeup among individuals affected by the disorder seems to

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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    Death Syndrome remains the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality (under the age of one) in developed countries. The causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome have been puzzling and research is being conducted to solve this catastrophic problem. Having a child under the age of one makes me very concerned, along with any other parent(s), that the possibility of SIDS could affect any infant at anytime, SIDS does not discriminate. I am seeking to find the possible causes to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  • Child Abuse and The Law

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    all types of studies & compare them & try to break them down to better understand them. The first things that should be understood are the characteristics of the offenders, the types of offenses, & some of the societal issues that are listed as possible causes of child abuse. Studies show that the characteristics of sexual abuse offenders are; dependent, inadequate individuals with early family histories characterized by conflict, disruption, abandonment, abuse, and exploitation. In 1997, over 3 million

  • The Effect of Anorexia on Teen Girls

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    many behavioral changes as well. Insomnia Mood Swings Depression Intense feelings of lonliness Sneaky behaviors involving food Emotional outbursts Fear of others opinions on their eating disorder Withdraw from daily life Causes of Anorexia Possible Causes Cultural Pressures - In many societies, Being extremely thin is important for women, and represents beauty, succsess, happiness, and self-control. Women are targeted with messages form the media that they must diet to meet this standard

  • Morning Sickness

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    it usually tapers off around 13 weeks as you start your second trimester, although queasiness can come and go throughout your pregnancy. What causes nausea and vomiting during pregnancy? No one knows what causes nausea during pregnancy, but it's probably due to some combination of the many physical changes taking place in your body. Some possible causes include: • Rapidly increasing levels of hCG, estrogen, and other hormones during early pregnancy No one knows why they may contribute to your nausea

  • Confusion in Macbeth

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    of titles and claims, which might in time to come pretend to the crown." Malcolm was under age, and this fact made Macbeth first heir to the throne. (40-41) L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" mentions equivocation, unreality and other possible causes of ambiguity within the play: The equivocal nature of temptation, the commerce with phantoms consequent upon false choice, the resulting sense of unreality ("nothing is, but what is not"), which has yet such power to "smother" vital function

  • The Flawed King in Shakespeare's Henry V

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    The Flawed King in Shakespeare's Henry V To turn Henry V into a play glorifying war or a play condemning war would be to presume Shakespeare's intentions too much. He does both of these and more in his recount of the historical battle of Agincourt. Although Shakespeare devotes the play to the events leading to war, he simultaneously gives us insight into the political and private life of a king. It is this unity of two distinct areas that has turned the play into a critical no man's land

  • Abnormal Psychology: Mental Disorders

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    someone is effected by the disorder it is not just that one person that has to learn to deal with it, the families of the patients must also learn to deal with it. There are many possible causes for the disorder with many doctors believing that there is more than one cause. What has been thought as the main cause for many years is a chemical imbalance in the brain. This could be an imbalance in the number of neurotransmitters and/or an imbalance in the amount of dopamine. Stress is not thought

  • Innovation and Traditionalism in Art

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    either of the two qualities becomes a thoughtless habit of our culture rather than anything useful in itself. In order to prove the viability of this qualification, I will first explore the negative and positive qualities of innovation, and the possible causes thereof. Then I will look at the negative and positive qual... ... middle of paper ... ...wild beast, a tiger or some such, with whom I am trapped in a small room. There are many factors which may influence the tiger in one way or another


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    acted as hastily and as effectively as they could have, as well as believing that centuries of British rule and/or political oppression was a fundamental cause of the famine (which originated from a potato crop failure). Jonathan Swift, a poor-boy who found his niche as a social critic/spokesman for Irish rights, after analyzing the possible causes, he concludes that England should not be the sole one to blame and therefore proposes a rather straightforward solution to Ireland’s evident predicament

  • Effects of Alcohol and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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    relax. Alcohol is a drug that is depended upon by the majority of our society. Nonetheless, alcohol has very damaging effects, not only does it cause self-inflicted diseases resembling alcoholism or cirrhosis of the liver, but it harms unborn fetuses as well. Many women drink alcohol when they do not even know that they are pregnant yet. Alcohol can cause disorders such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS, is a congenital disorder which is characterized

  • Sleep Too Much?

