Wrongful Conception

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Our culture has a stringent belief that creating new life if a beautiful process which should be cherished. Most often, the birth process is without complications and the results are a healthy active child. In retrospect, many individuals feel that there are circumstances that make it morally wrong to bring a child into the world. This is most often the case when reproduction results in the existence of another human being with a considerably reduced chance at a quality life. To delve even further into the topic, there are individuals that feel they have been morally wronged by the conception in itself. Wrongful conception is a topic of debate among many who question the ethical principles involved with the sanctity of human life. This paper will analyze the ethical dilemmas of human dignity, compassion, non-malfeasance, and social justice, as well the legal issues associated with wrongful conception. What is Wrongful Conception? Wrongful conception is a claim that the conception of a child is due the negligence of medical professionals to prevent said conception through proper sterilization techniques and contraception. This claim is generally not related to the results of whether the child is born healthy or not, but more so, on the claim that had the doctor or pharmacist taken the correct measures to assist in the prevention of conception, the individual would not have gotten pregnant. “As with other types of injury cases, a couple can seek compensation for the cost of the failed procedure, pregnancy costs, pain and suffering, lost wages, and loss of consortium” (Steffen, 2011, http://www.seolawfirm.com/2011/12/wrongful-conception-concerns-raised-when-errors-occur-during-ivf-and-pgd-testing/). In addition, neglige... ... middle of paper ... .... Better off dead: The ethical thicket of wrongful life, wrongful birth, and related legal issues. Retrieved on January 23, 2012, from http://www.lifeissues.net/ writers/dat/dat_02wrongfullife.html Gostin, L. (2010), Public Health Law and Ethics. Retrieved on January 23, 2012, from http://www.publichealthlaw.net/Reader/Gostin.htm Forrester, K., & Griffiths, D. (2010). Essentials of law for health professionals. Sydney: Mosby Elsevier. Retrieved from Google Books. Steffen, K. (2011, Dec. 15). Errors during PGD testing raise wrongful conception concerns. Retrieved on January 23, 2012, from http://www.seolawfirm.com/2011/12/wrongful-conception-concerns-raised-when-errors-occur-during-ivf-and-pgd-testing/ Williams, J. (2010, Nov. 23). Wrongful life and abortion. Retrieved on January 23, 2012, from http://www.springerlink.com/content/q69145g545q13hg5/

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