research paper

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“For most of my life, I went to unisex salons that reeked of perm chemicals and mousse. Every time I’d go, I’d walk away with a bad haircut. On top of that, I always felt out of place”(Lemon Sunrise). This demonstrates that going to a unisex salon is never going be the same thing as a barbershop because no matter what most of the times the haircut is never going be as good as it should be. Another thing that is always going be bad about that too is that as a male client you're always going feel out of place because the other clients that go there are females not males clients. Barbering is the best way to service clients when it comes to hair.

Barbering is the best way to service clients because men feel more comfortable and more safe with other men cutting their hair.
The question is often asked of which does better job on making the client feel better in every way between a barbershop and a unisex salon.Barber shops are much better at addressing the male clients, the reason for that is because they are used to dealing with different types of male clients(Crosby,Leana,elyne parag 3). This shows that barbershops would have a little easier time when dealing with male clients because they are used to dealing with all types of clients from everywhere. Where salons might be to used to dealing with women that they might not really understand how to deal with the male client. “Ebarberschool”states that something that never happens in a barber shop is letting someone passed by without feeling welcome. Unlike a salon where a women might be doing something else and not care about it(parag 3). This suggest that i...

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...le connection in a way. Thats probably one of the biggest reasons why the barbershop would always be ahead of the Unisex Salon. Barbering is like the key for a males happiness because if you give a great haircut that he loves is going make him think better about himself and therefore is almost going make his life better because he would be happy about the way he looks and his proud of the way people look at him. That might be the biggest thing that they can give to a client make him happy thats the reason why they do what they do and thats the reason they trust a barbershop more than a salon. This is important because it helps people understand why people pick going into a barbershop before a Unisex Salon it just gives people an idea of what to do when they find themselves in the middle of a situation where they need to pick one of the two to go get their hair done.

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