accounting and career

593 Words2 Pages

Since my major is accounting, my career in the future is definitely to be an accountant. In the all kinds of options for job, I prefer to be an accountant in a public or private firm. Working as an accountant, except for the responsibility and work spirits, sufficient and professional accounting knowledge and skills are also necessary. Analyzing the data, preparing reports, and providing information for decision making are some basic techniques for accountants. Data is needful in accountants’ lives. Dealing with data is the first daily work for those accountants who work in the public or private firm. Data, such as assets, liabilities, stockholder’s equities, revenues, and expenses and so on, are the most basic elements of accounting. They are also the foundation of advanced research. Data is a good assistance for accountants. Accountants can obtain further information by analyzing the raw data. Without data, accountants can do nothing. Preparing reports also plays an important role of accountants’ daily lives. Accountants need to compile and analyze data in order to write reports ac...

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