music of west africa

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The African continent is the second largest continent in the world. It has a complex network of music throughout Africa. My main focus in this essay is music from West africa. West Africa has a particularly plentiful and manifold music tradition. Music from West Africa has made its influence significantly throughout the world, largely in terms of rhythm. Music from West Africa is known to be both sacred and secular, including to the fact that it was very much famous in history and is still famous within todays generations. The main things we need to learn about the West African music regardless of all the supreme facts, have been narrowed down to the background of West African music heritage, the dominant style and instruments, and lastly how West African music is important to the music history.

In the West African heritage, music is an art that spreads through social life and is believed to be crucial for supporting community life. Just as at the time when a baby is born, its cry is an indication that the newborn is alive same way music is considered an expression of “...

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