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    hallucination, loss of appetite, memory loss, or the inability to hear, see, taste, or smell things accurately. The disorder can have a profound effect on one's ability to cope in social situations. (1) There is a range of possible causes for the condition, but the primary cause is described as abnormalities that occur during sleep or abnormalities of specific sleep functions. (2) Those with hypersomnia are generally diagnosed in one of four categories by a polysomnogram, which monitors a patient

  • Chernobyl

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    April 26th 1986 in Chernobyl, a city near the Pripiat River the No. 4 reactor exploded and released thirty to forty times the radiation of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombing. The exact causes of the explosion are not known, however scientists and researchers, under thorough investigation, have uncovered possible causes to the explosion. The reason The main reason why the explosion might have occurred was that the operators of the plant were attempting to conduct an experiment with the emergency

  • Gender And Relationship Of Children

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    examined. The effect that parents have on their sons and daughters, as well as preschool classrooms and teachers have been examined as possible causes of sex differences during play. The aim of this paper is to critically review the recent literature in this field and determine whether or not sex differences occur in play. If sex differences occur, the possible reasons for this occurrence will also be examined. Review of the Research Section Maccoby (1990) summarized a number of studies

  • Ambiguous Situations in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    Macbetha number of developments and words and situations which are equivocal, unclear, unintelligible. This essay will explore and analyze these parts of the play. L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" mentions equivocation, unreality and other possible causes of ambiguity within the play: The equivocal nature of temptation, the commerce with phantoms consequent upon false choice, the resulting sense of unreality ("nothing is, but what is not"), which has yet such power to "smother" vital function

  • Possible Causes of Silas Deane’s Death

    642 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was only four hours later after his signs of illness had began that he died. Looking at the way Deane had passed away for the first time we could say that he possibly just became ill from a common illness or virus of some sort and died to the cause of that. This would make somewhat of a logical answer and quite a few people believ...

  • Possible Causes for the Suicide of Kurt Cobain

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    Possible Causes for the Suicide of Kurt Cobain Within this assignment I wish to look at the major issues and problems Kurt Cobain faced throughout childhood and into early adulthood. I wish to apply three relevant approaches to this article and hopefully show that they bare some resemblance to the problems he faced. Description of Article ====================== Within this article I wish to briefly look at some major factors of Kurt cobain, which influenced and affected his life

  • The Autism Spectrum: Possible Causes and Effects

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    people with the illnesses. One percent of all people are on the Autistic spectrum. Signs and symptoms normally appear between the ages of two and three, but there are early signs. There has been research for this disorder on the subject of causes, but the causes are unknown for the most part. The effects are complicated as well, and follow no specific rule, just a few outlines. There is not even one type of Autism, just the autistic spectrum, which encompasses all the different intensity levels of

  • Childhood Obesity: Possible causes and solutions

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    lian_dietary_guidelines_summary_131014.pdf O'dea, J. A. & Eriksen, M. P. (2010). Childhood obesity prevention. Oxford [U.K]: Oxford University Press. Rotatori A. F., & Fox, R. (1989). Obesity in children and youth: Measurement, characteristics, causes, and treatment. Springfield, III., U.S.A: C.C Thomas Taitz, L. S. & Wardley, B. L. (1989). Handbook of child nutrition. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press. Who.int. (2014). WHO | Childhood overweight and obesity. [online] Retrieved from:

  • Anti-Semitism: The Most Possible Causes Of The Holocaust

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    hatred against them. The Holocaust was a traumatic time when Jews got treated unfairly and showed how inhuman people can act. During the Holocaust humans no longer got treated like humans and showed the inhuman things leaders do to gain total control. Causes of the Holocaust Of course, many events led to the Holocaust, but the reasons don’t add up. Anti-Semitism believes the Jews caused the problems through society. Jewish people typically get stereotyped for controlling all the banks. Many