Your Local Predator: Fast Food

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Your Local Predator: Fast Food

As the fast food empire grows ever so large, parents are lacking the authority to take it upon themselves to protect their brethren from this unforeseen menace. People in the drive-thru line are there because they are willing to compromise healthfulness for convenience and taste, which at the time seems worth the trade. Parents really need to control their child’s eating habits until they are capable for judging for themselves. Do you really think that fast food is worth all the damage that it will do, and has done to your body?
First, fast food has near little to none nutrition for growing kids and aging adults, as the only purpose for fast food is to quench a little whim for a quick bite. Then the chemicals in that food you just gave your green rectangular papers for through hard work, do the rest of the damage. So your wallet isn’t the only victim of an endless repeating pattern of going to the same fast food chains, but so is your body! Symptoms may include, but not limited to, depression, immune deficiency, cancer, birth problems, and general obesity.
Also, fast food restaurants used to be bombarded in lawsuits against them because of the ignorance of customers and the money worshipping executives. Basically, after a while, the government passed a bill that declared that personal disregard for fatty foods, that should be obvious to the general public, can not be the cause of a lawsuit against said restaurant. People should use common sense and use their knowledge to contemplate whether or not they are going to go obese from ingesting a meal. But regardless of smarts, people still seem to fall victim to the desire to chase these foods like a drug addict chases a drug.
In addition to my previous...

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...em. Monitor your weight, and blood. Don’t be obese and lifeless. People need to know this, because if they realize it late, or fail to realize it at all...America may never be fit and slim again.

Works Cited

Barrett, Ted. “ House Bans Lawsuits”
March 10, 2004

Fleck, Alissa. “ How Junk Food Affects Children”
SF Gate Healthy Eating

Gosline, Anna. “ Why Fast foods are Bad”
June 16, 2006

Kirk, Kristin. “ Fast Food’s Immediately Damage our Health”
HuffPost Healthy Living
December 3, 2012

Stern, Seth. “Fast-Food restaurants face legal charges”
The Christian Science
August 8, 2002

Simon, Michelle. “Burger King Uncowed.”
Informed Eating
April 14, 2002

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