Zachman Framework Analysis

685 Words2 Pages

Section A:
(1) Purpose of Zachman Framework:
Before getting into the purpose of Zachman Framework let us know brief idea about Enterprise Architecture.
Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise Architecture is a well planned proccess to achieve few changes in enterprise like planning, design, implementation or that Enterprise reach their goals.
Zachman Framework: Zachman Framework is simply defind as framework which shows well defined Enterprise Architechture, which is basically represented by two dimensional table. Table consists of mainly six questions which are more useful for enterprise such as What,When,Where,Who ,How and Why.
Purpose of Zachman Framework:
There are many advantages for the use zachman framework in enterprise architechture. Few of them discussed below.
(i) The most important of zachman framework is, it gives more felxible you to analyze any enterprise or any portion or anything. Integration, interoperability, reusabilty,..etc are the feature where enterprise should work to reach thier goal. Here we have to represent our input(data) in a good manner. such as the limit you decide for analytical target, the better you decide the limit the better leverage you will get on integration, interoperability,reusability,,etc you get.
(ii) Once data is analyzed we have to design and implement into the database where no chanceses to modify the data. If the post-integartion is good, we can only interface cosmetic anomalies. which does not make much difference. To get better output we have to change the idea we deal and rework on it.
(iii) Here we dont rebulid all the model, Enterprise wide before we implement at excructing level of detail. But we have to remember the assumption made in vertiacal and horizontal cel...

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...ain items from another cell. Basically it has six columns with each six cells. Each column is expalined below.
i)Objectives/scope: Here we look objective of business purpose. which means nature and purpose of the business.This is Ballpark view. ii)Model of the business: This includes business terms such as structure, organization, structure etc.This is Owner's view. iii)Model of the information system: This is Architect's view.this describes in step 2 where row 2 describe business functions and row 3 decribe collect and maintain information. iv)Technology model: Here we look how technology used info by previous rows. This is Designer's view.
v) Detailed representation: Here we view networks, database specifications, program listing and more. This is Builder's view. vi)Functioning system: This is final row where we system is implemented and done part of organization.

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