Zhang Xiaogang Analysis

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HOW ZHANG XIAOGANG CRITICIZE THE SOCIETY THROUGH HIS ARTWORKS? ABSTRACT This article attempts to investigate different expressions that Zhang used to criticize the society. It will define that Zhang used traditional Chinese charcoal drawing aesthetic to show the subtext of his artworks in contemporary Chinese art. By tracing the traditional Chinese charcoal drawing aesthetic in Chinese Painter Zhang Xiaogang artistic development in the past two decades, his art as a whole can be interpreted in presenting his concerns of the foregone society and showing his own feelings towards the public history with a unique form of expression. INTRODUCTION In this article, I will argue that Zhang’s artworks engage with the notion of identity within the …show more content…

He seemed being more focus on the use of personal expressionism at that time. In line with an academic article written by Zhang Hongyuan, he mentioned that he could easily found the uses of Van Gogh's passionate style of personal expressionism, and a sense of rustic simplicity that always performed by Miller in Zhang’s painting “Cloud” . He also stated that Zhang’s style of passionate Expressionism has been changed into a rational and calm style at the use of "old photo" schema art collections, which is a significant transmutation of his painting style. Focusing on this painting, it gives people a kind of mysterious feeling, pure, sincere through its color performance. We can see the awakening of youths, their realization of dim and hazy future, the sexual desire and the reverie, which shown the monologue of Zhang’s heart and the life Hymn. Hang said that it is a “a force of soul." Zhang’s painting “Cloud” is formed by triangular composition. We can see three youngsters are lying on the ground with grass and they fill almost 80% of the picture, which form a strong sense of instability. Zhang used rough black lines to outline the large cloths. And this painting is mainly in brown, which bring a sense of unusual. Also, he used a strong dynamic coarsening to draw the sky and clouds in the background, therefore, the horse, the sheep and the horizontal black slopes created a calm sense and contained a …show more content…

Thus, Zhang began to pay attention to the relationship between the individual and society. This series of artworks began having reflections on life and death and containing philosophical. The works “Bloodline: Big Family" series. This idea was inspired by an old photograph of Zhang’s parent. In this series, we can see a family of three, including parents and children. The families are in the shape of a bit exaggerated, with highlighting the figure of that era clothing and facial expressions. Also, the Black gray tone and the color of ultra-realistic and spot, the symbolic red line bring out a unique feeling towards

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