Why We Should Not Forgo College

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“ There is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs” - Zig Ziglar. College is worth the late nights studying, the money it takes, and all the energy you will expend. In this essay I will tell you why you should not forgo college, even though it is a new trend and get a degree. One of the number one reasons people don’t go to college is the money but there are scholarships and many other ways to pay for college. As a college graduate you will have an abundance of opportunities that you may lose by skipping college. Studies have also shown that college graduates on average have better health. College costs money, lots of money but that is no excuse not to go. Year after year in high school you hear the typical you can make it story; the kid with a single parent who doesn’t really care living in the worst neighborhood and going to the worst school. Yet that kid makes it to Yale or Harvard, how? The answer is quite simply scholarships and things like financial aid. Maybe you're not a brainiac but you could be really talented …show more content…

People who go to college not only have more that they are gaining in knowledge but also social skills. Collage also allows you to network, your current sorority sister or someone you are in a frat with could become to next Steve Jobs or at least work for them and it’s a lot easier to get a job if the people working there already have a good impression of you. Some of these opportunities are just because of stereotyping. These are completely biased opinions but even you have them; close your eyes imagine a college graduate heading off to work from their house. What type of house do you see? What type of neighborhood are they in? What are they wearing? Now picture a high school dropout or a high school graduate, ask yourselves those same questions. By far the most important answer you need is what job are they heading

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