Write An Essay About The Ways We Lie

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“Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do whats right.”(goodreads) Everyone knows right from wrong when certain things are appropriate but that doesn’t mean we always do the right thing. All humans show primitive behavior,such as Lying and sometimes when you lie it has more harsh effects than others, It just depends why you lie and who you are lying to whether its to yourself or a friend or an authority figure. People don't always do this but when put in certain situations everyone will act in this way. Just because its wrong doesn’t mean it never happens you can see this in life every day. People lie and there are many different reasons why we lie to each other. Some of us lie to ourselves because we want to feel better and be …show more content…

This may cause them to lose friends because even if they think their friend or loved one won’t find out, they might and knowing that they didn’t deserve the truth from someone can hurt them a lot and they might never be ever to trust that person again.”If you’ve ever been lied to, you know how difficult it can be to ever trust that person again. People can’t help but wonder why a friend or family member would treat you so poorly...’My dad lies to us (my brothers and I) about going out to bars and drinking. He doesn’t think we will find out but he is always wrong! I tell him how much it hurts us each time he does lie but he just keeps on lying. The worst lie he has told me was that he was with my brother and not at the bar—but I was with my brother.’”(McAllister). People lie because they think the truth is worse then the lie even though they know the lie is wrong. Just because lying is wrong we still do it maybe they want to protect someone they care about, but then again maybe its to protect oneself. We all have an instinct to protect ourselves, sometimes that means lying because we know we did something wrong and we don't want to get caught.”Lying often starts with wrong-doing. For whatever reason, we do something that others disapprove of. When they are in position of greater power, they might punish us. Even if not,their disapproval may be punishment

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