With his unique love for technology, Steve Jobs changed the world with his revolutionary innovations, developments, and extremely successful companies. He made communication faster, people’s lives easier, and invented many famous products. Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California (Ed. Sheila Dow and Jaime E. Noce). Throughout his high school career, Jobs loved electronics. He was constantly wiring the house with speakers or building frequency counters with his Hewlett-Packard Explorers Club, a group of students who met weekly to learn about what HP was working on. One day the club members took a trip to see firsthand at what HP was developing at the time. That was the day Jobs saw his very first desktop computer (Walter Isaacson 16-17).
During senior year in high school, Jobs signed up for an electronics class taught by John McCollum. While in the class in 1969, Jobs met a man named Steve Wozniak, a former graduate of McCollum’s class. Like Jobs, Wozniak was a huge electronics “geek” and the two instantly bonded (Romain Moisescot).
A few years later in 1971, Wozniak read an article on how some people were able to mimic a certain 2600 Hertz tone by using call-routing switches. This allowed a free, long-distance phone call. This illegal device was called a “Blue Box”. Wozniak immediately called Jobs and their enthusiasm for this interesting, unusual device evolved. The pair began to construct a digital version right away. At first, the two boys had fun pranking people with the Blue Box, but Jobs soon suggested they make a profit off of it. Jobs and Wozniak built about one hundred boxes and then sold them for around $150 each. This experience of building, marketing, and selling the boxes fores...
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...t cell phones. Then, in 2010 Jobs outdid himself by introducing the iPad. It was a perfect gadget for all gamers, geeks, or people who just wanted this amazing technology at their fingertips. The iPad had a significantly larger screen than the iPhone and was capable of holding more data.
On January 17, 2011, Jobs took a break due to medical issues but still managed to release the new iPad 2 in March. Jobs then resigned as CEO in August. On October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs passed away of a pancreatic tumor and respiratory arrest (Romain Moisescot).
Overall, Steve Jobs was a great inventor. He changed the world with his many technological advances and the opening of his now world-famous company, Apple. He showed great determination, skill, and knowledge throughout all of his undertakings. Steve Jobs will never be forgotten and his inventions still live on today.
Steve developed innovations and inventions in technology that were meant to benefit the people. He wanted to make technology accessible to everyone, so he made his tech smaller and cheaper. In addition to creating technology that helps us in more ways than one, is that he also donated large sums of his own money to charities. Jobs was a very private person and never mentioned philanthropic duties in the media (which lead to many criticising him) but did in fact donate $50 million to Stanford hospitals in California and funded HIV and AIDS research.
Steve Jobs and his friend Wozniak started to create their very first computer, and it came out a lot better than what they thought it was going to be. With very little education, the first computer that came out was extraordinary. “It was the first single-board computer with built-in circuitry allowing for direct video interface, along with a central ROM, which allowed it to load programs from an external source” (“Steve P. Jobs”). Without the education that most people get, for someone who dropped out of college, Jobs created such a powerful computer without the knowledge that most people have. Jobs computer that he created along with his friend was so astonishing a second computer came out. “A year later, the Apple II was launched with a simple, compact design like the Apple I, plus a color monitor” (“Steve Paul Jobs”). The first computer that Jobs created was excellent enough to create a second one, which was also a superior computer. Even though Jobs dropped out of college, he was still intelligent enough to create one of the biggest companies in the world. Apple incorporations was going strong until one day the company decided to let Steve Jobs go,...
Steve Wozniak's childhood had a big effect on his revolutionary developments in the computer world. Wozniak grew up in Sunnyvale California. His family lived in a development built for Lockheed engineers like his father. (Rose, 26) As a teenager he w During his high school years, Wozniak was a prankster and was once suspended for placing a metronome disguised as a bomb in a friends locker. (Brodhagen, 1) The more serious side of Wozniak loved electronics and spent one day a week working at Sylvania Electronics, where Wozniak's love for computers grew. Wozniak was working with electronics from an early age.
It seems like everyone has an Apple product such as an iPhone or iPad today. It is not unusual to see someone take out an Apple product. We have these products thanks to Steve Jobs, one of the founders of the Apple company. Steve Jobs is still recognized worldwide for the company he helped create and for the vision he had for Apple. Steve Jobs revolutionized the cell phone industry with the creation of the first smartphone and he became one of the youngest millionaires in America. Not only that but even after his death, his ideas and his company still continues to thrive. Steve Jobs left a lasting influence on America.
Steve Jobs was a college dropouts with no big plans. No one would have guessed that him and two of his friends working in a garage would be the beginning of a revolution in the world of technology. The free enterprise system made it possible for Steve Jobs to revolutionize the world with Apple products.
Steve jobs was an innovator before innovative products were thought of and he brought to this world a wave of new technologies and ideas that have forever changed the world and his life will always be remembered as a pioneer in technology.
