mood disorder

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Mood Disorder is an example of any kind of long-lasting emotion that becomes a chronic problem in the normal life style active and at rest. People and patients stuffing between bipolar (happy, sad, excited and depressed) you learn to realize there’s no control, like a person has a disability Tourette syndrome. This feeling goes with the expression “he / she woke up on the wrong side of the bed “in actuality theirs know better nor the bad side of the bed, I had a Science teacher once explain to my class years ago; just because that express is tossed around does not mean the feeling is a realist. Coping with this problem is much more difficult. People who have altered feeling all the time, does that put them in the “Mood Disorder category?” I wonder, do they just categorize people just to make them feel special. So what is the major mood disorder? Bipolar is the first most common mood disorder. “Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Bipolar II Disorder has more of a depression affect to it and may cause hypomanic episodes. The person has a rushed feeling less, sleep more work. For example the person is more productive or social able than they usually are kind of making then seem more outgoing risking .Bipolar disorder is not easy to spot when it starts. “The symptoms may seem like separate problems, not recognized as parts of a larger problem” these quotes were by NIMH Mood disorder cannot be spotted easily like somebody how had a stroke, they have an odd movement or slag in their speech . The disorder is more like trying to tell a girl/ young woman is having anger issues in ... ... middle of paper ... ...ll in your head nothing is wrong with you hoping it was true. I really think she was afraid of me becoming an addict to the medicine fining it having panic attacks like some people do at her job. Their mood disorder is on a whole new level combined with untestable sleep. But with them you know something wrong eyes blood-shot red, makeup in unreason spots, and crazy thoughts with caffeine addiction. I never let anybody know how I was really feeling my answers were I’m fine and I’m probably about to start my period and laughed it off. Anybody can be affected by this disorder; it’s not a race or age thing. It’s a human trait that has long-lasting harsh effect to the brain and people around them. There’s no reason or limitation to why its encouraged in this generation, to make funny about people who are not the same whether there schizophrenic, suicidal, or etc. . . .

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