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School uniform debate essay
School uniform debate essay
A debate on school uniform
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I disagree with the school dress code because it doesn't allow people to express themselves, people can't dress for the weather, and it doesn't let people choose how they want to look because it's supposedly a distraction. The dress code is "The bottom of your shirt must at least meet the top of your pants or shorts, and undergarments should not be exposed. There must be a substantial covering over both shoulders. See-through clothing or clothing that is so very tight that it draws attention to oneself are also unacceptable. Shorts/skirts must have at least a 4" inseam."
The dress code doesn't allow people to express themselves through what they wear. What people wear is what makes them different from everybody else. Most girls like to wear skimpier clothes that show their shoulders and stomachs, but this rule doesn't let them. Just because a shirt has profanity, vulgar suggestions, sexual connotations, drugs or alcohol on it, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be worn. People try expressing themselves through the slogans on their clothes. I don't feel anything is wrong with these shirts and I'm not offended by them, nor should anybody else be.
Dressing for the weather is really important to do, especially when it's extremely hot out and there aren't air conditioners in the school that work properly. When it's hot people don't like to wear a lot of clothes. Seeing the shoulders of guys and girls in school...
In response to increasing violence and gang related crimes in South Fork Consolidated School District, the administrators adopted a strict anti-weapons policy and dress code policy. Kihani Krishan, a middle school student in the district was a member of the Shek religion, which requires males to wear the traditional Shek turban and carry a jeweled dagger as a sign of religious devotion. Kihani, who hoped to be a Shek priest on day, decided to abide by his religious belief and wear his turban and carry his dagger on his belt. When Kihani’s teacher found his dagger and saw him refusing to take off his turban, he was taken to the principal’s office immediately. The school suspended Kihani for five days for violating dress code and indefinitely
Dress codes regulate what can be worn in certain places, such as schools and facilities. These codes are controversial where ever they are enforced. People tend to think that the government does not have the power to tell them they cannot wear certain articles of clothing and the fact that some schools do it can throw people into a fit. Some people believe that dress codes stifle personal expression, that a dress code is the same thing as a uniform. Many people do not remember that individualism goes beyond clothes, and that a dress code will help kids to be more than the clothes they have or do not have. Dress codes allow students to set themselves apart from others by their actions not their appearance.
Do schools really need a dress code? Just ask parents of kids who have to wear them and they will probably say yes. With the dress code policy parents would be able o save money on clothes for their children(Dress 1). This would be a big help for children with poor families who cant afford the proper clothes for them to wear. In addition, with uniforms these kids wont are looked at any different than everyone else because they will have the same dress attire. While I was attending high school there were no school uniforms and there were always trouble surrounding it. People would get made fun of for wearing clothes that people felt weren't appropriate. Some of the people would wear black dresses and paint their fingernails and wear lipstick. Others would just dress nicely. These different groups didn't like each other just by the way each of them dressed. They would use names such as freaks nerds jocks and devil worshipers to describe each other. No one knows if they were just expressing them selves or what but with uniforms these problems wouldn't
When reading student handbooks there is always a page (or more) dedicated to the dress code rules. At first glance they seem like common sense. Until you notice that most of the regulations seem to target what girls wear. While many of the regulations are used in gender neutral terms they are applied to articles of clothing that is usually considered for girls and is all about limiting the things that even remotely show off the female form. These regulations tell girls that they need to be ashamed of their bodies and they are a distraction.
Its not that students hate dress codes just not all dress codes are equal to everyone. Its unfair when you buy a new outfit and your excited to wear it to school but you get dress coded but at my school they want us to wear long shirts when us girls wear leggings my clothes don't always match up to the dress code. They want us to dress a certain but they don't realize that kids might not have clothes that follow the dress code policy but ,i'm sure not going out to get new clothes to follow the dress code policy why would I have to spend my money to wear something i don't wanna wear .(Emma, Teitel) “ This week CBC go public reported that administers reprimanded a 17-year-old student named Caden Walterson for arriving to school wearing a baseball hat his mother purchased for him at Urban Planet, the Mecca of Fabulous Tacky Teen Fashion.”