Bill Gates had done the seemingly impossible. This one man has changed the way we all think; he did it with his passion and his intelligence. This world runs on computers because of what he revolutionized, he was at times controversial, but, he was a very talented businessman.
Steve Jobs was the utmost CEO of all time. In the speech it states, “……… he’s been called a visionary, a creative genius, a rebel, a non-conformist, an original, the greatest CEO ever, the best innovator of all time.” In the article it states, “He was intensely focused when committed, confident enough to take risky leaps, and charismatic enough to enlist legions of employees and customers in the restless pursuit of his aspirations.” Both texts describe the traits of Steve Jobs which made him the greatest CEO of our age. Steve Jobs was an original genius he had a significant and unique imagination. It’s one thing to envision your own company broadening, but it’s another thing to envision that your company’s services and products will change people lives for the better, the way we communicate and work. Jobs built his company thinking that Apple’s products and services would change the
It was Steve Jobs who made Apple leave the garage and make leaps and bounds in the world of technology. Steve Wozniak made the first prototype, but it was Jobs who “saw the potential” in his computer and persuaded Wozniak to sell it (Peterson 106). Even though that first computer saw very little success, Jobs knew that Apple had potential and so released the Apple II. From the beginning Jobs knew what the consumers wanted, and where computers were going to take the world; he had a vision of the opportunities in technology and saw that Apple needed to move in a different direction. In 1984, one year before he left, Jobs finished the Macintosh computer system. He was pushed from his original computer design project, “the Lisa”, and then raced to release the Mac first, but the Lisa was released to the public first. Although the Lisa came out first, the Mac “[became] synonymous with Apple, mark[ing] a…revolution in…personal computing,” (Peterson 106).
Steve Jobs was a man who revolutionized technology. He was the man that co-founded the company Apple, formerly known as Apple Computers. He inspired brilliant people to make many things like computers, software, finger touchscreens, and smart phones. Steve Job’s life was characterized by creativity and determination.
Steve Jobs was born on Feburary 24, 1995 in Green Bay Wisconsin. His biological mother put him up for adaptation, because she could not care for him and give him a good child hood. She requested that her son to be placed with a well-educated family. When Steve Jobs was growing up he Didn’t have any friends so he wandered to neighbors garages looking to learn more about electronics because a lot of them were engineers. Steve jobs liked fiddling with electronics so much that he spent his time after school at the packyard electronics company learning more in depth about how to make electronic devices. Steve jobs had a hard time focusing in class. Until his fourth grade teacher found a way to get him to focus in class it was by bribing him to do his work. That worked so well that the school recommended him to skip fifth grade and go straight to junior high. Steve jobs told his parents he did not like the school that he was going to, and wanted to change schools. Steve Jobs and his parents moved to silicon valley where there was a premiere school for electronics and technology. He found a friend when he was in high school that was a geek just like him, that friend was Stephen Woznick. Stephen Woznic...
In 1972 Steve Jobs was hired as a technician at Atari, Inc. Atari's co-founder Nolan Bushnell later described him as "difficult but valuable", pointing out, "he was very often the smartest guy in the room, and he would let people know that.” Come mid 1974 Jobs traveled to India in search of enlightenment, returning after seven months having experimented with psychedelics. He later called his LSD experiences "one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life.” Over the next few years Jobs had small success with a couple one-off ventures. These ventures planted the seed in Jobs' mind that electronics could be fun and profitable. Running with that notion, in 1976 Jobs and his best friend Steve Wozniak formed "Apple Computer Company.” It was a true startup, operated out of their parents’ garage. By 1983 Apple was growing quickly and its investors wanted an experienced executive to run the company. In response Jobs lured John Sculley away from...
Wazniak would say the reason he and Jobs clicked so well was that, in that time no one really had an understanding on what the computer chip was or could do.
Steve Jobs left his footprint on this earth. The world of technology would not be as advanced as it is today if it wasn’t for the hard work and dedication of Steve Jobs. Jobs changed the way people looked at technology. He invented our dreams. Many use his products every day and possibly could not imagine technology without his inventions in the landscape. He had single handily changed the way we purchase and listen to music and also the way the music business is run. His relentless search for perfection changed the lives of millions around the globe. His imagination will be left on the world forever - he changed the world.
Steve Jobs has significantly impacted today’s society and many industries. Steve Jobs was born in February 24th, 1955 in San Francisco California. He was adopted at birth by Paul Jobs (1922 -1993) and Clara Jobs (1924 ` 1986). Jobs went through rocky days in elementary school. Despite his rough time in elementary school, Steve was able to skip couple of grades. Steve enrolled at Reed College in Oregon but he dropped out after six month. Steve studied creative classes, including calligraphy.