Women In Love Essay

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Types Of Women In Love? For many years now women have made great changes in their lives. Women have come so far from the past when they were simply just property, to now being almost equal to men. In today 's society if a woman wants something she can get it, but does that include love? Love is such a broad topic that has been written about for so long now you would think there would not be anything left to be said. On the contrary, because women 's roles have changed so much there is a whole new topic of love to be addressed. Today 's women are not raised to get married, and have a family right away anymore. Instead they are raised to grow up to get an education and a career. So again, where does that leave love? Some women like in the …show more content…

The speaker expresses the words full of strength, and confidence. So much so that it has the ability to inspire the reader to want to feel the same as her. The reader can also convey by the tone of which she sings these lyrics that she is expressing herself this way because love has not treated her the best in the past, but she is not going to let that stop her from being happy . She says “I dive into the future, but I’m blinded by the sun” presenting to her audience that the future is always an uncertainty, but anyone who is listening can always come out shining. The speaker sends a reassurance to the audience of how anyone that has been hurt by love can rise, and look for love once …show more content…

They were both born in the United states, Alvarez was born in New York City, and Selena Gomez in Texas, but they were raised extremely different. Alvarez was born here, but for only “three weeks before [her] parents returned ‘home’”(Alvarez). Because Alvarez was born here, but not raised here she grew up more traditionally Latin. She wrote “An American Childhood in the Dominican Republic” describing her childhood, but it seemed as if “Her ‘American childhood’ is shaped by historical dependency on the United States” (Suarez). In her writing, she had to “invent [herself] to negotiate her double cultural affiliations”(Suarez), which can be easily noticeable, because of what she chooses to write about. Selena Gomez on the other hand was raised as an American girl. She grew up learning that women can do anything in today’s world. Not that you cannot grow up like that in Latin countries, but it is a lot less common. Learning a little about both of their backgrounds teaches the readers possibly why they wrote what they

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