Essay On Telling Lies

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Goman, C. K. (2013, August 4). Forbes Welcome. Retrieved from In his article the author, Goman talks about how a lie is received based on an individuals culture. She interviews a CEO by the name of Stuart Friedman who deals with communication between the U.S. and other countries in business dealings. Friedman talks about his experiences candidly of business dealings in Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, and Finland. Culture has a big influence on how people lie, why people lie and how lying is perceived. In the Asian culture lying is not necessarily a bad thing to them, they rather find
There is no one reason to why people lie but the authors categorize the 2 main reason’s for lies, people either tell lies to benefit themselves or to benefit the other. Where you are from does affect how you value lying. In America, we tend to have a high standard for those that prove trustworthy so we think at least. We are more straightforward whether the honesty may hurt the other person’s emotion or strain a relationship. We are more concern with the benefit of telling the truth for ourselves as an individual more than how it will affect us as a “group”. In our culture we challenge what we don’t agree with and “keep it real” with peers, thinking soley about how honest of a person we are by being direct and truthful. What if people don’t really want to know the truth as much as we think but want to hear something satisfying to the ears and safe to their emotions. Well, in Eastern Asia they have adopted this style of lying. They prefer to save face and not hurt the other person’s feelings. In this culture they tend to be more concern with the feeling of other as oppose to their own. Overall it is important to consider other cultural identity when determining how and why one lies and how you can expect from one of these cultures in communication.
Doyle, C. (2014, July 14). China 'Watch 'Canada: Lying, cheating and stealing – A culture of dishonesty. Retrieved from

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