classroom management

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INTRODUCTION What is classroom management? Classroom management is the most important aspect that the teachers have to manage on to make sure that the teaching and learning process run smoothly despite disruptive behaviour by students. Can we imagine how the teaching and learning process can run smoothly if the teacher cannot control the classroom well? According to Bellon, Bellon and Blank (1992), “the term ‘classroom management’ and ‘discipline’ are often used interchangeably’. To make sure that the lesson runs smoothly, the teachers have to create and maintain an orderly learning environment such as planning and preparation of materials, organizations, decoration of the classroom and certainly the establishment of routines and rules (Tan, Parsons, Hinson & Sardo-Brown, 2003). Why the classrooms need to be managed effectively? It is because effective classroom will maximize children’s learning opportunities (Evertson & Emmer, 2009). When there is no disruption in the classroom, the students can learn in a smooth way without being disrupted. The classroom management is also important because when a lesson run smoothly, it can undermine the student’s engagement in active learning, high-order thinking, and the social construction of knowledge (Jones & Jones, 2010). Hue and Li (2008) stated that some other terms related to the concept of Classroom Management are Classroom Behaviour, Discipline and Misbehaviour. Classroom behaviour refers to the actions of classroom participants. While discipline refers to the act of responding to misbehaving students in an effort to restore and maintain order, authority and control. Misbehaviour means a behaviour that interferes with teaching, violating the right of other students to learn. This es... ... middle of paper ... ...has to correct misbehaviour in one student. Then, this positively influences the behaviour of other nearby students. Manning and Bucher (2013) stated that Ripples Effect is the effects when a teacher corrects one student who is misbehaving and the behaviour “ripples” to other students, consists them to behave. This is because, it is influenced by the clarity and the firmness of the correction that's been used by the teacher. For instance, when she caught the students chatting away when she are teaching, she can moves the students table to one corner of the classroom separated with the other students. Then, when the students are not chatting again, she or he will be back to their own seat. This punishment can influence the other students to not talk in the classroom during the teaching and learning process or otherwise, they will be isolated from the other students.

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