Banning Arranged Marriages

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Arranged marriages have been around for a while and they still are. In some countries arranged marriages are actually tradition but it is wrong to arrange a marriage for necessity instead of love. Did you know that arranged marriages can be annulled? You can legally annul your arranged marriage with a legal court session. With arranged marriages, you hurt your children more than help them. By marrying them at a young age, they don't get much education. Arranged Marriages are cruel because people deserve the choice of who they marry and a chance of love.

Traditional arranged marriages were arranged by the parents. They arranged the child's future spouse with little or no input from the child being taken as having final authority ("Arranged marriage"). If the child refuses the choice of their parents, the parents may choose another possible spouse or the child may be punished or disowned (or in rare cases, killed accidentally in the heat of passion or intentionally with legal authority to do so). In traditional arranged marriages, the child had no real input in the wedding. They have no say in who they will marry.

Modern arranged marriages are arranged by the child's parents. They choose several possible mates for their child, sometimes with the help of the child (who may indicate which photos, biographic he or she likes). The parents then arrange a meeting with the family of the mate and they will often have short unsupervised meeting (an hour long walk around the neighborhood together for example) (Arrange Marriages). The child will then choose who they w...

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...blical facts about marriage"). God designed marriage to be indissoluble. Instead of looking for reasons to break it off, we should be trying to find reasons to stay married!

Arranged marriages should become illegal because people don't get the chance to get to pick who they marry. It is unfair to get married with out love in your life. Arranged marriages are left over from heavenly times except marriages here on earth are arranged by ego-oriented parents instead of by God ("tradition or arranged marriages"). When God made matching partners for us, he knew what we were like. God designed marriage to be with love not instead of need. Arranged marriages should be banned because people want the chance to fall in love with someone and marry them. With an arranged marriage you're hurting your child rather than helping your child.

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