Dress code is a set of rules what one can or cannot wear. Most everyone has encountered some sort of dress code whether it was in school, the office or even a restaurant. Dress code in schools was established in 1969 by U.S Supreme Court. This case was Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District and involved several high school students that planned protest against the Vietnam War. The court made the decision that schools can enforce dress and can limit student expression. Now most school boards and office administration creates the dress code for their students or workers. There is a big issue with dress code lately because people think that they target women, are sexist, body shames women and is unconstitutional. The growing issue
Mr. Etzioni: School dress code should strictly be enforce. Not having school dress code can distract many kids and it may hurt their learning. It will also restrict kids to not dress inappropriately to their job or in public.
Dress code, Reason 1 dress code is not a bad thing but a good thing dress code can keep it under control but some people has it way too strict like there was a 12 year old girl who missed two days of school because of tight pants well tight pants is supposed to be tight on up but people should be aloud to wear whatever they want to wear it's a free a free country you know it should be whatever you what to wear when you want to like the 12 year old girl if it’s cold outside and you don't have blue what are you supposed to wear well i would wear shorts but that's just me.
Dresscode, probably one of the most talked about topics by teenagers. Most teenagers believe that dresscode is “idiotic” or “useless”. Why do we think this? Well most adults believe that keeping a strict dress code keeps us educated because apparently our clothes are “distracting”. Now I can see how wearing booty shorts and a tank top would be distracting, but how is wearing sweatpants distracting? If anything wearing sweatpants keeps us comfortable, because I know that being uncomfortable is way more distracting than wearing sweatpants. When I wear sweatpants I can lay back and relax while the teacher talks, but if I am uncomfortable I am more likely to move around and fidget with my clothes rather than listen to the lesson.
We see stories Social media has more stories of girls being sent home because of dress code violations. Maybe the problem isn’t the students, but dress codes in general. Dress codes ultimately disrupt the pursuit of knowledge for the students, encourage gender bias, and can be dangerous. If we want the younger generations to succeed in the education system, we should utilize school uniforms. Uniforms in schools from elementary to high schools, will promote gender equality and facilitate student safety.
Choosing what to wear for the day. This is what most students are thinking about when they wake up. Students need the latest fashion in order to fit in, but some clothing may not be acceptable to wear in school. School dress codes are denying students their right to dress how they want, but the dress code is important for the students and their learning. Students are beginning to stand up and want to be heard. Some students are taking action and want the dress code to become less strict but some schools are doing the opposite for safety issues and for the students healthy learning environment. Dress codes are important for a strong and healthy learning environment and is also reducing violence in many schools around the country.
Students become more discouraged and stressed when they have to worry over what they can wear to
Evaluation. My criteria was to make a high quality standard skirt that represents a culture (and I chose the Asian micture chinese/korean/japanese culture because I thought it would look very nice). I am very pleased with my skirt as it is wearable and looks very beautiful as I have followed the culture. It represents the asian culture really well as it includes flowers and chinese characters.
Im arguing against that. I think that we should not have a dress code, because it takes away students individuality, and it does not stop bullying what so ever, Also it is harder on parents with money to buy school clothing plus regular clothing for outside of schools . One of my reasons that I think that schools should no longer have school uniforms is because it takes away student individuality. I think this because a lot of children express themselves in their appearance. Some students let other students and adults know what their favorite color is, maybe by wearing purple if they're favorite color is purple, or even blue or any other color.
Do you agree with school dress code? Well I do not agree with it. So I am going to be telling you some of my opinions and what others think and some information about dress codes. Did you know that it cost a lot of money just to buy a school uniform and it also does actually have some safety benefits that some students or any trespasser can mess up so technically they are not completely safe. School dress codes limit an individual's rights and therefore are unconstitutional.