Wilson Elementary School Research Paper

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Mural paper #1: The Wilson Elementary School Project The Wilson Elementary School Project was our first mural project. It included painting kindness rocks and working on animals cut out that are native to Oklahoma. There was a flow of positive feelings that I felt before and during the completion of the project. As a matter of fact, this experience was valuable because it allowed us to provide the student and teachers of The Wilson Elementary School with a positive and beautiful space to enjoy. All in all, this was a unique project that would possibly have major and promising impacts. This experience was one of a kind to me. I have always thought that beautifying public entities, such as schools or hospitals, is a responsibility of an authority in …show more content…

I was curious about how is work going to be divided. Since the project requires everyone’s participation, the group work was divided fairly and equally among us. Also, I was excited to have a real working experience with my classmates. In fact, this project gave me an insight of how much we get along together regardless of our differences. During the project, pride was the dominant feeling. That is mainly because the outcomes of this project will most likely benefit the students, teachers, and faculty of The Wilson Elementary School. Searching for native birds to Oklahoma was an easy but interesting task. I was pleased to find out that the Painted Bunting bird can be found throughout Oklahoma. This bird has a vivid fusion of blue, red and green colors. This color scheme is very eye-catching and it will do a great job in grabbing the attention of the students. In fact, when reading about the Painted Bunting bird, I found out that it has been described as “the most beautiful bird in North America”. I believe that the Painted Bunting bird will be a great addition to the animal collection that the rest of the class has searched

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