Classroom Management Philosophy

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My classroom management philosophy will include the following. I will aim to provide a

classroom where my students are treated equally. I will not put my students down or label them

with a behavior problem. I believe that every child has a right to learn in my classroom. I believe

that every teacher has a right to teach in a safe environment with out outside interference. I

believe that classroom management should be creative, will keep my students safe and be based

on trust not fear. I want to be a classroom manager who supports my students in a community

like environment.

Classroom Management Plan Paper

I believe that every child has the right to learn and be respected in my classroom. I will

keep my students safe. My classroom will be based on trust, not fear. I expect my students to

show respect for each other and I will model that towards them and my classroom slogan will be

RESPECT. RESPECT will stand for Responsibility, Encouragement, Sensitivity, Performance,

Education, Cooperation, and Thoughtfulness. This acronym will be posted on the wall as a

reminder to my students and me. My classroom management philosophy closely relates with the

Theories of Congruent Communication by Haim Ginott. Ginott believes in focusing on the

student’s behavior and not the child themselves. My philosophy also includes part of Alfie

Kohn’s Beyond Discipline theory where students are capable of caring for each other (Manning

& Bucher, 2007). My focus will be to address situations rather than students’ characters, invite

student cooperation, accept and acknowledge students feelings, bestow dignity upon my

students, express anger appropriately using “I-messages”, use brevity in correcting ...

... middle of paper ...

... with a behavior problem. I believe that every child has a right to

learn in my classroom. I believe that every teacher has a right to teach in a safe environment with

out outside interference. I believe that classroom management should be creative, will keep my

students safe and be based on trust not fear. I want to be a classroom managager who supports

my students in a community like environment and I believe that this is what I have created.

Works Cited

DeSpirt, D. (2007, 11 05). Teacher tips/training. Retrieved 11 04, 2009, from suite101: http://teachers-

Kronowitz, E. L. (2008). The teacher's guide to success. Boston: Pearson.

Manning, M. L., & Bucher, K. T. (2007). Classroom management: Models, applications, and cases. Upper

Saddle River: Pearson.

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