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Arranged marriage vs love marriage
Discussion on arranged marriages
Arranged marriage vs love marriage
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Arranged Marriage: For America?
Both arranged marriages and romantic marriages have good and bad points. Cultures such as India, Japan, and Ethiopia have had arranged marriages since the dawn of time. In America we allow our young adults to make their own decisions on whom to marry. Would Americans accept the practice of parents deciding whom they are going to marry without considering their wants or feelings? The answer is an emphatic NO! Americans are hopelessly romantic and fiercely believe in freedom of choice. Arranged marriages would never be accepted in American culture.
Most of the time, if not all, the decisions we make concerning marriage are based on the concept of “romantic love”. Most young people tend to believe the only way to choose a mate is to date until you fall madly in love, plan a wedding, and get married. We follow our hearts even if it is impractical and doesn’t really make any sense. We do not feel that we need the wisdom and experience of anyone, let alone our parents, to make such an important decision. Love is more important and powerful than practical issues. However, by relying on our hearts, and not the wisdom and experience of others, we risk what could be the disastrous consequences of making an emotional decision instead of a rational one.
Go back a few years (for some of us, many years) and think about how much stress we felt trying to make ourselves attractive to the opposite sex. We spent most of our days worrying about our looks and w...
Being pressured into marriage, and having a weight of knowing to not disappoint your parents challenges one's ability to find their own true happiness and love without being overwhelmed with what the family truly wants their child’s wife personality to
on a scale from 1 to 3, the importance men gave to good looks rose from 1.50 to 2.11. But for women, the importance of good looks in men rose from 0.94 to 1.67. In other words, women in 1989 considered a man look’s more important than men considered women’s looks 50 years earlier
The culture that exists in America is one that is constantly changing to suit the times and the many different types of people that reside in the country. One aspect of American culture that has changed profoundly is the institution of marriage. Marriage began as the undisputed lifestyle for couples willing to make the ultimate commitment to one another. However in less than a century, pointless and destructive alternatives such as premarital cohabitation, have developed to replace marriage.
Do you ever think about marriage? If so, where, when, how, and who do you want to marry? Do any of those things even matter to you? Everyone regardless of age, gender, background, or culture will contemplate about marriage at least once in their lifetime, in fact some even plan their dream wedding since they were a kid. However, in reality, marriage is more than just a fairytale-like, dreamy concept as some cliche Hollywood films would portrait. Marriage requires countless serious negotiations and decisions, that couples would soon realize deciding on a marriage was only a tip of an iceberg of decision-making. Couples will have to decide on where to live, how to split the work at home, if they want to expand the family, have children, and etc,
132). With the production of food at such a large scale, the issue of uniformity is called into question. The industry revolves around making food so it is easier to produce. The uniformly and scale of farming can enable a person with the intent to do harm to affect a large percent of food in a small attack (Pehanich 2006). With this attack and having uniformly in food making at one place it can put a person out of business since all they produce is affect from the attack. With farms owned by a corporation, like Tyson, food can easily follow this since the company makes money by having a simple and uniform practice. This problem is only going to increase as the years go
First, Socrates claims that a person should not do evil and injure others in any reasons. Disobeying the jury is a way of injuring the country (Crito, p. 7). Although he declines the charge, he believes “no evil can happen to a good man” (Apology, p. 14). This is his fate as a “good man” decided by his country, so he must obey the jury. Second, Socrates will admit the charge of corrupting the youth which he disobeys by escaping from prison. He will be “neither happier nor holier” (Crito, p. 10), so he chooses to obey the
His assumptions are just sheer thoughts that contain no authentic result. So why was he guilty for just trying to understand? The approach Socrates character and tone set out during the trial, presumably irritated the jury which consisted of 500 people, vexing them to make him blameworthy. In that sense, his arguments were successful in trying to get out his message, but unsuccessful in getting the reaction he hoped for. In conclusion, Socrates defended himself reasonably and knowledgably of all charges that were against him. But his demeanor, actions, and tone against the 500 jurors motivated them to dish out a guilty verdict and denounce him to an unpleasant death. However, to base the verdict on the actions, demeanor and tone of Socrates is most definitely inequitable. Socrates carried out a strong defense argument which held no deceit, which makes the verdict of these 500 jurors unjust, because he died for the wrong
Finally Socrates says that no matter which way Meletos tries to accuse him the claims are without merit. If Socrates is corrupting youth is not intentional, therefore, he cannot be charged with committing an overt crime. "Either I have not a bad influence, or it is unintentional; so in either case what you (Meletos) claim is false." Since anything Socrates may have done to the youth was purely without intention and therefore totally innocent.
