Work Of Atonement

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Concerning the Person and Work of Christ Often referred to as the second Adam, Christ’s incarnation was the culmination of countless prophecies, Biblical themes, and the Father’s love. In both his humiliation and exultation, Christ served in the the Old Testament offices of prophet, priest, and king. In doing so, He not only succeeded where the first Adam failed, but atoned for all of the sins of His chosen flock. In Christology, the study of the person and works of Jesus Christ, there are two states of Christ, a state of humiliation and a state of exaltation. Christ’s state of humiliation consisted of his incarnation, suffering, death, and burial. First, Christ’s incarnation, His putting on of human flesh, while not diminishing His divinity, …show more content…

There are six theories regarding atonement. The ransom theory states that Christ pays Satan a ransom with his blood. This is portrayed by Aslan in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The satisfaction theory states that man owes God a measure of honor. This debt is satisfied by Christ’s perfect life, gives to God everything owed Him. Christ’s death created an excess of merit, which He imparts to us. The moral influence theory claims that the death of Christ on the cross was a supreme demonstration of God’s love. This influence is intend to make us reciprocate and love God back. The emphasis is on God’s love as he participates in the human experience, not in Christ becoming man for as a sacrifice or that justice may be served. The Example theory presents the idea that Christ lived a perfect life and that humanity is supposed to follow his example. Sin is merely something that we must resist. The Governmental theory states that the wages of sin is death and that God is a just God. Therefore, all who sin are condemned, except for the elect, who are granted mercy. Finally, the substitutionary theory states that the demands of God’s justice are met by Christ’s sacrifice. Because of the precedent and themes of sacrifice in the Old Testament, this is the theory supported by reformed theology

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