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Plagiarism is “Either accidentally or intentionally failing to give proper credit for someone else’s IDEAS (not just their words)” (Smithson) There are many ways that people can plagiarize. In this paper we will discuss plagiarism and how to avoid it, we will also discuss how to reference properly according to Heidi Smithson. As stated by Heidi Smithson the two main reasons people plagiarize is because they don’t feel comfortable with their writing skills and they decide that they cannot do it and end up plagiarizing. Many of these people have either not had enough time to develop their writing skills, or they have come from other countries where there are different rules to writing that are have different definition of the word plagiarizing. The other reason Smithson gives is that most people and especially students plagiarize because they do not manage their time efficiently and they leave it to the last minute. If people are caught plagiarizing there are many consequences that they can face. Smithson’s paper says that if you are caught plagiarizing at school on an assignment then you could get a minor punishment as getting zero on the assignment up to getting expelled from the institution. If you are caught plagiarizing in the work place then you could get sued and fired from your job. There are many things people do that are plagiarism and some people are not aware that that’s what they are doing while some people do it and they are aware and according to Smithson they “…can be categorized under two major categories, deliberate and unintentional.” Deliberate plagiarisms is when one is aware of doing it or just simply not paying attention and are not sure how to do it right. These people might do it by handing in other people... ... middle of paper ... ... quotations and paraphrasing. If one wants to avoid plagiarism Smithson has some useful advice. Don’t copy and paste, keep track of your sources, reference, and seek guidance and help from professors. To have a good paper you need good, reliable sources. Smithson states that if papers that are endorsed by corporations and government are good and reliable. Also if it is reviewed by experts in that field or published by a well known publisher. If a company, or person that might have bias writes the paper then one should find additional information to support it. To conclude there are many ways to plagiarize but there are also many ways to avoid plagiarism. One of the main ways to avoid it, is making sure one references their sources properly so they have give credit to where it is due. In doing so you can avoid plagiarism and have a good paper that is credible.

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