action research Differentiation

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This assignment is designed to help you focus your study as early as possible. You will present an outline proposal for the study in which you will clearly identify the topic to be studied, the methodologies you propose to use and at least one additional learning outcome that you hope to meet whist engaged in the study.

The proposal will also review your developmental process in terms of selecting your study so, for example, you might indicate what your initial idea was, how you went about selecting and rejecting ideas and how you decided upon the final idea. You will refer to relevant literature in your work. A proposal pro-forma will be supplied to assist you with this work.


Demonstrate a critical understanding of the topic to be studied
Demonstrate clear, critical and focused understanding of the additional learning that engaging in the study will help achieve

Grade descriptors (please read these carefully, you should check your response against these descriptors):

Grade Pass
You show that you have:

an in depth and critical understanding of the topic under investigation an ability to critically reflect on and analyse current practice and identify issues for future development a critical understanding of the methodologies to be applied to the project and how they might help you to acquire the necessary data a clear and focused understanding of specific learning to be achieved in addition to the generic learning outcomes

In addition the assignment will show:

an ability to write in a formal academic style understanding of the conventions of referencing

Grade Fail
The assignment will show significant weaknesses in some or all of the following areas. It will be deemed to have not ...

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...ted out that facing with a broad range of different pupil needs and ability levels teachers needed to develop new strategies and to formalize existing “craft knowledge” in order to create optimal learning opportunities for different pupils within a single lesson. This can be relevant to this study as differentiation strategies are considered essential to effective teaching, and they have the clear objective of creating optimal learning opportunities.

The Elton report (1989) suggests that poorly differentiated lessons can cause behavioural problems. Behaviour management is one of the additional learning outcomes I expect to achieve with the study.

Regarding action research methodology, there will be no theory/practice gap because theory and practice will be developed together 'there is nothing so practical as a good theory' (Greenwood, et al., 1993, pag 187).

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