humanity is cruel

570 Words2 Pages

Language, Culture, and Gender have been a huge controversy that separates human kind. People grow up in different communities which reflect their behaviors and background. Some people stand out and are invisible because they do not fit in. In other cases, people are mistreated and being abused because of their social status. There needs to be changes that can bring our nation together and accept each other for who we are. Why we are still divided as a nation is because we cannot accept that we were all born and created equally. Society is cruel.
The separation of social status has been a conflict for many years now. In the past, we dealt with different groups of races being more superior to the other. Nowadays, we have an issue with gender; specifically gays and men being more superior to women. It is peculiar that we exclude different people from our community. It specifically states in our Constitution that man is created equal. If that is the law, why do we still belittle people that do not fit in? Being different is normal and everyone needs to accept that fact.

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