Informal Language In Jenny Zhang's How It Feels

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The truth, something so highly coveted is somehow something no one really wants to deliver, in fear of offending someone or being disagreed with or for the shame of thinking, feeling, or knowing something that is not agreed upon. In light of this, some only share certain truths, hiding the ugly truths for only themselves, while others share a sugarcoated version. For Jenny Zhang, the truth about her depression is one that is raw, uncensored, and ugly and is presented in her work, “How It Feels”. Through the use of informal language, first person narrative, and a unique style of writing, Zhang’s thoughts, emotions, and stories become more relatable and understandable as she boldly illuminates truths that most people do not dare to speak of. Many shy away from the use of profanity and informal language or slang to avoid sounding a certain way or offending others, which is not one of Zhang’s concerns as her writing is filled with both. Profanity and slang are used repeatedly in “How It Feels” as …show more content…

Zhang’s first person narrative, uncensored and informal diction makes her story and experience relatable and one that touches the reader in ways not many other works are able to. This could be because of the fact that Zhang addresses harder to talk about subjects, but for me it was mainly her ability to deliver her truth in all its raw, real and ugly that is uncommon to find. Zhang’s unique style of writing is bold yet does not alienate readers allowing her to be able to share her story, experiences, and thoughts of depression. Zhang believes that “everyone wants to make something touchable, but most of us don’t out of fear of being laughable (Zhang),” and through “How It Feels”, she has created something that is just that,

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