In the Apology, Socrates examines the charges brought against him by Meletus and tries to prove that they are false. The first charge brought against him is that he was corrupting the youth. Socrates responds to this by asking Meletus in his opinion, how Socrates was corrupting the youth. Meletus says that Socrates was teaching the youth to go against the government. Socrates asks if there was anyone who was beneficial for the youth. Meletus says that the council, jury, assembly, even the general public was beneficial to the youth and that Socrates was the only person corrupting them. Socrates claims that it was impossible for the one person to be capable of corrupting the youth when they had so many to show them in the right direction.
2). Because Socrates publicly questioned the norm and backed up his comments, youth started to challenge the system, that being said Socrates argued that he “either I do not corrupt them, or I corrupt them unintentionally, so that on either view of the case,” his accusers were in fact making themselves into liars and had no real claim against him (Plato p. 7). It had been common knowledge for quite some time the aspect of free will and therefore Socrates could ever predict what people took away from his lectures as he could not determine when they first came in or how much they actually were paying attention. To polish off his accusers, he says “my offence is unintentional, the law has no cognizance of unintentional offences,” which meant that since there was no slandering of specific people, or groups that there was no lawful case against him (Plato p.
Like the human body, the ideas that will be discussed in this research paper revolve around food. Food is essential for the human body to function, grow, and survive. In addition to these physiological effects, food has developed culturural purposes, such as, for enjoyment, creation, and profit. The food industry in the United States has taken advantage of food’s purposes of enjoyment, creation, and profit. This advantageous behavior is done so in a way, that has altered the make-up of food; which consequently has altered food’s effect on the human body, no longer giving the human body optimal function, growth, and survival. Overall, the food industry and the alterations of food have not only negatively affected the animals and food used in production, but also the minds and physiology of consumers.
Good physical appearance helps in building up flexible relationships. For example women who take care of their physical appearance manage to have a better relatio...
There are many problems confronting our global food system. One of them is that the food is not distributed fairly or evenly in the world. According “The Last Bite Is The World’s Food System Collapsing?” by Bee Wilson, “we are producing more food—more grain, more meat, more fruits and vegetables—than ever before, more cheaply than ever before” (Wilson, 2008). Here we are, producing more and more affordable food. However, the World Bank recently announced that thirty-three countries are still famine and hungers as the food price are climbing. Wilson stated, “despite the current food crisis, last year’s worldwide grain harvest was colossal, five per cent above the previous year’s” (Wilson, 2008). This statement support that the food is not distributed evenly. The food production actually increased but people are still in hunger and malnutrition. If the food were evenly distributed, this famine problem would’ve been not a problem. Wilson added, “the food economy has created a system in w...
Traditional arranged marriages were arranged by the parents. They arranged the child's future spouse with little or no input from the child being taken as having final authority ("Arranged marriage"). If the child refuses the choice of their parents, the parents may choose another possible spouse or the child may be punished or disowned (or in rare cases, killed accidentally in the heat of passion or intentionally with legal authority to do so). In traditional arranged marriages, the child had no real input in the wedding. They have no say in who they will marry.
Socrates attracts young followers who become interested in his inquiry and thinking, which lead to the second charge again him on trail—He does injustice by corrupting the youth. Socrates responds by using Sophistry. First, he entices Meletus, the prosecutor, to assert that every Athenian who knows law is good educator for the young while Socrates alone corrupts them. Socrates then uses an analogy of horsemanship to demonstrate that only a few can become expert educators, which counters what Meletus claimed. Socrates also utilizes the vanity of Athenians that only the few intelligent people such as themselves know about law and education. Second, Socrates claims that if he had corrupted the youth, he would have done it unintentionally, out of ignorance, because all men want to be surround by wise people. Therefore Socrates deserves instruction rather than punishment. The first charge is: “Socrates does injustice by not believing in the God by whom the city believes, but in other dimonia that are novel” (Apology 34c). To respond, Socrates allures Meletus to charge him against the most serious charge of impiety. Then he proves the contradiction in logics of Meletus’s charge. Socrates fails to make a strong rebuttal to his charges; he uses sophistry and rhetorics to point out the inherent fallacies in Meletus’s charges rather than responding to them directly. A reason for him